
Standing in the room which feel more like homely hotel room then your own can be suffocating.

Aakash heard the sound bangles behind him ,the presence of unknown bride is daunting for him.He hate her presence is going to be difficult for him.

He needed to destroy those bastard who think it is okay to ki-

"I will sleep on floor."Her gentle words with bitter tone made Aakash to finally turn and face her.

He shouldn't have..

Payal Singh Raizada,his lawfully wedded wife look broken with so much sadness in her eyes and tiredness on her body that made him flinch.

Aakash should have known this would have happened.

It is not first time he became reason for others heartbreak.

"No need ,you can take the bed .I will be sleeping in guest room."Aakash calmly said before taking a casual clothes from wardrobe of dead dead dead man then make his way out .

He was by her hand on his arms.

"Don't leave me."she whisper with silent plea.

Aakash close his eyes hating every second of this ,he asked"I can't be your husband,Miss Payal.Would you forced yourself to be in same room as someone whose face is of your husband but memories are not.I don't consent to it."

Payal hollow laugh was not he prepared for.

"I married to you,Do my memories are not enough for us to be in same room?When I followed you to this room I already prepared to become a wife of stranger.What if I feel devastated knowing I lost my love but I can't agree to lose my husband. You wore my husband face,and memories can made again."Payal frustrated reply made him stopped.

Aakash turned to confront the determine bride ,she is not his.The flame burning in her eyes is not for him.What a lucky dead man he was,Aakash Singh Raizada to get such wife who is being strong for their relationship .

Aakash can take every responsibility of dead man whose body he wearing but he wouldn't take the bride.

Her lover is dead .And it is Aakash responsibility to make her understand.

"No,My answer will not change because you are stubborn,Miss Payal."Aakash refused without hesitation because what would she feel knowing she is fighting for the man who is already and infront of her is stranger.

He is not monster to let her live in illusion which can be broken at any time.

It is better to live in harsh truth them beautiful lie.

Aakash watched her shattered again because of him.

Aakash knew he is monster.but he hates to become like that man.

Then he saw her suddenly walking towards him and snatching the clothes from his hand making him startled.

Miss Payal eyes are spitting fire at him"Coward! Aakash you are spineless coward of husband but I am not going to let you ruin what we dreamt once.We agree for six-months living together.You are going to give us chance you coward.And that meant living together in the same room and facing me ."

Aakash couldn't help thinking he never saw such alive eyes before which make him rooted on spot.

But not for him.

"Sorry,Payal."and he walk away because he hated every second he face her and know that she is not meant for him.


Payal eyes widen watching him leave but she couldn't move to say anything because she felt like she is watching someone familiar and not recognising them.

No,My answer will not change because you are stubborn,Miss Payal.

because you are stubborn,Miss Payal.

Miss Payal.

Miss Gupta.

Yes ,I am going to pay you because you are stubborn enough to not back down from spending time with unknown man,Miss Gupta.

Payal Singh Raizada stare at disbelief at the door How could it be possible?

Aakash is Aakash,not him.

Payal run after him feeling she would lose him again ,she was out of door ignoring the heavy lehenga (bridal, so red just like his sherwani, they matched it)  but all she saw no one in the corridors .Payal never felt so crushed. 

What a failure of bride,huh?


Khushi step back watching his furious look towards her. She wants to get away from him, monster, Arnav ji, Arnav Singh Raizada. 

Whoever is he. 

Khushi Kumari Gupta felt only regrets .

"six-months I don't know how will I tolerate...you"Arnav Singh Raizada said coldly. 

Khushi flinch watching him turned away and hearing those heartbroken words. 

Khushi remember her Jiji ruined marriage and the forsaken deal she made and she felt enough. 

"I do not enjoy living with you too, Mr Raizada. "Khushi snapped back ,her heart thundering feeling herself hanging on the cliff but she needed to do this. 

Jiji didn't back down and let Aakash Singh Raizada walk over her. 

Then why Khushi couldn't? 

Arnav Singh Raizada turned around looking taken aback by her words. He look for hurt for a second before again getting unreadable look. 

"Good, because the very of thought of breathing with you is disgusting to me. "He retorted angry because her words cut him deeply. 

Khushi dig her nails in her palm not backing down by his anger"Why did you married me? Why are you disgusting yourself by my presence? Why are you hurting yourself as well as me? Not for a moment I want to live in this house and not in this room with Mr Raizada! "she angrily shouted at the end of her words because she have right to know this. 

He can't destroy her world and not tell her why. 

Arnav Singh Raizada move towards her feeling fury burning in his vein ,as he grab beer arm snapping at her"I know very well where you want to live neither will you there nor with me. Do you understand? "

Khushi felt confused and afraid but next second she was dragged by him .

She found herself at pool side but all her eyes are searching for some hope that she could find the man she fallen in love with not the monster she confronted. 

"Outside these room we will be acting as happily married couple. And I know you are flawless actress. But in this room you mean nothing to me. From now on my place is in my bedroom but yours "Arnav Singh Raizada ordered her glaring at her all the while he pointed towards the poolside. 

Khushi know she should let it be, accept this fate but then she can heard her Payal Jiji voice demanding the marriage from Aakash Singh Raizada .

Khushi refuses"No."

Arnav angrily demanded"What did you said? "

"I refuse Mr Raizada because the blackmail you gave me was regarding my Jiji marriage to your brother but now we both know nothing happened. Their marriage is ruined. Why should I agree to your demands? "Khushi reply without hesitation, because it's time she confront the monster rather than run from him. 


Aakash found himself at the stair sitting, his eyes went to the pool side area .His eyes staring at the clear water. 

He should go find himself guest room and rest then start finding information about the body he now occupies.

But all he could remember cold gun on his head and crying bride asking him chance on the marriage he never took responsibility for. 

Aakash is not Aakash Singh Raizada. 

He then heard voices making him look towards the owners of voices. 

Arnav Singh Raizada, the brother of Aakash Singh Raizada  angrily demanded"What did you said? "

"I refuse Mr Raizada because the blackmail you gave me was regarding my Jiji marriage to your brother but now we both know nothing happened. Their marriage is ruined. Why should I agree to your demands? "Khushi Singh Raizada, the sister of Miss Payal reply without hesitation, because it's time she confront the monster rather than run from him. 

Oh .

Aakash really feel tired because he didn't left Miss Payal, for him to stumble on another plot which is related to his dead  body marriage.

He let himself said aloud "Is blackmailing another marriage ritual in this family ? "

Both newly Mr and Mrs Raizada seem alert and shocked finding him sitting on stair with nonchalant air. 

"Aakash, What are you doing here? "Arnav Singh Raizada look at him disbelief and furiously. 

Aakash shrugged feeling tired "I don't want to stay in same room as Miss Payal. "he then point at Arnav Singh Raizada and Khushi Singh Raizada continue "It seem I am not alone. "

Khushi Singh Raizada give him most dissapointed look but he can't care. " Jiji loves you Aakash ji and you are breaking her heart. "

Aakash snorted hating her words he is not the man she love so how can he break her heart. sarcastically said"Atleast I am not dishonest with my marriage problems. "

Khushi lone tears fell down. 

Arnav snapped "Shut up Aakash. "

Aakash shake his head"Please whatever is going on between you two. Don't drag my marriage. "

"He is right. "another voice declared. 

Aakash turn his head to watch Miss Payal standing in shadow and coming out to angrily glaring at Arnav Singh Raizada. 

