I want to see my son

I run back to Whitey and the others they all have a worried look on their face. They see me and run toward me and Whitey grabs my arm and drags me below deck then shoves me in a room and runs out and locks the door.

" Really?" I say "Just great. I'm stuck in a room when I could be killing some police." JK I was joking I wouldn't kill a policeman unless I had too. I plop down on the cold floor and sit there for a good ten minutes finally I realize I could figure what's going on without leaving the room so I hone in on my hearing ability. I close my eyes and my head tilts toward multiple footsteps coming down the stairs and in my direction. I snap my eyes open and quickly look around the room and find a book I pick it up then run to the door and hide beside it so when the intruders come I can hit them... with a book... I smile at the thought this will be fun. I practice my lines I'm going to say when they come in while I wait for them to come. The floorboards creak and the door handle rattles I raise my book and then the door swings open. " DIE YOU INSCOLENT PIECE OF SEAWEED. DEATH BY A BOOK!!!!!" I scream and whack the intruder in the head with my book and he collapses. I inspect my intruder. " Oops" I say and frown at the unconscious form of Sham. I look out the door and see a surprised Whitey and Kuron. "Oh hi guys how was your day" I chuckle and scratch my head

" MAKO!" yells Kuron when he snaps out of his trance.

" Yeah?" I reply


" I was going to give the intruder some knowledge by.. hitting... them....with.. a... book."  I say innocently.

Kuron storms over to me and slaps me " You could smell our blood you idiot!"

" Did you just slap me?" I growl, Kuron realizes what he just did and backs up in fright " DID YOU JUST SLAP ME!? BEACAUSE IF YOU DID you know I really did smell your blood, actually I just was so caught in the moment, you know what I mean?" I say, Kuron blinks his eyes and his eyes show relief

" Yeah well we need to go on deck so you can meet some people"

I tilt my head but follow them we meet Scarlett on our way to the deck and she puts tight shackles on my wrists that attach to shackles on my ankles. She also takes of my old collar and replaces it with the new one. I don't fight it because she isn't like usual she looks... defeated... I don't question anything and just let Scarlett do her thing and the last thing she does is put a blindfold over my eyes.

" I'm sorry Mako..." I hear her whisper as she puts the blindfold on. I knew instantly she wasn't sorry for her old actions but for what's about to happen. Whitey leads me up on the deck and the sunlight brightens my blindfold and stings my eyes. I hear whispers to my left and my right as I'm led to some unknown spot.

" This is him?" says a voice that sounded familiar. I sniff and notice his blood was also familiar but I can't connect it to someone I know.

" Yes" says Kuron dully

" Wow he's grown, a lot" the man laughs. I begin to move my head around and sniff the smell coming off of all the people around me.

"What is he doing" The man asks Kuron threateningly I turn to the strange man and scowl

" He's most likely taking in account how many of your men there are and how to kill all of them" Kuron snarls back, obviously he doesn't like this man. I, for once agree with Kuron, this man is trouble. " I didn't know you were coming I thought we agreed to meet at the place."

" Ahh we did I just changed my mind I wanted to see my son."

I stop moving.... " Son?"
