Death wish

Numb... That's how I feel, numb. I slowly turned to him, Kuron. My eyes completely black, just as soulless as me. Empty. I gently place Simon on the bottom of the cage I swim up to Kuron and I bring up my clawed hand and run it down the cage producing a screeching noise. Kuron covers his ears but he doesn't stop staring at me. I was only half transformed but I was just as deadly as a shark in blood filled water, oh wait I am. I stick out my tongue and taste the water my body convulses as my body changes, a new DNA blending with my own. My cereus blossom tattoo on my cheek fades as my skin takes it's new ability. I will always remember him for now I have his ability. After my body stops changing I swim to the opposite side of the cage and stop then I rammed the side of the cage Kuron was and I smile as my ear twitches. The cage has now a tiny splinter in it, and that made me happy.

: Simon, you are strong: I say in my head, Kuron frowns as he inspects the cage

" It seems you became stronger than we thought by taking in Simon's blood. Hmm interesting" he turns to a lab idiot and whispers something in their ear, they walk over to a computer and begin typing frantically. I stare in confusion but I tense up when I hear that terrible sound: the cage's humming. I cry out when the pain starts and seems to continue for an hour till it stops and I sink to the bottom of the cage, next to Simon. I can't move so I just lay there by my dead friend thinking of all the things I wish I could have done differently. I don't bother to struggle as chains wrap around my wrists and ankles. I let my body go limp as the chains pull me up out of the water and out the cage I end up on the deck of the ship with soldiers surrounding me. I sit with my arms wrapped tightly around me and I rock back and forth. I lose myself in my memories till I sense a shaky hand come towards me I look at the man and dare him to come any closer with my eyes. He stops but I hear someone yell " Get that collar on him NOW!" as soon as I hear collar I jump up and glare at the man.

" Don't do it, or you will die" I try to sound threatening but it comes out as a little squeak. I curse myself in my head, I'm losing my edge. I need to stop being so calm and letting them do stuff to me I need to fight back. The man comes closer a collar in his hand and then he lunges and I turn to the side and stick out my leg and he falls to the ground. I just look sadly at him and more men come out to back up the man I just tripped. I squat down and look around at my enemy, weak, just weak. I become a blur as I rush around the men and then I squat back down and they all fall to the ground with their throats sliced open. Hmm no fun I need more blood. "Oh don't hide from me you just make me more angry." I close my eyes. " But don't worry I already found you" I laugh and rush up and stab the hiding leader in the chest. I move and let his body fall to the red ground. Man now my suit is red. I lick the blood of my fingers and frown, not enough, I'm still starving.

" Well Kuron was right, Mako is on this boat" a voice says my eyes widen in anger and I quickly turn around.

" Whitey get lost" I growl my eyes turning black again. " Do you have a death wish?"
