
Nere pov:

We've been settling into the new Safety Harbor. My father and the staff arrived a few days before us. I stare at everyone doing their things to make this their new home. : Nere?: a voice pops in my mind I look over and smile at Tobin.

: Hey Tobin what are you up to?: I say

: I just finished unpacking and I rested a bit because my legs hurt. Now I'm good.... Are you okay?:

I look away at the endless ocean : I wish: I mutter : But I can't worry about that now I have people to lead...:

: It's okay you don't have to lead anyone right now so tell me, what's wrong?: Tobin says swimming closer to me

: Well I just.. do you ever feel that maybe Mako will come back?: I say, my eyes already starting to tear up.

: Don't you remember what Tsunami showed us... Mako most likely won't come back:

: Yeah I remember what Tsunami showed us but what if things have changed, what if he doesn't end up like that. I mean I just can't see Mako leaving us in the dark about him. He called us friends and he holds friendship close... so why would he never come back he should know we need him.:

: It's because we are his friends that Mako won't come back, Nere.: Tobin says

: I guess: I simply say

: Everyone has almost forgotten him you need to too: Tobin says and swims away I look at him swim away then look back at the open ocean.

: Mako please come back I need to see you one more time.: I say to myself and swim back to Safety Harbor. I look over as Dai speeds toward me

:  Nere great news!:

: Huh what is it?;

: Hurricane he just got a message from a shark...  Mako is coming back for awhile soon! Hurricane sent me a picture of Mako in this Safety Harbor! Isn't it great!: Dai says excitedly

I could barely breath : He's really coming back?:

: For a little while anyway but he's really coming to see us!:

I smile and hug Dai : This is great! We have to tell everyone!:

: Yeah: and Dai and I gather everyone together it takes awhile but when everyone is gathered we tell them the news. Everyone looks at each other in surprise.

: He's coming back!: everyone shouts

Mako's pov:

I look up as I hear a voices shouting something.

" Mako what's wrong answer my question"

I look at Whitey and chuckle " Sorry I just heard something"

" We're leaving?"

" Oh yeah sorry forgot to tell you we are going to leave once I finish something up. We'll go to see Nere then go off on our own"

" SEE NERE! She'll want to kill me!" Whitey shouts

" Who's Nere?" Sam asks

" She's a bloodthirsty regular mutant" I say " Grrr" I say and put my hands up like what people do scare others on Halloween.

" Really?"

" No" I chuckle as Sam is unfazed by my actions

" Mako, you sure about letting them see us?" Whitey says one a serious note

" Yes she needs to know I've moved on from them... she needs to know that I've changed" I whisper, Whitey nods

" So who's Nere again?" Sam says, completely not noticing the sadness of the situation. I laugh and hug Sam.

" Nere is an old friend of mine, she's like my sister.... But I have to put our friendship aside... I could hurt her if I stay with her. She won't grow if I stay by her side so I decided to go see her to say goodbye."
