
The seven year old boy was taken away from his destiny and sent towards cruel fate by his own grandmother.

Arnav felt himself sobbing quietly surrounded by strangers,all tall men wearing black pants and thin undergarment ,they are muscular and have large guns unlike his mom who have small one.But what scared Arnav most is like they have no happiness around them.

It's like the small bird Arnav wanted to save on his terrace whose wings were broken but couldn't because there was no doctor.That bad man even locked Arnav out to terrace in rain ,Arnav screamed to let him out because bird will die.But no one listen.

Arnav saw the passing large trees ,it looks like forest he saw on the picture books his teacher talked about.But forest have animals,why large trucks are going inside it.He peek out to look back and saw many trucks like his following them.

He wanted to ask Mom.


Khasim watched the men around with alert ,he didn't lose hold of young master foot .He have known to many schemes to not know what being Master'son will meant for young master Arnav.

The men are watching young master with confusion and malice.No one like small boys where there life is to kill or be killed.

Khasim could see there white knuckles tightly holding large guns just like him waiting for any second to be attacked by their own or others.

The truck zoom past forest of ,not taking main roads for Kohinoor.Khasim turn his head to young master whose small fragile face seem to be filled with cries.

Khasim wished he could have met Master who wouldn't let young master to be in this situation.

"Who?"the hoarse voice of man sitting across him made young master flinch.Khasim only tighten his hold on both young master and gun.

"No one."Khasim rejected to answer.

But it was not enough because man leaned forward and grab young master other leg making young master yelped but no one came forward to help.

Khasim growled and punched the man making him loose young master to scream at sudden bleeding teeth"Fucker!leave otherwise you are dead!"

Young master rush back to him looking scared and clutched Khasim arms tightly.

The man spat the blood,"Are you protecting this small boy ? Don't forget that only strong lives,Khasim."

Khasim wished it was not.

"I am strong."small voice broke the tension between men,and everyone turned to look at young master who have determined eyes.

It didn't made anyone laugh because it was disbelief in everyone gaze.

No one think ,Young master will survive Kohinoor.

Not even Khasim.

It was days before trucks even stopped,Arnav knew he would be crying if not for the promise to his Mom.He is strong!

Khasim have taken to guarding him everyday but Arnav just feel helpless of not knowing where he is going.

He wanted to go back to his life where he have mom,his school,and that bad man who beat him.

He feel ache on his neck of not getting proper bed then Arnav pout because many times he was locked in storage by bad man it not different from this situation.

When Arnav got out of truck with support of Khasim ,what he saw made him shocked.

The large gates which is taller then building in Mumbai,is looming infront of him.

His aching neck look upward to grey walls and gates which is surrounded by more men with guns.Every single one and they all look sad.

Like broken bird.

Arnav was so lost that he almost missed the surrounding which is desert.He look back and only saw long road and desert.

Then he couldn't help asking Khasim"Where are we ?"he feel upset himself not liking this place where his Mom wanted him to go.

Khasim gave him bitter look just like his Mom did before sending him away.

"Young master ,this is Kohinoor empire."

Arnav remember his Mom telling him to take or destroy the empire.

He turned to stare at word digged on wall above the gate boldly.

K-o-h-i-n-o-o-r a-s-s-o-c-i-a-t-i-o-n

Arnav couldn't read them together but words are what his teacher taught him.He could do.

He still didn't like this place unhappy just like that bad man who beat him and Arnav get unhappy.



The place near border of India ,a place secure from any normal civilization and have been fortified with walls of iron and steels .

A island is found which was never got in hands of East India company,the Britishers never got to enter the island which was named as Kohinoor,a island of minerals filled to make black powder.Its a country of its own rule without any interference of other countries even India and Sri Lanka.

This is the place where second Kohinoor was found other than one in the crown of Queen of England,this is the place where Gold have been abundant and This is place which seem to bless with God to have rich fertile land.

Men wage wars for less.

Country wage wall for less.

And Kohinoor always be wanted by every country.

Arnav never knew this ,he didn't knew that in between moving in truck ,he was given food filled with drug to make him sleep and put into ship.Because Kohinoor association was not just a company but an island renamed as country.

But the people or better say wolves  were not to be underestimated.

They were bloodthirsty,cold hearted and powerful force of nature.

They were guards of Kohinoor to protect this place from any greedy hand .

And the Kohinoor association are the leaders who are worldwide famous in leading Kohinoor and annihilating those who go against them.

The history of Kohinoor was written with blood and it could continue to be written in blood .

Malik family,the leader of Kohinoor association.

And the association is made of servants of Malik.

Raizadas,Jha,Goenka,And Gadodia.

These are Kohinoor association.

The incredible thing about this association that no one is allowed to attack other family,and once it was found that whole family will annihilated.

The guards or more slaves going on handling everything from mining.and The miners hate patrolling guards ,or say wolf guards.

A vicious cycle was created that any time a miner died under torcher of guard they will get chance to retaliation by killing guard but if guards get chance they will kill children of miners.

It bred hatred between them and never let guards or miners to go against Association.The spies of association are hidden inbetween them to quell any rebellion.

Where miners were abducted by outside of every country,guards were bred from this very island in way to make them wolf guard.
