(i) Lies

"You are lying."Anjali Manohar Jha denied, meeting the eyes of man who seem more like stranger then her brother Aakash.She could feel her husband stiffened beside.

"Saalesahab, Have you gone mad?I can never betray Raanisahiba."Her Husband shouted looking pale and shocked.

Arnav snapped "Enough Aakash."

Aakash eyes didn't move from her ,still smiling teasingly "Arnav Singh Raizada have to blackmail his wife because of this truth."

Anjali gasped in disbelief,her chotey wouldn't dare to -

"Witness can be find around the place Arnav's wife come from.It sounds your husband is obsessed with another woman."Aakash calmly told her but his eyes are so cold.

Anjali hated every second of this.She stood up ignoring the sharp pain flare from her another leg ,she glare at Aakash ,snaps"Stop joking Aakash.My Shyam ji will never betray me .He loves me too much."

Aakash chuckle but his tone is cold"Are you in denial? I think ,we all siblings are always in denial.Here , Arnav bhai is in denial that he married to Khushi because she will harm your marriage.And now you are in denial regarding your bastard husband.Face it , Anjali Singh Raizada that husband of yours is two-timing scheming scumbag.He ruined innocent girl life by making her fiance of his even though he was already married and now he still doing sexual harrasment towards her."

Anjali felt weaker than ever.All she could remember Khushi's fiance name which was Shyam.

Just like her husband.

Or the way her husband leave whenever Khushi was around.

Or the way he stare at Gupta with familiarity but his voice is full of strangers.

Or the way he always sleep with her with so much passion when Khushi is around.

Or when he look horrified at the thought of her pregnancy.

Anjali turned from Aakash gaze then look towards Shyam because she wants the truth.

Her husband looking back at with silence.

"S-Shyam ji?"She asked him because she trust her husband to let anyone come between them.

Shyam ji shook his head"Ranisahiba ,I will never betrayed you.I think all this is clever plans of Gupta family to ruin our family."his hand is now holding hers.Still warm and gentle.

Anjali gasped "But why?"

She look towards Aakash who stayed silent now watching her and her husband with unreadable eyes.

Her Chotey who is glaring at her husband finally break the silence "Aakash is telling truth ,Di . I have seen Shyam forcing himself on Khushi two days ago."

Anjali couldn't even say a word out when her husband shouted "Stop it Saalesahab,what you saw on terrace was something all the more different.I never wanted to say anything but now I have no choice."Then Shyam ji pointed at Khushi who seemed to have frozen and continue in bitterness"This girl is the one who is trying to seduce me , Ranisahiba.The day I save her from rape in Lucknow to making her get job in Saalesahab company made this girl think she can get me.I never disclose the truth but This girl and her whole family are gold-digger and characterless people.I help them and didn't say anything to anyone because I thought that will hurt this girl self-esteem.Then one day their neighbours started calling me this girl's fiance , Raanisahiba.I stopped looking for Gupta family well being then.I told this girl to stay away from me .I don't wanted to hurt your feelings Ranisahiba that's why I told I never met this girl.Please believe me Ranisahiba,I only love you and I am waiting for our Rajkumari."

Anjali felt relief hearing her husband words.The tears in her eyes burned but she let herself leaned towards him.

"How dare you?He is twisting the truth Anjali ji ,He is the one who insisted on going after my sister.He is the one who threatened my family against telling his truth."Payal shouted back standing beside her Khushi glaring all while at Shyam.

Anjali clench her husband hand "My husband don't ever lie to me ,Payal ."she snapped.

Khushi scared watching the satisfied glint in Shyam eyes staring at her stood up crashing the chair behind her ,she look towards Arnav ji who is seem to have gone blank "Arnav ji ,please trust me .I am not lying to you.You know me I can't do all this ."she doesn't have proof for her innocence and all she have regret of never telling Arnav the truth.

Arnav Singh Raizada watched his wife looking at him with her eyes begging to believe her.

"I know I don't have any prove against him .But if you watch in my eyes you will find I am not lying to you."Khushi pleaded her hands holding her jiji because she feel so lonely against everyone.

Anjali sobbed quietly at witnessing this .

Shyam ji snapped "Stop it Khushi,you are characterless and degrading girl who only wants to destroy Raizada family.My relationship with Raanisahiba.You are liar who is only after money of -"


He couldn't complete the words because of loud slapped across his face.

Arnav Singh Raizada furiously glared at the bastard ,he clutched Shyam's shirt collar and coldly stated "Another fucking words against my wife and you will want to dead rather than bear the consequences I would put you in."

"Chotey!"Anjali shouted clutching her brother hand trying to pull it away from her husband.

Nani snapped "Arnav let Shyam go,Now."

NK quietly stood behind Arnav , saying "Nannav ,we could deal with this cool mind."

But it was not finished.

Bang !

Arnav Singh Raizada punched Shyam on face making him fall on floor with loud whimper"This was for betraying my Di."

"Arnav betwa."

"Arnav ji."

"Nannav !"

Shyam felt the pain flaring on his cheek then he was kicked on his stomach.

"This for harrassing Khushi."

Then another kick.

"For cheating on my Di."

"Enough Arnav ."

Arnav Singh Raizada stopped hearing his Di.He turned around to see her glaring at him.

"Di ,he -"He couldn't say a word because she put her finger on her lips shushing him.

"You trust your wife ,Arnav.but I trust my husband.I don't who is right and who is wrong neither do you ."Anjali Jha declared.

There was loud clapping sound which came from dinner table.

They look towards Aakash who seem to have eating in all this commotion without any problem.He barely give glance at dirty mess known as human trash."Hmm,What I was saying?Yeah ,I remember.There is need for these free woman to work.I mean now that everyone know Anjali Jha 's husband is nothing but trash and she is not choosing her brother over that trash then no need for Arnav bhai to treat with free meal."

Anjali flinched at his words ,it made her self-respect shredded.

Arnav glared at Aakash"Di ,don't need to work.I made this company and all the riches for my Di."

Aakash tsk "Oh so sad.This is the result you got for making her pamper and safe.She get naively played by trash ,Bhai."

Arnav clenched his at those harsh words.

"I will work. but I want Shyam ji with me.He is not going anywhere this is my condition."Anjali retorted her breathe is heavy and she felt suffocated by everything.She limped her way to Shyam ji who is trying to kneel."Otherwise I will with my husband."

Shyam eyes flashed with hatred What this stupid woman is doing?

"Di!"Arnav hands tremble scared the flashback of burning smoke returning with tenfold.

"interesting conditions,isn't Khushi."Aakash commented standing up as he took one apple .

Payal who hyper aware of her husband change personality felt alert when he now is looking at her sister who seem to be in shocked at Arnav Singh Raizada trust on her.

Khushi blinked her eyes "What?"

Aakash move out of dining table making his way towards her "Don't you think after Arnav bhai , blackmail you in this marriage and now trusted you immensely because of that trash .You too should be grateful and work in his company to make your keep."he suggested lightly as if his words are not making every single person in mansion feel like trapped animal.

"Blackmail?"Nani voiced out now watching her grandson and Khushi with sharp eyes.
