What's my reason?

I scream as another shock of pain races through my body. " Please make it stop" I cry

" One more minute, Mako" Scarlett cries

" I hate this. Why do they have to hurt him he was cooperating just fine" Sham says and flinches as I convulse again.

" Just a little bit more Mako" Whitey comforts. Finally the pain stops but my vision blurs. " Mako?"

" I.. can I just rest" I whisper and my vision begins to clear.

" Yeah sure" says Scarlett, Whitey picks me up.

" OW" I yelp

" Sorry" Whitey apologizes and carries me out of the room and to his room then lays me in the hammock. He begins to walk away.

" Whitey?"

" Yeah?"

" I... I don't think I can.."

" Can take being tortured till you break?"

My eyes lower " No I don't think I can survive what's going to happen after I kill those mutants, the way people will see me... Whitey I'm becoming more and more psychotic. I'm becoming what they want me to be! Soon I won't care even if they told me to kill you!"

" Mako, you're going to be fine I promise I'll protect you, and if they tell you to kill me then kill me, okay?"

I laugh and Whitey frowns " DON'T YOU GET IT I'M LOSING MY FEELINGS ONE BY ONE!" Whitey jerks back in surprise. " I won't be human anymore... I won't have feelings.. If they told me to kill you I would kill you and feel nothing after!"

" Mako..."

" Whitey? I need to die, please I can't become a senseless monster, I've always been psychotic but I'm getting worse.... Whitey please do me one favor and kill me, please"

" Mako.!!!!"

" DO IT!" I command I sit up and glare at him " Do it or I'll find someone else to do it!"

Whitey lowers his head " Mako... I will.."

" Kill me" I growl

" MAKO! I CAN'T!" Whitey cries

" Why?' I snarl

" I...no we, we all need you, can't you see that?"

" Can't you see that you don't! No one needs me not now or ever! I JUST RUIN EVERYONES LIVES, EVERYONE'S!"

Whitey clenches his fists, tears streak down his face " Mako... I won't kill you... I know your reason is valid and I can't really find a good enough reason for you to stay but... THE MAKO I KNOW DOESN'T GIVE UP!"

I flinch and lower my head. We sit in silence until Whitey walks out the room and the door closes behind him. I stare at the closed door thinking of what to do.

" Argh why is he so persuasive" I grow and lay back in the hammock I stare at the ceiling and let the mesmerizing swing of the hammock drift me to sleep. I growl when someone opens the door. "I'm going to murder whoever is interrupting my sleep" I look up and see Scarlett " Yeah I can deal with killing you" I laugh. She huffs and storms off.
