Am I a pet now?

" Sweetie?" I wonder " Did I hear that right? Yeah I did, I'm sure of it... THAT'S GROSS" I squeal to no one.  She can't like me! I begin to freak out. Of all the terrible things that are happening to me this is added to the list... Great... My eyes begin to turn red and my body spasms I growl. Why can't my body handle hunger like normal people. I growl as my body spasms again the pain gets worse. I look hungrily at the food before me and I pull against the chains frantically. A animalistic growl escapes my throat and I snap my teeth in pure hunger. I shake my head trying to control myself, I can't go wild. I begin to cry from the pain and knowing I'm changing into my most terrible form. My fingers nails start growing and sharpen more than normal, my ears grow and become pointy like a elves ears, my teeth sharpen even more, my legs and arms grow small fins, and my muscles grow my suit tightens against my skins as it darkens. Then the worst happens I lose my ability to think clearly just hunger fills my mind. I smile as I finish my transformation and break the chains easily. I get up and grab the blood, I rip open the packet with my teeth and furiously drink the blood when it's all gone I hastily grab the fish and tear it apart, when I finish I slowly get up and walk over to a corner of the room." I'm still hungry" I growl into the camera " I want. more. blood. If you want your men on this boat to live I suggest you hurry up" I slash the camera in half and sit down facing the door. "One minute, Kuron, you better hurry" I say to myself


" How did this happen!" I shout " He broke those chains with no effort, if I control that power I'll be unstoppable!"

" But do you think you can control that?" asks Wasp " I mean just look at him, he could kill all of us, even Scarlett" Kuron looks at her

" Go give him blood now, go"

Wasp sighs " Fine" she walks of. I stare at the cage as the cleaners clean out the blood and that boy. We just need to keep Mako on the boat, which isn't hard he knows his friends are here so he won't leave till he frees them.


I drink three more blood packets till I'm full my body changes back to my human form. Whew I feel much better. I was about to walk out when Scarlett walks in. " Hello sweetie" I growl and walk past her but she grabs my arm. I turn to her and yank my arm out of her hand.

" Don't touch me" I growl

" Awww, you still mad at me for betraying you and your "friends", Mako?" she whines I ignore her and walk away to find my friends but she follows me and I notice something in her hand. I stop and turn to her, I shouldn't have I see a leash at first I was confused until she tackles me and latches it to my collar she gets up and  I stand still in shock, a collar and a LEASH! I feel the leash tug me the opposite way I was going. I grab the leash, but then my collar vibrates and pain shoots down my neck and back I collapse, black dots speckle my vision and then I feel myself fading. I see Scarlett's smiling face then my vision goes black and I sink into the darkness.
