(i) Relationships

Payal stayed beside the man she married two days ago, standing beside him on terrace as they saw Khushi taking off in helicopter.

"Will Khushi be fine ?"Payal asked desperate for assurance.

Aakash glance at the concern look ,he shrugged "I don't know her,Miss Payal.She is your sister.What I can say is staying here will do her more damage."

Payal clenched her fist not feeling reassure at all.She turned to face her husband with fury in her eyes she hid  infront of Khushi."Aakash ji ,I want Khushi to be far away from your brother even your whole family.I let you sent Khushi to your brother because of your insistence that she would be sent to jail now Shyam is dead.But it's not enough!Just let my sister be away from all this and I will do anything."

Aakash who was watching her unfazed by her anger,saw for the first fire in her eyes.He like it.

"Hmm , divorce me."He nonclantly told her .

Payal eyes widen in disbelief."What?"

Aakash shook his head in disappointment "I don't like to repeat,Miss Payal.Agree to break this marriage.You want to do anything and I want divorce.Its simple."

Payal thought about her dreams she put together for her marriage,the compromise her family did for her marriage,her love of life she wanted to walk beside forever.

And then she remembered Khushi pain ,Raizadas heartless ways and her mother stern reminder to do what she thinks she will never regret.

From the day,Payal married all she got broken promises,her sister devastation and her family tarnished reputation.

Payal realise that for her marriage is not important but her own heart whose pieces she need to gather.

She is not okay but it's time she overlooked this marriage,and put her family heart priority.

"I will sign the divorce papers."Payal agreed staring at the man with broken heart."Save my sister."

It's time Payal sacrifice her own happiness for her Khushi.

Aakash eyes flashed with unreadable emotion ,he nodded curtly."By evening Khushi will be declared innocent."


Manorma felt nothing but the cold. That’s one thing she hated about hospitals, they were freezing.

She knew three things;

Her husband had mistress . Her husband had pregnant mistress. Her husband had loved her.

Manorma Singh Raizada wanted to laugh at her own knowledge as she stare Manohar Singh Raizada standing infront of her looking at with cold gaze.

"Husband,you share good news with me.So how could I now share my own good news."Manorama chuckled.

Manohar stiffened."Manu please"

"Your dead sister heir made me culprits of her own crime.I am suspected murderer to Shyam Manohar Jha."Manorama happily shared making Manohar shocked.

"Soon,I will be in jail and you will have my place to put your mistress.Isn't good news, husband?"

Manohar Singh Raizada hated unwanted surprises but his wife was always love to play this game.He scoff "Never .Manu you will always be my wife.Nothing would separate us.Not even Anjali scheme."

Manorma laugh bitterly"I think I rather be trapped in Anjali bitiya scheme then be with you.Its far easier to breathe then."

Manohar Singh Raizada could handle hatred from everyone even his own mother but when it comes from Manorma he felt deep cut her words made.

Twenty-five years and Manohar still not able to get even bit of his own wife affection.

"I wouldn't let you leave me."Manohar declared coldly.

Manorma eye him in challenge "Take care of your mistress ."

Manohar silently watch her leave conference room.Lavanya was always a back-up plan but never your replacement,Manu.Niether the child in Lavanya womb is mine nor I ever touch another woman.

But those words would never be enough for his wife who disgusted by his very existence.


Khushi eyes widen in disbelief "What leave ?What matter cool down?Am I some kind of puppet for you Raizadas ?"she step forward and pointed her finger at him shouted hating the tears coming in her eyes"Was I ever person for you Arnav Singh Raizada?Please tell me when will I make decision of my own life?"

ASR eyes harden ,he harshly stated"Emotions and tantrums wouldn't take you far, Khushi.Pushing   me from my office floor when I was giving you freedom to leave was not good enough for you.I was in hospital,Khushi.And let my enemies take advantage against you."

The silence after his words were unbearable.

"Why do you think I wouldn't?"

Arnav regarded her with neutral eyes. "What?"

"Kill you," Khushi let out the words before she was too scared to voice it, but it still came out breathless, as if she dreaded the idea more than he must.

They stood upon a rooftop in the dark of night. Sun was only a few hours away from setting. They are standing a safe distance from one another, Khushi watching his vacant face, not at all matching his calculating eyes, gears spinning to understand her meaning and the spider web of possible responses to such a...threat?

Khushi pressed on "Why don't you think I was pushing you to finally get of rid of you,Arnav Singh Raizada?You always think worst of me but this time why didn't you?"

Arnav stare back with intensity he knew would scare away other but Khushi was one to never back down from challenge not even his gaze.

"Why aren't you scared of me, then?I am monster of your life right.A boogeyman who haunted your steps, someone who destroyed your life then why are you still here and not confessing what I did to infront of whole world?"Arnav asked back .

It came out more fragile than they both expected. The brief drop of Khushi perfect composure, at such an obvious tone of vulnerability in front of her, almost had him scrambling for how to take it back. But a deeper part of him, the part that wasn't ASR, but a broken man, a struggling son, wanted to know the answer.

Both of them startled by the sound shoes coming towards them.

"ASR, private jet is ready."Aman Mathur announced,his gaze not looking at Khushi.

Khushi flinched remembering that she is here because ASR wants her to leave the country.

She have to do what he wants again.

Arnav nodded at Aman then turned away from both of them and look at the sunset of Mumbai.

"Please leave Khushi.Meeting you was biggest mistake of my life."Arnav utter those damning words, breaking every ties between.

Khushi eyes widen her own bleeding breaking all over again.She close her eyes letting burning sensation calm her down,when she open them there was no longer anger or hatred.


"I wish  I felt the same,Mr Raizada."
