
He is dragging her all the way from the bloody scene to the master bedroom she was granted where she is being told to live alone without any word and guards guarding her for 24/7 .

How naive can you be ? Khushi blamed herself feeling the pain on her wrist, realisation dawning on her that she is prisoner .

She should accept her reality when it has slapped so hard on her face.

She feel her wrist aching painfully,her eyes stinging with humiliation."Stop it Arnav ji , you are hurting me."she whimper.

But he seemed to ignore her every plea like it never exist.

When they reached inside the room,he thrown her away from him.

Arnav Singh Raizada dark gaze were blazing with fire that wants to burn everything and she is confronted by this fire."What happened today should never be repeated, Khushi Singhania.One word against my orders and you will watch what hungry beast can do.I gave you freedom in my country,I want you become Queen of my country,my people.And I can snatch everything back too.My words are law in Kohinoor. When That woman entered inside the country to kill you ,this is when I will get my revenge."he leaned closer to her making her flinch by simmering rage "I will  burn the whole world Khushi to kill SWARA MALIK.If you think of me as some kind monster then do think so,Let me be the evil but what I want to do ,I will not stop."

He turned away from tears trailing on her cheek ,and broken look in her hazel eyes.

Arnav Singh Raizada have coronation to prepare for the would be Queen and country to prepare for the enemy he is waiting for past years.

Arnav Singh Raizada is going to hunt Swara Malik.

"ASR, Anjali is entering the Kohinoor border."Aman who was bath in blood and gore of enemies walked towards him announcing his sister presence "And I have got news that every family is coming in few hours to stop this coronation."





Swara Malik is looking at him with her doe-eyes and small smile on small face. 

Akshat, no..Aakash stare at the girl infront of him ,his daughter ,he feel completely shocked .

Pathaan didn't lied to him.

Akshat succeeded in saving his child.

He wants to touch her ,put her in arms ,caress her hair .He wants to do so much to know he is not dreaming.

His Swara ,his little princess,is alive.

"Hey you like superstar! Am I kidnapped because I look beautiful ?Oh noare they going to sold us! "Swara shouted looking at him wide eyes ,her long black  hair loosely  shadowing her adorable face. 

She look like Ridhima. Just like her Mama.

He felt breathless watching her for the first time, so much time have lost. His heart thudding hearing her voice.He seem to be back inside the laboratory covered in blood and gore of scientists and doctors ,standing in front of large bed where a small six years old little girl is unconscious and injected with countless tubes of unknown liquids. 

"Mister!Hey where are you lost? We are going to sold to some old pervert! "Her shouts finally made him back to warehouse where they both are tied up and looking at each other. 

Reaper stare at his daughter ,watching her blink ,how she breathe, how her doe eyes resemble her Mama and how she look at him like he is another stranger in her life. 

She is really alive, his princess is alive

"Pri-"Akshat Malik, no ,he is Aakash Singh Raizada now, change his tone ,controlling his emotions and coldly scoff"Stop shouting ridiculous things, those bastards outside will know we are awake. "he wants to hug her, put her on his shoulder where she could let him carry her, let him protect her but know he can't. 

Her doe eyes widen more at him"Why are you scolding me! We are either going to sold or die. At least let me be happy before I go greet Yamraj or some old pervert! "

He wants to shake his head, from where did his and Ridhima's daughter learn to talk nonsense? Definitely Ridhima fault! 

If Ridhima was here she would have been pointing her fingers at him.

Aakash stare at her, he feel like he can never get enough of looking at his alive daughter

The warehouse large wooden doors opened and then walked in a man looking handsome and sharp wearing black tuxedo along with men's who kidnapped him,holding guns and pointing at him and his daughter. How dare they-

But what he feel is ache, like a gash of old would being reopen when he watch the man,the leader,the betrayer.

"Welcome Aakash Singh Raizada .you are heir of Raizada family . It's not everyday we get VIPs. "Jigar chuckled as he wave his hand at his men who give the gun to him. "Manohar Singh Raizada was eager to give your murder contract to me on ridiculous price such as path to Kohinoor defence border.Its getting updated every five years you see.I can't let my friends get in if you didn't die."

Jigar sense of dismissal towards other have not gone.Aakash stiffened, he know what is coming. He made sure to not look towards his daughter.Jigar don't seem to know her,it could be accidental kidnapping by Jigar men's.

"I was given task of killing you, Aakash because you are being nosy in your daddy bussiness  .Any last wish? "Jigar asked in a dismissed manner. 

Aakash heard gasp ,curse himself immediately when he glance towards his daughter who is looking horrified

"What ?How could any Dad want to kill their own son ?This is so wrong!"Swara doe eyes widen in disbelief as she hurriedly look at him and Jigar.

Jigar smile sharply "Such naive girl,Where have you caught this chirping bird , Raghunath.

"Boss ,this girl was caught from public bus,when we  were searching for the target.The girl was annoying and beautiful also foreigner for not knowing when to stop her ridiculous act of Calling police even after hearing Madam name!"

Aakash saw the bald man who was one to put syringe full drug in him walked forward grinning.

Jigar started laughing so did all his men.

His daughter puffed her cheek like adorable humster as she jerk her head down.

Calling police? Annoying gangster!Akshat is hundred percent sure his daughter is definitely case of nature vs nurture.Because that's not the response either he or Ridhima will give.

Jigar turned to Aakash with signed "Any last wish?If It's amusing I will let my men fulfill it for you or not."

Reaper gaze narrowed ,he need to be careful and put his former best friend focus on him and far away from his daughter.

"Yes, I want to know where is Kajal Devi."

There was deadly silence,Jigar taken aback bent down and grab his collar snarled"How do you know that name ?"

Akshat smirk"Why so worked up?Did I ask about your wife ?"

Jigar punched him on face making Aakash wince but his gaze was trained on Jigar,any way to distract them from his daughter.

His former best friend face turned into rageful "Better to ask about my wife then about her , Aakash Singh Raizada.You don't talk about woman who was Regent during HER ruling time."

Akshat ,... Aakash watch raw fear on Jigar expression.So different from man he knew who rather kill his fear then live with it.

Suddenly there was tinkling laughter coming from one side making Aakash felt dread .Jigar step back turning his attention towards his daughter who is laughing so heartedly.

"What so funny,girl?"Jigar snarled in rage as he walked towards his daughter and put gun on her head "Laugh ,now laugh when you see death no one laugh.Thats what I feel ,do you think it's joke?"

Aakash twisted binding rope until he freed from it.He need to protect his princess.

But laughter did stopped,it turned into giggles and then his daughter finally look up giggling even though gun was on face .

Jigar who finally saw the face which was hidden in shadows of warehouse,he froze on spot and his hand dropped the gun on the ground loosely, shivering he look like he is seeing death.


But next second he couldn't speak a word and there was loud sound of snapped the neck.

Aakash,Akshat Malik, watch falling body of Jigar.

Then his eyes went to Swara Malik who is now standing watching dead Jigar Singh near her shoes with boredom.

"It is annoying to hunt down every prey , you were good at hiding."her mutter was loud in the deadly silence of warehouse.

