
Arnav Singh Raizada look at documents then made his decision I'm sorry ,Mom.

He torn the papers just like Khushi did back in his office.

Manohar stare at him shocked and didn't stopped himself from raising his hand but Arnav snatched the scalpel beside his bed -thanks Kabir and put it above Mama eyes.

"One wrong move and I wouldn't hesitate to make you lose your eyes,Mama ."It was not Arnav ,that abuse boy who retorted but ASR looking at his prey with deadly eyes.

Manohar step back calmly unfazed"Do you understand what are you going to lose ,boy ?"

Everything ASR thought with devastation then smirk "Nothing."

Manohar chuckle "Ah,such a young love."

The door of VIP ward open with bang where Aakash Singh Raizada stood in bloodied blue shirt smiling as he stride towards them.

"Are you two talking about love that too without me!Not at all good."Aakash greeted them "But Dad don't worry I did talk about love with your favourite girl."

Manohar face turned black"Aakash ,son we are talking something important you should leave "he is feeling dread by the way his own son look at him smiling.

Aakash glance at Arnav Bhai who look lifeless but still have fire burning in his gaze .Good.

"In Five minutes I want you to stop all the steps you have taken against Khushi and confess regarding the blackmail you have against Arnav Bhai."Aakash lazily stated ,his dark eyes dangerously staring at Manohar Singh Raizada.

Manohar spat "How dare you Aakash !You threatening your own father have you lost your mind boy !"

Arnav taken aback by Aakash stance.I thought Aakash wouldn't choose Mama over anything!

Aakash walked over to tv opposite wall perks of VIP ward and switch on then put the local news channel.

Manohar look confused about his son action only to let out swear at what he was seeing.


"You bastard!"Manohar yelled grabbing the collar of Aakash but he was kicked hard to throw him away from Aakash and fell on floor.

Arnav stare at the burning Shantivan in disbelief.

Aakash shook his head sadly "Don't you understand only four minutes left , otherwise I won't hesitate to start fire in beautiful magnificent SHEESHMAHAL PALACE."

Manohar glared in hatred "Aakash!"

Arnav head snap towards Aakash in shocked."What?"

Aakash grin cheekily "I have five location and every minute one location will burned down.AR company building,Malik Mental hospital,Raizada industries which includes drug ,arm dealing and so much more ."he leaned against door watching Manohar on flood with satisfied smile "Please make me more wait ,I do want to see how a palace look like on fire."

Manohar turned paled "Fuck!Stop this . Enough Aakash ."

Arnav Singh Raizada witnessing the helpless frustrated Mama feel like breathing.He can't hurt me, someone is there to save me.For the first time in years he felt someone can actually save him.He stare at Aakash with hope he thought he lost after what happen to him.

Aakash laugh as the minutes went away and news channel changes to show the magnificent palace of Lucknow on fire.It seems to wrath of fire god have fell on the SheeshMahal palace .

Manohar gasped in denial"No Nonono! My Ratna !My sister legacy!"

Aakash laughed loudly "I am loving this game ,please I think don't confess.I so want to burn everything."

But Manohar was already taking out his phone looking close to beggar as he desperately made calls"DON'T!Stop the case ,burn the chart sheet against Khushi Kumari Gupta.Dont let Khushi go to hospital,send her to City hospital,NOW!"

Arnav felt himself letting relieved sound knowing Khushi is saved.He out his hand on his face to stop himself from breaking down.Khushi is fine,she didn't gone through what my Mom had too.

Manohar was on his knees "Stop the fire Aakash !"

Aakash tutted "Such hurry but what about another condition.Where is Arnav Bhai blackmail you are using.Come on dad don't be spoil sport we are having so much fun."

Manohar look at his own son with murderous glare "I will kill you,motherfucker !"

Aakash unfazed nonchalantly continue "Oh another minute is going up."

Manohar turned around hurriedly and glare at Arnav who seem to be watching him back with bated breathe.

"Mumbai ,Old colony where you once lived with your mother .The house next door of yours is where you find-"he didn't finish looking disgusting at the thought of answering.

Arnav lurched from bed standing taking support of wall trembling as he heard the location.He need to go right now.Mom is waiting!

Aakash didn't ask to clarify what.He just click on the burner phone he wip from pathaan and order calmly"Stop."and put it back in pocket.

Manohar look like he is standing to kill the Aakash but was stopped by another shocking announcement.

"Ah!I almost forgot your mistress in operation ward downstairs."Aakash told him like he is talking about weather .

