
My claws emerge and I feel more power surge through me as my bones began to crack and grow. My tailbone grows and serves it's purpose my short-fin tail is free. I curl up and my spine begins to grow out of my back and created a dorsal fin. Dai looked at me with fear.

: Mako you okay?: I looked up and smiled my jagged teeth gleaming and my black, soulless eyes glowing. Dai swam back. : Mako don't kill me I said I was sorry!:

: Don't worry Dai I won't kill you: I smiled and reached my hand out : I would never kill my brother-in-arms.: He smiled back and took my clawed hand and shook it.

: Right, brothers-in-arms!: We rushed to Nere as she was being taken. I bit off a divers arm as he was about to shoot Dai and Dai shot a spear dart into a diver rushing toward me. I have to admit we make a great team. I let out a loud growl and sped toward Nere as Dai shot anyone in my way. I shoot needles into the divers taking Nere and I hold her in my arms and begin to swim back to Dai but I see a giant net make it's way to the water and toward some kids including Dai, Rad, Shadow, Tobin, and the boy who was teasing Tsunami. I shock Nere a tiny bit and she wakes up from her little nap.

: I need you to hang on to me: she nods and grips my right arm and I sped to the net and with my left arm I take a knife out so I can cut the net but then I notice it's a steel net. I use my extra power and swim as fast as I can to the area of the net. : GUYS ABOVE YOU! WATCH OUT: I shout but it is to late they're to slow they won't make it. I give myself one more burst of energy and I plow into the young boy who teased Tsunami and he flies out of the area of the net. I begin to push everyone out of the area of the net till it's just me and Nere. :You have to go Nere!: I say and she frowns

: I'm not leaving you Mako not again I won't leave you again: She says I admire her determination but I can't let her stay.

: It's not your choice to stay it's mine: I say and push her out of the way just as the net begins to pull up. I'm trapped. I try pulling the net apart but the net begins to tighten the feeling of the water disappears as I am pulled above into the air. I thrash around in my tight cage. I growl as I see the people on the boat gathered around to see me I am reeled in closer to the boat, the crew steps back as I am brought to the edge of the boat. I swipe my clawed hand against the steel and a hideous noise is produced. I hiss at the sound. Then I slowly pull my head up and I'm looking strait into the eyes of my worst enemy, Kuron.
