
: We're seeing Nere!: Scarlett shouts

: Yes: I growl

: She'll never forgive me!:

: Uh huh well that's your problem:

: I can't wait to meet Nere: Sam says and Whitey and Scarlett glare at him : I do, I really do:

: Yeah well you haven't done anything to hurt her or her friends: Scarlett says and swims up to me :Mako, do you think I could make up for what I've done?:

I laugh : Duh or course you can. It will take work but you can do it:

: Oh look at Mako being so wise and kind: Whitey laughs, I snap my head toward him

: What did you say?:

: Oh uh nothing... I said nothing: Whitey whimpers

: That's what I thought: I grin

: Hey Mako when do you think we will get there?: Scarlett ask

: In a year: Sam says

Scarlett mouth gapes open : Really? Yeah I'm heading back:

Sam laughs : You're more dumb than I thought:

: Stop teasing her Sam. Scarlett we'll be there in a three days if we keep up this speed: I say, scowling at Sam

: Scarlett can you make it, keeping this speed for so long?: Whitey asks

:Of course I can I'm not weak!: she shouts at Whitey. I snicker but keep my thoughts to myself

: So prove it: Sam says

: What?: Scarlett growls angrily

Sam doesn't flinch : You heard me your words are not enough... I want to see that you can make it without complaining. You need to show us that you are not weak:

: Now that's what I'm talking about!: I shout : Yes amen to that!:

All of stop swimming and Whitey grabs mine and Sam's arms and pulls us to the side : Mako, Sam! What is wrong with you! Since you know I like her can't you treat her nice. I mean, I know you two are not fond of her and that she is really annoying to you guys but please give her a chance:

: I am giving her a chance, by proving herself: Sam says sternly

Whitey glares at Sam and I move closer to him : You may like her but that doesn't change she is a stuck up mutant, she wants what she wants and she is used to getting it, she better change if she thinks she's going to make it with us. Whitey, Sam was trying to help by making her prove herself, she needs to get stronger minded if she's going to travel with us or I'll kill her...: I growl and Whitey flinches at the last words.

: We want you guys to be together but like she is now I don't think Mako will be able to take it even though you love her, you know Mako, Whitey.. Mako will kill her if she stays like the way she is: Sam says

Whitey looks at me and I nod : Fine okay:

: Okay! Alrighty! Let's get going: I say and begin to take the lead again, I see Scarlett swim up to Whitey and ask what happened between us he just shakes his head in response.

: Whitey I hope you know that we are still friends... I know I'm being mean and rude but I just think that you would be better off with a Scarlett that actually cares than the Scarlett we know now: I tell  him on a private send.

: Mako don't worry nothing in this world will get rid of our friendship not Scarlett, not separation, and not your arrogant self: Whitey laughs and my fear is soothed.

But in the back if my mind a fear hides in the darkness waiting to come out and play
