I sigh as I look at my clothes they gave me, a pink Hawaiian shirt and Hawaiian shorts, really I hate pink! I stomp out of my chamber and to Kuron's office thingie.

" Hey I'm not wearing pink! No not happening!" I shout, Kuron just turns around in his chair

" Then go shirtless"

" WHAT!" I gasp " Just give me a different shirt!"

" We had to take that shirt from one of the crew members we don't have any more shirts for you"

I look down at my shirt " Ewwww this belonged to a crew member!" I glare at Kuron " I hate you" I say bluntly. He puts his hand in his pockets and pulls out some cash.

" Go buy you some clothes after you kill the target then follow Scarlett around as she shops for who knows what" he sighs

" Fine" I grumble and exit his office, put on the ugly shirt and wait for Scarlett so I can get my targets item. Scarlett walks up to me.

" Nice shirt" she laughs

"Shut up" I growl and snatch the item out of her hands and I sniff the tie. " Why and how do you guys even have this mans tie?"

" Oh he..." she started

" You know what I don't want to know, I don't care" I say and wait for our ship to pull up to the dock. I go into my killer mode and walk onto the platform and follow the smell. I find the man at home making lunch for himself. I kick down the back door of his house and enter in the man runs and I just watch as he runs for the phone. He disappears from my sight and I walk around the house looking at everything. "So he's alone in life, his daughter must have died and most likely his wife too." I think as I see pictures with him beside a woman and their holding a little girl. I finally walk quietly to the room the man was hiding and talking frantically on the phone.

" We are coming as fast as we can sir, please calm down and hid the best you can from the intruder. If you have seen him please tell us what he looks like" says the police on the phone

" He, he's a boy" he says hysterically

" Anything else you noticed about him?"

" I found you!" I laugh and enter the room. The man grips the knife he brought from the kitchen and stands up shakily.

" Sir are you alright... sir? the police asks in a worried tone

" He's here" my target whispers into the phone " But he's just standing here looking at me.... like, like, I'm his prey..."

" You are, one point for this man!" I smile, showing my fanged teeth


" Oh I'll help you all right" I growl " You want to see your daughter and wife again don't you? Well let me send you to them"

He eyes widen " NO! NO! STOP! DON'T SAY THAT!"

"Oh but why? why not?" I taunt

" SIR ARE YOU OKAY!" The police shouts.

" No need to know that he's on his death bed" I laugh

"Hang in there sir, we are almost there!" the police tries

" Oh enough play" I sigh and approach the man and he swings his knife but somehow drops his phone, really dude, your sad.

" Please just leave me alone, I'll do anything!"

" Okay" I agree and get close to the man " Then die." I smile and slice his throat. I pick up the phone with bloody hands.

" SIR? are you there?"

" Oh no this is the boy, I'm not really in trouble am I? I mean he said he'd do anything so I wanted that anything to be his death, you feel me?" I say into the phone " Well bye I've gotta go" I hang up and Scarlett walks in and takes a picture to show Kuron and the client. " We need to go" I say and walk out of the back of the house she follows behind me. I lick my hands clean then sigh as I notice my shirt has blood splattered on it.

" You can take it off" Scarlett suggests, smiling

" Ha, no" I growl and walk off and flip my shirt and walk back to Scarlett with my shirt inside out. She sighs, " Kuron said your going shopping, right?" I ask

Scarlett perks up " Oh yeahhhh I almost forgot, let's go!" she says then begins to walk back to the city. After a few minutes she sighs and plops down on the ground.

" What are you doing?" I ask

She looks and me " Will you carry me I don't want to walk, and your way is much faster" I walk past her " WHAT ARE YOU DOING, PICK ME UP!"

" Yeah no" I say " You don't have to go shopping but I'm getting me a new shirt."

" You can't leave me!"

" I can, Kuron said to make sure you don't get hurt or in trouble not to always have you with me, so I can leave you, You'll be fine" I give her one last smirk and run toward the city. In a few minutes I'm back in the city and I walk into a random store. I look around till I find the shirts and I browse through them till I find some good ones. I buy them and buy me an ice-cream from a stand. I sit down and enjoy myself. Finally some peace, when I'm bored of the quiet peace I head back to the boat. I guess I spent more time than I though roaming the city because Scarlett was already back and she had shopping bags in her hands. I sit down and lean back in my chair, I stare up at the sky and Scarlett ruins my moment with the sky when she shouts.

" Mako! I have a present for you!"

" I don't care" I say in a bored tone

" Well here" she says and places something in my lap. I look down.

" What the heck is this? Oh-noooo I'm not wearing that, HECK NO!" I shout in complete dread
