I want your blood!

I start getting into the water and turn around when I hear my name. " Mako!" I see the man who hired me running toward me. I get out of the water and walk to meet up with him. He gasps, out of breath when we meet. " What are you doing get on the boat? We'll get there a lot faster"

I laugh " I'll be done with the assassination way before you even reach the dock. That's how fast I am" I jump into the water before he can protest. I start swimming to the nearest lonely beach where I can get on land and find my target.

Delta swims up to me : Howzit going?:

I turn to her : When did you learn slang?:

: Does that even count as slang? I just mixed words together and BOOM another word: she says, lifted her snout in pride

: Hmmm, okay I'll let it slide: I grin : Where is Starry?:

: Oh I ate him: she laughs

: Oh shut up, really where is he: I smile

: I left him at our hideout, and had some other sharks guard him:

: Okay good:

: Did you kill anyone yet?: Delta says seriously

: No I'm going on a assignment to kill someone but if you mean mutants, no they have tried killing me:

Delta growls : Only if I could go on land, I would murder everyone who dares oppose you:

I laugh : Then good thing you can't go on land because no one would be left for me to kill:

: You have a bad sense of humor:

: I know: I laugh and Delta swims back to her hideout to make sure no one tries eating Starry. I speed through the water and as I go I see a fishers net holding a shark. I swim past and slash the net open.

: Thank you!: the shark says but I'm already to far away for him to see me wave my hand. I reach the deserted beach and make my way to my target I use the ability Shadow has, except my ability allows me to move and stay hidden at the same time. I look at the picture my client gave me and sigh inwardly. It's a gang, my client wants me to kill the entire gang because he doesn't want his gang to do it... how lazy. A gang hires an assassin to murder the other gang, how weird. It will be easy to find them I have their blood. I wanted to eat it but Kuron yelled at me saying I needed it to find them. But really the smell is already embedded in my mind so I already can find them. I sniff the air and catch a sense, my targets. I make a bee line for them. I make it to the gang hideout in no time and I look around. Hmmm not nearly enough guards to make this any fun. I turn back to normal so people can see me and saunter up to a guard.

" Hi how are you, I think I'm lost would you mind helping me" I smile

The guard swirls around at my voice and points his gun at me " Who are you? What are you doing here?"

" I just said I'm lost, duh, were you listening" I sigh, another guard approaches us

" Just kill the boy" he grins " I want to see his blood" and they both put their finger on the trigger and a bang rings out. Time slows down and I laugh as I see the bullet in slow mode coming toward me. I move a little to the side and time catches up and the bullet speeds past me. " Huh I swore I pointed this gun right at him, I couldn't miss"

My claws come out and I laugh " If I was normal you would have of killed me but, hmm how could I explain this to where you would understand... Oh I'm like the Flash, you know that show right? Well I'm that fast. You got it?"

They begin to back away

" Wait I'm not finished talking." I whine " You wanted to see my blood, you can't but I will tell you it's black... But you know I really want to see your blood it's red, right? the men nods, scared " Yah good because I love red blood, it tastes really good but black blood, my blood taste terrible." I grin " I want your blood!"
