
Inside the bedroom, Khushi watch herself draped in a white saree,a bare neck adorned with red mark of three lines and hand holding on sword she is given.Her bare foot curled against rag and her hazel dazed eyes tracking every maid surrounding her.She stood infront of long mirror waiting for it to end.

The silence was broken by the last maid  looking fearful.

"You are ready, Madame."

Madame the sound of this title was like nail screeching on blackboard.Khushi unconsciously bare teeth."Don't call me that!"

The maids were startled looking at her in confusion.

Khushi froze watching herself in mirror not understanding her own reaction.

The sound knock stop Khushi from apologising.

A girl in white formal suit open the door looking at Khushi with polite smile."I am Aasma,Aman Sir's assistant.I am here to take you to temple."

Khushi felt her hand go cold.She is scared by all the happening."Where is Arnav ji?"she is hoping that he is here waiting for her , atleast see himself of how easily he is making her bait.

Aasma shook her head giving her nervous look,"Sir told me that I have to pick you up.Nothing else."

Khushi nodded still feeling unease.

The maids didn't follow them.

Khushi was too much overwhelm by everything to notice the direction,her subconscious mind just follow Aasma.It was not until she inhale the smoke Khushi look around confused.

They are in back section of palace,which was always locked far away from the front palace having large stone bridge between two area connecting.

Khushi stood in the middle of bridge remembering Khasim kaka telling her to never ask about this place.She was stubborn enough to ask again.And the answer she chills her to bone.

"This is where ...Ratna Madam was burned alive."Khasim Kaka whisper trembling fingers clutching the pilar on the front side of palace bridge and then he walk away.

Khushi didn't ask anything else too solemn after learning about incident.

"Why are we here?"Khushi asked stopping at once,she didn't dare to take another step forward.

Aasma turned giving her nervous smile"Sir told me to take you from here, Ma'am.There are too many people at the front."

Khushi understood the reason but still she is feeling dread.She don't want to go from back palace direction."Can you call Arnav ji?I want to talk to him,Aasma ji."

Aasma who was smiling suddenly lost her smile,"Sir is trying to get away from mayors.We should be quick otherwise we will be late for temple."

Khushi palms were at the silence of bridge ,she look at Aasma ji who seem to be nervous and impatient.She remember Arnav ji words,his madness and his finality over hunting that murderer.

"Okay, let's go,Aasma ji."Khushi agreed because she realised she can't stop Arnav ji but she will be there for him in her own way even if that way is being bait to that murderer.

Is this love?Why the thought of leaving Arnav ji in his madness made me feel angry at myself?He lied to me and used me ,he is the reason I am going to die by that murderer who took away my whole family and all I think of his cold eyes which stopped everyone from knowing he is hurt too.Khushi wanted to laugh sadly at her pathetic self.

I will do anything for him,huh.Devi Mayyiya I have gone mad too.

Khushi didn't notice unreadable emotions flashing across Aasma face as she took step forward towards the back palace direction.

They walk in silent hallways,in sync, Khushi didn't utter a word .Her palm is sweating but her hazel eyes are always looking at her surrounding in curiosity and dread.

The secretary is walking beside her seem to have similar curiosity if her eyes glancing at the smoky burnt walls are any indication.

"There are rumour about Former Sultana going insane and burning back palace,"Aasma mutter "What a tragedy."

Khushi confused asked "Former Sultana?"

Aasma grimly stare ahead"Once upon a time,A niece of Sultan live in palace with every luxury in the world,She was loved and cared by Sultan and was known to be his treasure and was slated to become Queen by Sultan in future,"

Khushi feel anger deeply even hearing her words.

She continues "Then niece princess turned twelve and Suddenly Niece don't want to wait anymore and kill Sultan for his throne,prisoned her own mother and grandmother and burnt alive Sultan beautiful wife.Everyone become aware about greedy kinslayer niece who sat on throne and become tyrant Sultana for two years until Charming Prince,none other than former Sultan 's hidden son fought against Tyrant Sultana and killed her ,Making himself Sultan of Kohinoor."

Khushi eyes widen in shocked.Arnav ji fought against that murderer ,but she was not dead and Arnav ji have to lie to whole country about her death.

That murderer kill her own uncle,Arnav Ji's Baba,who care for her?burn alive her own aunt,Anjali's mother,prison her own mother and grandmother!

"But don't worry Sultan have killed that crazy Sultana,Now we in Kohinoor use this tale to tell Kohinoor children,to make them know that they can not become crazy Sultana but hero Sultan, Ma'am."Aasma says giving her solemn look.

