Delta! Starry!

I walk to the edge of the boat and jump into the water. :Mako, what is going on?: asks Rad : Why are we outside the boat and no one is trying to capture us, I mean I don't mind but seems really fishy:

I smile : Don't worry Rad, everything is fine:

: Why are you acting weird?: questions Dai

: I'm just happy you guys can make it to the Safety Harbor: I say then begin to back away, I reach Whitey's mind and tell him to go.

: What do you mean us... Mako! Please don't tell me you did what I think you did: Dai says his eyes widening as he realizes what's happening. I nod and hand the nearest person to me a map. Dai launches toward me and I swim to the side. : Mako! You can't... Please!:

: I'm sorry Dai, I really am but I have to go I can't let them use you like they were, I get it if you can never forgive me, but that is a price I am willing to pay for the life of my friends.: I say and the boat begins to move at a fast pace. Dai notices and tells everyone to stop me at all cost. I frown : I don't want to fight you but I will if I have to. I can't come with you if I do they will continually try and capture  you, this is the only way to save you!: I scream and swim away from my friends, my family. My heart seems to squeeze itself. I look back but continue swimming and see Nere in the midst of kids her eyes were foggy her hand was over her heart, she looked at me with sadness but I could see a little bit of accepting. I knew instantly I made the right choice and that Nere agreed with my choice. I gave her one last smile and swam away leaving my family. I catch up with the boat and jump out the water on board. Scarlett, Whitey, Wasp, Sham and Kuron were all waiting.

" You actually did it" scoffs Wasp, I nod

" Of course I did, but I didn't do it because of you I did it because I care about them, just know I will torture you if you mess with them again. I will torture you " I smile " so much you will wish I would just kill you, but then I'll just torture you more" Wasp tosses her head and jumps back into the water. The others leave me alone at the edge of the boat. I sniff the air and sigh. They're gone, my family, all gone I sniff the air again just to make sure and a certain smell catches my attention. I jump back in the water.

: Delta!:

: Mako!: she calls back and bumps into my shoulder playfully. : I stayed I couldn't leave you, and no one is trying to kill me so I guess I can stay!:

: Oh Delta you're the best: I say and rub the spot under her snout. She swims around and I laugh, attached to her tail was my pack and Starry was poking out of it. : I totally forgot about that pack: then I hurry up and say  :No not you Starry I would never forget you.: I take Starry out of the pack and he attaches to my arm.

: Hey Mako, how will Nere know how to get to the Safety Harbor?:

: I always had a hidden map in my suit and I gave it to someone and hopefully that kid gave it to Nere, hopefully....: I sigh as I realize that kid was the kid that was teasing Tsunami earlier in our trip.

: Mako? Where is your cereus blossom marking?: Delta asks

: Long story: I say and push the memory out of my mind

: Hey Mako we're stopping at a port again, get on the ship and get ready to kill somebody: Sham says out of no where.

:Delta take care of Starry and stay close to the ship, okay?:  I say, Delta nods.

I wave to Delta and Starry, Starry waves one arm, tentacle, whatever you want to call it and Delta flaps her fin. I jump on board and grin. I hope they know how much I needed them, I'm glad they're here.