Manohar eyes widen as he stood up and run out of ward . She is pregnant!

Aakash smirk at the running figure of dad then turned to look ASR who is making call.

"I suppose you will be leaving for Mumbai,bhai ."Aakash stated waiting for Arnav Singh Raizada action.

Arnav paused then continue "Mathur,We are going to Mumbai.Get the jet ready."then he hung up the call.

"I will see Khushi have arrived or not."Aakash nonchalantly added after being ignore.He turned to leave .

"Don't tell anyone,please."Arnav whisper as he look down at his smartphone still avoiding Aakash eyes.

Aakash shrug "About what?"he asked them left hearing soft laughing sound behind him.

Aakash know sometimes being madman is far more easily solve the problem then being subtle.

Three hours ago.....

Aakash made his way to the office after he is done with snooping, stealing and investigating .A normal Tuesday for him.

"Aakash !Where were you?Do know the disaster happen?"a beautiful women looking concern stopped him at reception room.

Aakash calmly ask"What happened?"his eyes sharply look at the woman.

A coworker close enough to be friend being name basis on her boss's brother.

Lavanya Kashyap.ASR ex girlfriend.

He remember reading about her from investigation papers on Raizadas two hours before.

"ASR is in hospital!And after I saw the cctv footage it was Khushi who pushed him,I call the police .Then I call NK who later told me that Khushi tried to murder Shyam jiju too.And he is being operated.Khushi is taken in custody."Lavanya hurriedly told him everything.

Aakash cross his arms as he tilted his head and ask unfazed by everything happen,"Where Khushi pushed Arnav Bhai?"

Lavanya angrily said"That Khushi pushed him from his office cabin !"

Aakash then stride inside the office lavanya following behind then he saw a modernized architecture of office.His focus on other hand went to one floor above glass cabin where middle glass is not present easy way for pushing anyone.

"Aakash you need to go hospital!"Lavanya told him worried.

Aakash nods "Hmm, right I will before you tell are you by any chance got permission to check footage by anyone?"

Lavanya look at him now taken aback but Aakash saw naked fear in her eyes.

"What are you saying Aakash?footage is not important ASR health is more important."She deflected easily .

What a skillful liar!Aakash praise her mentality then he look at the empty office and didn't hesitate to grab Lavanya hair and bang her head at the wall beside him making her scream.

"Oops.My hand slipped ."Aakash sincerely apologise.

Lavanya was on floor screaming in pain and clutching her bleeding head.

"Now what I was saying!Yeah who told you to check footage my dear coworker ?"Aakash asked again.

Lavanya look at him with red face all from dripping blood."What the fuck is wrong with -"she yelled

She cut off by Aakash again grabbed her head and banging on the wall making her scream again.

"Please my dear coworker ,I do not like repeating."Aakash told as he look down at her.

All Lavanya saw unfazed man who don't care about what he is doing.

"S-Shyam."she stuttered.

This time her hand was twisted enough to sound creaking."please !!!"

Aakash tsk "Such a liar,my dear."

She whimper breathing heavily"M-Manohar sir."

"My law-abiding Dad."Aakash mutter then hawl Lavanya to feel with broken hand making her hawl in pain.

"Leave me!"Lavanya shouted feeling so much pain.

Aakash chuckle "Now you are being so double standard my dear,don't you say to go hospital and check my Bhai."

She spat"Fuck off!"she is feeling so much afraid of this man,no scratch ,beast .

Aakash ignored her easily and dragged her whimpering, pleading figure towards parking lot.

He saw a single car parked and grinned "Look there is such beauty,who gifted you,huh?From what I know your salary wouldn't let you have ninety lakh Indian currency car my dear."

Lavanya was taking deep letting the terror she is feeling to stop by his every word.He will know everything!

"M-My mom gave me-"she lied but again she was thrown against her own mercedes without mercy.

"I like the way you lie ,my dear."Aakash hummed as he step in her space and smile which is all more deadly making Lavanya know she is greeting death right now.He ask again "Who gave you this beautiful car ?"

Lavanya told the truth "Anjali"

Aakash grinned lazily "Give me keys my dear coworker we are going on long drive."

Three hours later...

Aakash stood out side the hospital where the black car stopped and a man wearing police uniform came out holding unconscious beaten Khushi.

He clenched his fist then step forward and grab the helpless girl in his arms and didn't hesitate to punch the fucker .

"Fuck!I was returning the girl!"The police officer shouted.

Aakash gave him deadly look as he gently hold Khushi in his arms "She is not girl but my family."
