I hate being handsome

Her smile fades " How do you know that?"

I shrug " I'm just that good. So your a viper mutant, right?" I ask

" Yes and you're a vampire bat mutant right?" she ask, thinking she's right

" Sure I could be that" I say and we begin to fight all of a sudden. She quickly and lithely charges toward me but I grab her throat and throw her to the side.

" She is the strongest and the last land mutant there is you have no chance" says the boss

" Yes but her kind is going to go extinct, I will kill her and there will be no more land mutants"

" You forgot you are a land mutant too" She growls as she gets up

" Hmmm maybe I did" I laugh and she speeds toward me and I let her pin me against the wall.

" You really are one of a kind, little boy, how about we stop fighting and go find.."

" Shut up" I say bluntly " I'm tired of girls trying to get me." I growl and stab her through the stomach with my clawed hand. " Next time stop trying to seduce your enemy and try killing them" I snarl

"What? How? Your a bat mutant.." she gasps

I kneel down and grab her face, letting my claws dig in her flesh. " I'm a ocean and land mutant, I have a lot of animals and creatures spliced in my body. I am the one and only land and ocean mutant ever created. You had no chance against me... no one does" I say and crush her head, blood covers my hand and I lick it all off, I feel my body taking in the new DNA. I stand up and approach the shaking boss and man and lift my fingers, letting the spikes hit their target. They drop dead, I eat their blood then leave. I go to the docks using my camouflage ability and wait for my clients boat. It's still morning and when they get to the dock the sun just went down. I turn back to normal and get on the ship, my client looks at me with surprise. " I told you I would finish before you reached the dock" he just nods. "Oh and to know I actually did my job watch the news it should pop up there" I smile and jump back into the water and head back to my prison. When I get there I go to my dorm and I see Whitey in the water sleeping so I decide to follow in his footsteps. I wake up to banging on our door.

" I wonder who that could be?" wonders Whitey as he gets up

" Who knows, who cares" I sigh and try going back to sleep but I hear the door open.

" Oh my gosh it's HIM... SLEEPING!" yelps a voice

" Oh no" I mumble under my breath " A girl, I officially hate girls"

" Well he's not asleep anymore, now that you shouted" Sighs Whitey

" Oh" says the girl, I slowly get out of my bed and glare at Whitey

" What did I do?"

" You haven't kicked her out yet.."

" Well can't you do that?" he questions

I wave my hand to call him over, the girl looks at us full of curiosity " I'm terrible with girls... I can't get near them without them trying to hit on me" I whisper in his ear

" Ohhhhh, okay why didn't you say that earlier" he laughs while I slap my face. Whitey closes the door in her face as she tries to come in.

" I hate being handsome" I growl
