
There comes a point in every young woman's life where she has to stop, look around, and think— how the fuck did I get here? And before today, Khushi really, really thought she had already hit that threshold before. More than once. 

Her eyes went on document which spell her freedom then at the monster who wants to set a price for her freedom.

"six-months I don't know how will I tolerate...you"

"Good, because the very of thought of breathing with you is disgusting to me. "

"Enough! Not another word against my Di ,Payal.Your sister have already destroyed my Di life ,she is another woman in my Di marriage life."

"Another fucking words against my wife and you will want to dead rather than bear the consequences I would put you in."

"We are signing annulment in an hour.I will talk with both our family."

"Nani,I do not regret."

And this freedom.

Khushi felt tired by his every gesture and his every words ,she can't stop herself from asking"Are you my well wisher or the monster,Arnav ji ?"she let lean forward at his desk watching him so intently.

Arnav flinch but his eyes still stayed cold and ruthless"I don't care what I am to you , Khushi. I want you away from my Di and for that all you have to do is give the statement to police regarding Shyam and you are out of my family mess."

Khushi nods"I see,monster it is."she continues mercilessly"I don't think so Arnav ji .You can recall our past decesion and remember every time fate always made us stand across eachother.Even if I abide by your decision,we will sure meet soon."

Arnav glared at her "What the hell, Khushi? I am giving you a way out damnit! Why don't leave ?"

She have enough of it.

Khushi eyes burn with hatred "You know Arnav ji ,I love my parents,too much and can do everything for them even if they are dead . They wanted me to marry and start a family.Just like you being devoted to your Di and can do anything for her, I'll be doing the same."she took the annulment papers and torn them.

Arnav stood grabbing her wrist but the deeds are,papers are nothing more in halves away from each other in her hold."Why,Khushi?"he yelled frustration fuelled with rage.

Khushi let sad laugh "Because I am in love with monster."

Arnav step back away from her even if there is desk between them,he feel like he is being stabbed in the heart.

"And you know the worst part Arnav Singh Raizada,if I could back in time I will do this all over again later because I still love the monster and that's you ." Khushi shouted the raw pain of losing the very thought this man in front drove the same fear she felt at the her parents died.

Khushi is not some saint ,she is selfish who let the world think she is selfless because she thought her one selfish act would be snatching her own parents life and then she met the monster and she hates herself because she again felt the same selfishness inside of her.

She wants Arnav Singh Raizada because she is tired of his rage,his devotion towards his family and his way of pushing her away.

Arnav bang the desk and started leaving the office but Khushi grab his arm stopping him.

"Leave me "

They stood at the edge of glass wall and behind him is perfect way he can fall on downstairs office floor.

Khushi chuckle bitterly "Arnav ji ,you remember I was standing here and you let me go even if I begged you not.Dont worry I learnt something from you ,when we love someone we hurt them the most and our love was never fair."

Arnav Singh Raizada widen "Khushi what -"but he was pushed by her .

He fall but there was no cardboard box to cushion his fall.

"SIR !"

"ASR "


Khushi eyes watch everything but all she can see is her past self who no one came to safe from the monster.

I will hurt you just like you hurted me ,I will hate you just like you hated me and I will love you like you still love me,Arnav Singh Raizada.

Arnav have made sure to put his hand around his head even if he can feel heart wrenching pain on his shoulder and legs.He could hear everyone panick shouts.There is blood and he could feel his consciousness losing.

But all he could thought Khushi still loves me.


Picking up the lock is easy then finding the way around this maze called Shantivan mansion.

Aakash step inside the room the Manohar Singh Raizada in need to find the evidence of anything that can clue him over a man who is so against his own son.

He look around the room with king size bed ,a desk and chair then a large mirror with multiple cabinets and lastly a huge wardrobe.

Its strange room for the couple who married for last twenty five years.Aakash thought as he move around the room carefully.He made sure to keep whole mansion empty by making chaos in morning beside these woman needs to go work rather than stifle themselves in a mansion and feel Stockholm syndrome symptoms.

There is no photographs of the couple then he look around floor which is too clean making the room give the feeling of hotel room.

Aakash open the wardrobe after looking around in cabinets,his hand move the suits and he could see there is no saree of Mrs Manorma Singh Raizada.He hands caught the heavy box .

He blink his eyes at the heavy metal box with heavy peacock designed graved on them.The box is locked by small lock and there is no key.

Aakash snorted as he got on work of picking up another lock with a wire.

When the box open ,Aakash cursed himself for not getting another normal life.

There is heart inside the box.

A human heart.
