Run away

I wake up earlier than usual and go to the beach. I stare at the sky as the sun rises. I hear the water ripple so I look down and see the familiar fin gliding through the water. I chuckle as Delta sticks her head above the water. I wave at her and get in the water.  : Hi Delta: I say

She goes straight to the problem : What's wrong this time?:

I sigh : I might have to kill Sam if I don't think of something to convince Kuron to let me not kill him.:

: Wait who's Sam?:Delta asks

:Oh he's a young boy I met he reminds me of Simon.: I reply

: Hmmm so do you need help?:

: How could you help me?: I ask

: I roam these waters and let's just say I've spotted a lot of ships, and it seems they're looking for something:

: You think they're looking for Kuron:

: No you:

: Hmmm... I got it I know what to do!:

: See I'm helpful:

: You sure are: I grin and hug Delta. : I'm glad you're here Delta, I'd be a goner if it wasn't for you:

: Yes you would have been.. You don't do so good without me:

: Alright mom: I laugh

: I'm not your mother!: she yells and snaps her teeth at me

: Okay, okay: I chuckle and I give her one last hug before I exit the water I make my way to Kuron's office and I see that his lights are on.

I open the door and Kuron's tired voice growls  " Who is it?"

" Just me" I reply and step into the room

" Thanks for getting the floor wet" he sighs, pointing at the puddle forming at my feet.

" Sorry I just had to talk to Delta"

" Hmmm, well what do you want?" he says while clicking his pen.

" I've come to bargain I don't want to kill Sam" I say

" You're going to kill him, no exceptions" he says while looking at the papers piled on his desk.

" Just listen to me"

" Fine what?" he sighs

" I'll kill those people looking for me" I grin and his head snaps up, his tired eyes widening " It'll get your boss off your back, right?" I can see him contemplating it in his head.

" No you can't we can't risk you getting caught" he says

" I won't get caught. Killing people is my specialty" I smile

" No"

I start to walk out " Well I guess I'll just turn myself to them or maybe I'll tell them to come get me," I grin " I guess Kuron is going to get fired and shamed for not keeping a better eye on me and letting me get 'caught' by someone else"

" Wait!" he shouts

" Yes" I say, twirling around to face him

" You can do it but you still have to kill one of them"

" That's easy just let me kill one if the twins or both who cares." I grin

" Yes okay kill Walton"

" And you will never ask me to kill Whitey or Sam ever, deal?"

" Yes, yes okay, just go kill them"

" Sweet!" I shout and skip out the office. " I'm getting more blood!"

" Uh-huh no you ain't"

I look over at the voice and let out a nervous chuckle " Oh you heard that Whitey?"

" I want some blood too!" Sam says, obviously not getting how upset Whitey is about my earlier statement.

" No! You both are grounded from eating blood!"

" Mother, much" I mutter

" What did you say?" growls Whitey

I try changing the subject " You guys want to come with me?"

" We are going nowhere until you promise to not eat their blood"

" I don't want to fast from blood!" I fake cry " Please don't make me do that Whitey" I say giving him puppy eyes. He breaks

" Fine just this once" he finally agrees and Sam and I give each other a high-five.

" Lets go!" I shout and together the three of us head to the beach.

" What are you guys doing?" a voice asks, I turn around with a annoyed face

" Eww it's you" I sigh

" MAKO!" Scarlett shouts

" Quiet down or you'll wake up everyone with that hideous voice of yours"

" Huh Whitey what are you doing here?" she says when she finally notices him

" Hey I'm here too" Sam says defensively,

I squat down and whisper to Sam " Whitey and Scarlett are in love"

" EWWWWW" He shouts " THEY LO.." I cover his mouth before he could say anything else and smile innocently as Whitey and Scarlett glower at me.

" Nothing to see here, continue" I say and take my hand off of Sam's mouth. I watch as Whitey and Scarlett walk down the beach together talking. " I'm so glad she's gotten over me" I grin

" She liked you!" Sam screeches

" Yes, she did but I hated her. But that's me in every romantic love relationship so I doesn't surprise me"

" How come you're a magnet for girls!"

" It's a curse" I say in a deep voice " A curse" I say again. Sam laughs and tries to mimic me " Let's go get some blood" I whisper

" What about Whitey?" whispers Sam

" Lets him stay with the love of his life" I laugh

" Okay let's go" Sam agrees, we both jump in the water

: Mako?: Sam says

: hmm:

: Have you ever wondered what it's like outside of this small world we live in?:

: Not really, remember the world is mainly made of water, we have endless places to visit and explore while people on land are stuck with what limited stuff they have. Maybe after I've done what needs to be done here we can go explore the ocean together, you, Whitey, maybe Scarlett, and me. Would you like that?:

:Yeah I would love it!:

: Good then it's settled that's what we'll do: I smile and pat Sam's head