Khushi heart thudded,her mind consumed with fury.but why?

"How did former Sultana died?"Khushi asked about the murderer.She doesn't understand her own reaction of anger but she kept these emotions to herself.

Aasma shook her"Everyone says Sultan kill her by drowning in blood of her men,some say she was killed by stabbing wound of her own mother then there are rumours that she was shot by her own soldier.No one know the truth what happened that day."

Every words utter made her feel damning, Khushi close her and all she remembers those dark doe eyes she saw years ago when they come to kill her entire family.

"This is reason we, Kohinoor people love our Sultan,he is perfect Sultan who care for us and look after us."Aasma declared proudly.

They reach at the end of hallway which opens to large hall with glass between them dividing it ,such strange thing.one half of hall is burnt down completely and is covered with years of ashes,smoke and blackness where as the side she and Aasma stood have dried blood on floor near glass wall and palm imprinted shape dried blood on it .

"This is the hall where Sultan beautiful wife-"Aasma didn't looking herself scared by the past tragedy.

Khushi despised Anjali Singh Raizada for things she did to her but even then Khushi will never want someone's mother to be killed in such cruel way.

The clicking of heels made Khushi turned head ,"Who is there?"she was sure only the two of them came towards back palace.

A peirce of needle stabbed on arms making Khushi froze then she struggle trying to throw it away from her but she was too late,the syringe full of unknown drug was inside her system making her feel weak.

Aasma look at her with apologetic face but their was no remorse "I'm sorry Ma'am but we love Sultan too much to let you replace him."

Khushi wanted to shout but all she feel dazed like puppet on string.

The clicking of heels came closer towards them.

Aasma stood there clutching Khushi arms hard .

Then Khushi saw helplessly a woman ,old but beautiful, standing graciously in silver saree but cold eyes stopping on her.She have eyes just like Arnav ji.

Dark brown orbs watching her carefully.

"Hello granddaughter-in-law ,we finally met."

Khushi dazed realised who is other person.

The grandmother who was imprisoned by murderer.

The woman who ruled Kohinoor behind with iron fist what Khasim Kaka told her.

Mrs Subhadra Malik.

Gujarat Airport

Aakash sat on waiting seat, throwing the bag near his shoes.He didn't caught his targets.The footage of outside the airport was put in loop to make it look like normal when it was showing Target returning to Airport but when he saw clearly the footage was fake.

Aakash Singh Raizada let himself sat feeling his injuries from every fight he took and then there is injury where his own daughter tried killing him.He know Ajay bhai was dead , Aakash didn't try to find out.

From the day he woke in this new lease of life, Aakash didn't dare to connect with his past.

He didn't dare to enquire about his family,he saw his Ajay bhai shadow in Arnav Singh Raizada, Aakash didn't try to get attached.

He saw Ratna familiar scheming look on Anjali Singh Raizada,and he step back not wanting to involve.

And then he saw Manohar Singh Raizada,Aakash almost wanted to beat the bastard to pulp just for being in his presence but then this body was that bastard's son.He tried to keep temper in check.

Aakash thought Ajay bhai have removed his family from Kohinoor because his promise to him.

Aakash somehow realise that Bhai and Ratna are no more when there was so much hidden scars in Raizada family.He confirmed it from Devyani Singh Raizada cruel words thrown at Arnav.

Aakash didn't dare himself to think about Kohinoor,that country have nothing for him.He was living with lie that his daughter died in attack years ago with him.

And Ridhima never needed him.

Aakash let himself live and make a place inside Raizada family.They were hopeless and he thought he fit right in.

Then he started investigation of this body murder.and more truth came out.

Is there reason I got chance again to live?That I left giant which is my own daughter becoming killer of my own brother.Aakash felt bile curled in his throat every bloody time he thinks about this.

Reaper let himself calm and focus on what he needs.

Kajal Didi Reaper stood up slowly realisation dawning in him.She would know where his daughter is.She was the one who was incharge of medical treatment in his family and she would know about tracker those fucker fit in his daughter skin.She wouldn't tell anyone.

But Aakash signed realising it's time to go Kohinoor.

He have been dreading thinking of his own birth place,But for his daughter sudden dive in murders,his brother death,and his family falling apart so easily.Akshat Malik needs some answers.

Aakash look at the bag and decided Pathaan don't need to know about his whereabouts.

He could guess Pathaan is not working alone to hunt down his daughter, someone else is also involved because Pathaan do not have power to take over India CCTV camera control without anyone backing him.

Aakash have to find everything himself alone.

He was always lone wolf.Reaper smile gently.
