
: I know it's Scarlett, Nere. Her heartbeat was to irregular to be innocent:

: NO! Mako you don't know Scarlett she wouldn't betray us she almost died trying to save my life once. I don't believe you. You may believe in your abilities but I don't: Nere argued I bowed my head and sighed

: You will be the death of yourselves: I growled Nere looked at me with fear when as fast as lightning I whipped out my knife and threw into a giant fish swimming by. : Don't forget I have 'died' for your worthless life: I snarled, baring my teeth and swimming up to the fish and crushing it with my hands. I glared at her with rage filled eyes. I pushed her out of the way as I swam away to the group. I talked to Delta to calm my nerves but I didn't know it would just get worse.

-A hour later-

: Raise your hand if you want me, Dai to take Mako's place as survival leader and to keep Nere as the overall leader?: Dai asked the group of kids. I was in the back frowning as the kids raised their hands quickly but Rad and Shadow slowly lift theirs up looking sadly at me. I really didn't want their pity but hey what can I do? Dai grinned at me. I grinned back when I snapped my teeth and he flinched. : Well my first change is that Mako's sharks have to protect us and Mako has to show us and tell us all his secrets: Oh, man this is going to get ugly... I jerked my head up and laughed.

: You think you can make me do anything, huh... I dare you to try!: Dai growled and his dolphin Ton who was next to him began to swim around in fear. Then all of a sudden he started toward Delta and started attacking her. Yes dolphins will attack a shark but Ton was commanded to.

: Delta don't attack just dodge I got this: I comforted

: Ton stop! Your master is just acting out of anger you don't need to do this.: Ton stopped and turned toward me. I sent him a picture of Dai being angry and attacking out blindly and the people he hurt so he could better understand. Ton swam up to Delta and bobbed his head as an apology

: What...How?: Dai said and I didn't answer but I left to talk to Scarlett.
