(v) Relationships

She feel shocked by his decision.She is not prepared for him to give everything which belongs to his Di .

Khushi could felt gazes of everyone boring on her head.The slacken hold of her jiji made her known the disbelief her sister would be feeling too.

This is madness and all Khushi could do is meet his dark unreadable eyes which glance every now and then.

Her Amma words and His promise is what keeping Khushi from refusing and backing from power he thrusting on her.

But Khushi asked in disbelief "Why?"

She wanted him to give her vengeance for the pain she suffered under his family.

The bruises ached at every touch she felt,at every move she did and still she all wants her vengeance.

For ruining her reputation,

For torchering her,

For humiliation,

For the harrasment.

Khushi wants justice.


Anjali wanted to think her Chotey is lying and trying to punish her but when meeting her brother gaze which are cold and indifferent she know he think he is going to her everything.

But her Chotey mistook one thing.

Anjali only ever been greedy for one thing in her and that is her Chotey protection and warmth.

"Chotey ,I apologise to Khushi ji if I hurt her.But this burden will be too much for her.Will you leave her alone or help her?"Anjali ask gently there was no maliciousness in her words,but her eyes never left her brother gaze.

Arnav Singh Raizada ruthlessly rejected "No Di, Khushi will have Aman and whole Raizada management to help.There will be no involvement from any of us,Raizadas."

Khushi look shocked by his proclamation but she stayed silent.She asked for this,her revenge against this family.She wouldn't back down.

Anjali look displeased but have a small relief that her Chotey count himself not involving.After Khushi cross her line by pushing her Chotey and making him bleed,there is no forgiveness for the girl.

Manohar Singh Raizada snapped "Enough boy,All this empire belongs to my Ratna legacy and not some poor girl who is barbaric and filled with madness .She harmed our son-in-law and nearly killed you or you think we all turned blind."

Khushi flinched remembering her pushing him and let herself watch Arnav Singh Raizada indifferently listening to Mama ji.

"She did and I am not denying."Arnav confess easily then he added easily"But I did harm her more ,I blackmailed her to marry me,I always left bruises on her ,I too pushed her from office cabin but unlike me she got lucky and landed on cardboard.There are many times I accused her without evidence.I don't see any of you having issues ."

Aakash listened everything his sharp gaze landed on Khushi who seem paled.He hurt her too much and she finally bite back,huh.

Manohar Singh Raizada scoffed"Oh please this girl was not hospitalized and got into life-death situation.Kabir told me you could have gone into coma .And then what about her stabbing Shyam?We are not FBI whom you feed lies."

Khushi paled realising she almost killed him.

Arnav wave his hand dismissively"What about it?That was accident,she was being cornered and stab him self defence just like any normal person.I have wasted enough time now."he turned to Aman"Go ahead from now on you are to guide Khushi in taking over businesses."

Aman Mathur signed but did as he was told and walked towards Khushi"Ma'am please."he gesture her towards door.

Aakash who leaning against door stood up when he heard knock.

The door open behind him and a man wearing blue suit eating hamburger with one hand and other holding suitcase giving devil smile at everyone.Two guards are both of his side looking ready to action.

"Arjun, divorce lawyer!"He happily took another bite.

"Who called you here ?"NK asked curiously.

"I did."Aakash Singh Raizada declared innocently but his eyes were filled with coldness.

Payal stiffened remembering the deal she make.Khushi is now declared innocent even she got property on her hand.

"I did lot of injustice against Miss Payal.We are not made for each other.So divorce."Aakash added nonclantly .

What injustice? Everyone thought looking at Aakash speechlessly.

Payal saw Khushi looking at her in concern.

"Jiji ?"

Payal shook her head "I agreed."

"Aakash have you too gone mad ?In Raizada family we don't do divorce!"Manohar Singh Raizada snapped.

Arjun chuckle hearing this unique oath.

Aakash give him wink"Come on father , divorce is healthy for people who are stuck with unhealthy relationship."

Manohar glared at his son .

Aakash ignore everyone and look towards Payal "As per deal,Miss Payal."

Payal strided towards him "Yes ,as per deal."her eyes have determination.

No one noticed the look Devyani Singh Raizada sent towards Arjun.

A look full of fear.

Arjun put the documents on the table ,they annulment papers and he didn't hesitate to ask the pen from ASR.

Arnav Singh Raizada narrowed his eyes as he give the pen."Aakash are you sure?"

Aakash nodded "I am sure .I am not good enough for Miss Payal.She deserve better."

Payal clenched his fist listening to his nonsense.She leaned forward and grab the pen.

"Please sign here ."Arjun told her,his eyes sharply accessing the woman infront of him.Payal Singh Raizada,huh.

Manohar Singh Raizada calmly took the distraction of his son divorce procedure and made quick text to his men.I can't have Arnav destroying my Ratna legacy.

He felt hand on his arm and look beside him .His wife leaned towards him making Manohar shock.

"Why is Sasuma look like she saw ghost rather than lawyer?"Manorma whisper.

Manohar blink curious and he too saw Amma having fearful look towards lawyer, Arjun.He then added text to his men regarding whereabouts Arjun,the lawyer."I see."

Manorma move away from him feeling her disgust crawling under her skin.She hate herself and how much being with this beast her subconscious action is to report her every suspensions to him.

"Aakash betwa very good,you are finally getting rid of this khoon bhari taang."Manorma exclaimed as she beam at Aakash who look towards her indifferently.She let herself become villain,a nefarious mother in law."She was never meant to be your wife, middle class mentally and full of trouble with that phatisaari!My son will have supermodel as his wife."

Payal flinched and didn't hesitate to sign in documents trembling from the words.

Anjali shook her head "Mami please ,Aakash and Payal bhabhi love each other."she narrowed her eyes at the way Aakash didn't defend even now .Did he fall out of love after memory loss ?Is there no familiarity inside him ?What a troublesome matter!

Arjun ignored everyone and called out "Aakash your turn,go ahead and get your bachelor life."

Aakash stride forward and leaned down to sign his name.

"Aakash are you seriously going to divorce Payal bhabhi. She love your heart man !"NK persuaded.

Aakash paused for a moment then sign on the document.

The divorce matter completed and now time for court procedure.

Payal stood there hearing everyone saying one thing and other but all her attention on him.She met his dark eyes looking at him indifferently.And she suddenly hated that look.

She walked towards him not hearing Khushi protest.

Aakash put his hand in his jeans pocket , tilting his head at one side , calmly.

"We are no more husband and wife.Are you Happy?"Payal asked making the conference hall silent.

Aakash eyes flashed "I am sorry."

Payal shook her head "I do not want apology please.I want answer are you happy?"

Aakash taken aback,he truthfully admitted "I am."

Payal nodded knowing fully now then asked "Can I get something that would make me happy.Just this once and then I will never ask for you anything."

Aakash taken aback thought not too much"As long it can be done within my law-abiding citizen power.I will agree."

That made few people inside the conference hall twitched knowing the arson incident as well as bleeding lavanya then punching officer.

What law-abiding citizen ?

Before Aakash can ask anything else, Payal's mouth is on his. And then, Aakash isn't really thinking about anything at all . Everything is numb and all he can found himself kissing back with intensity and frustration he is feeling from the time he wake up as Aakash Singh Raizada.

Payal first thought is that Aakash's kisses are softer than she would've expected. Not that Payal is an expert on kissing guys, but...the devil may care, effortless attitude kind of made it seem like he was the sort of guy to ram you up against the wall, but he doesn't yank Payal into the kissing back, he eases her down, until her lips are parting, her eyes are rolling back into her head, and her hands are bunching in the back of Aakash's shirt.

She inhales sharply through her nose when their tongues brush against each other, making a small noise of surprise in the back of her throat. Aakash's hand is on the side of her neck, thumb stroking over her throbbing pulse, while the other around her waist, pressing against her side.

One of Payal's hands finds its way into Aakash's hair, tangling there, pulling him closer. It's good .it's what she wants forever.

Then Payal stiffened .

Aakash who was lost in her felt her stiffened And then it's all gone.

Aakash opens his eyes , breathing hard, half slumped . Payal isn't looking at him. Actually, she's suddenly standing two feet away, like they were just making small talk or something, not kissing each other breathless after barely saying two words to one another.

The conference hall which have gone deadly silent by their stunt suddenly erupted in shout and choas.

All Aakash can think as he watch Payal walked out with Khushi dragging her and Aman Mathur on their heels that for the first time he lost something before realising it .
