
Being in someone else body is morbid way of living.No one could experience and live to tell tale.

Because this is freak accident.

Aakash watching ceiling of the room try to keep his thoughts shut.I'm freak enough to not even get peaceful death.

He felt itch to up and leave this place but then he could remember the promise .and these new responsibilities.

Aakash Singh Raizada,the name which is now had become somewhat of clean slate to start a better life even though all his instincts scream at him and he could never get that life .

Then there is conspiracy is at play from the deception to killers are hidden in this family.

Aakash decided to start this new beginning by torning apart these deception in this family abd bringing out the truth.

Starting from this marriage.


Throughout the night after the revelation that had shaken him to his very core, Arnav thought a lot about what his love life could have been. Had he not made such a terrible mistake so early, had he never incidentally broken Khushi's love of him but encouraged it instead. Had Khushi agreed to his proposal still loving him and had they met on that day under such different circumstances. How different his life would have been today, if one tiny thing hadn’t changed it forever.

Often, he wanted to go back yesterday and scream at his self. To take himself by the shoulders and shake some sense into him and warn him before he ruined everything without ever understanding how or why. But what was done was done and what was past was past and there was nothing he could do now to change it now. The only thing he could change was the future.

Arnav Singh Raizada knew what he have in unforgiving and the only saving grace is Khushi agreement for not telling anything the truth until six months are over.

He sat dipping his foot in pool feeling terrible,he lost everything because of his own overprotective nature towards his Di and anger towards Khushi.Arnav stare at water before taking out his smartphone and making a quick call to his manager Aman.

It's been 5'O clock in morning but Aman Mathur is as much workaholic as Arnav Singh Raizada is insomniac.

It's like joke running between boss and manager about how much work can be done between them because of their condition.

"ASR ,are you calling for Mr Mehra request for his daughter marriage dresses collection?I am already on it."Aman tired but sharp voice greeted him.

Arnav whisper feeling self-hatred."I fucked up,Mathur."

"Ah, yesterday unfortunate marriage.Do you need to me shred the marriage contract I've written for you and your new wife or arrange annulment papers ?"Aman Mathur ruthless logical questions made him sober up.

Arnav clench his fist tightly around smartphone as he spat"Don't you understand Mathur ?I fucked up badly this time because I didn't think straight in my anger issues.I married to her in so degrading way and humiliated her further .I feel like beast who only made to hurt her.I blackmailed her so disgusting, putting her and my siblings marriage like sword infront of her head to make her agree in any way."

There was silence after his outburst.

"Anything more to add, Raizada?"Aman calm voice made Arnav to signed.

"No."Arnav defeated voice echoes in the silent pool side area.His bloodshot eyes staring at cold water harshly.The reflection made him only have more hate towards himself.

There was sound something putting from Aman side, mostly likely putting away laptop.

"What have you done is fucked according to morality issue, Raizada.I don't get it because you know I don't get morality.I get facts and logics.My advice is simple : confess this mess to your family.Anjali Singh Raizada is a woman who have been your backbone for past eight years.She is not fragile doll.The pregnancy will not be ruined .That girl you have blackmailed is in need to go back her home.She is teenager as in 18 year old , Raizada.Teenagers are easy to rile up and easy to manipulate.You have done both and that's not healthy relationship starters.let her leave , Raizada."Aman Mathur cold and harsh words made Arnav go blank.

"I did what I could for my Di,Mathur."Arnav whisper brokenly.

"And I don't care about what you do .I know you and I work with you.I know your ruthless and pragmatic side as well as kind and generous side too.You did what you thought needed yesterday because that was the ruthless way you deal with enemies."Aman told him and Arnav who know he is telling truth only.He have not become business Tycoon in last two years by being soft towards his enemies,Aman continue"You could have done worse.Send that girl out of city to mental hospital and made the false charges against Shyam Manohar Jha .That is true ruthless way you could have done things and no body would have pointed fingers on you.Yesterday you dealt gently with both of them.And now you know the girl is not enemy and you have fucked up.You are feeling guilty,it's good to feel guilty.That will make you stop further mess .Go ahead and start doing damage control."

Arnav needed this words because otherwise he would have drawn in the madness call self-hatred.

"I Hating Myself."Arnav whisper brokenly letting himself be vulnerable.

"Then hate your for as long as possible right now but so do understand you would take responsibility of your mess and then go back to being ASR.I work with ruthless man ,I hate it be replaced by some guilty weak man."Aman calmly told him.

Arnav Singh Raizada smirk feeling bitter"I know ,Mathur."then he hang up the call.

Arnav understand what his best friend is telling him.Being Arnav wouldn't give him results,it never have done but ASR will get the result as soon as possible without caring for consequences.

Time to put the mask of ASR back on and face the consequences.

Aakash wake at the sound of low talking,he push away the blanket covering him.

He didn't remember last time someone tuck the blanket for him.

He heard the sound of footsteps pacing and finally sit up from the recliner chair he slept last night.

Aakash had taken one look at flower covering decorated bed with disgust and decided to sleep on plain good recliner.

He saw Arnav pacing around his garden with watercan and talking with someone on bluetooth looking serious.

Aakash can remember last night confrontation between four of them.He still couldn't believe this guy who seem to be rational and cold have gone ahead done irrational things for the sake of his sister pregnancy.

There are ways to handle situation and there are ways to destroys situation.

Arnav finally hang up the call and turned to watch Aakash standing behind glass door.

"You're awake."Arnav greeted calmly,he needed .

Aakash grin retorting "And you never slept."

Arnav scoff "Go and get clean up,we need to go office."

Aakash,who was staring at these green garden with look curiosity, startled "Do I work?"

Arnav stare at him deadpan "I don't raise free mongrel,Aakash.You work in my company as head of Financial department."

Aakash snorted "I have anemsia, remember.Replace me with someone who have any what to do."

Arnav refused "No,you will do your work and that too with perfection.I have inform Aman who will be there to help you today."

"Oh,I have a babysitter."Aakash let out interesting sound.

Arnav smirk"Mathur is good babysitter."

Aakash should feel danger knowing that he would be followed by stranger for whole day but all he could think of tearing apart every pieces of Aakash Singh Raizada life and putting back the pieces to make it now his.


Khushi is standing in front of Arnav ji room, despite jiji refusal to not cone here.She wouldn't have but she did promise Arnav ji that she will help him .

She knock on the door glad that no one is awake at this time.

The door did open but it was Aakash jiju standing watching her with indifference.

One day before they were filled with affection for her like a family and now she feel like worse then stranger.

"Aakash jiju,Did Arnav ji is awake?"Khushi asked looking inside.She give him her fake smile.

Aakash snorted "He is at Pool."then he walk back in taking the towel and closing the bathroom door shut loudly.

Khushi startled decided to ignore his indifferent behaviour.Aakash jiju didn't greet her , didn't ask about Jiji and definitely didn't go for his own room.

She could see how much this will hurt jiji.

Khushi made her way to pool where she saw Arnav ji sitting on recliner which was not there yesterday night and working on laptop.

"Arnav ji."Khushi call him feeling anger and pain but so did her heart is aching.

Arnav Singh Raizada look up to see his bride watching him with her green hazel eyes.

"Khushi."Arnav is not ready to talk to her right now.But he needs to take responsibility which starts from making Khushi understand something."We are signing annulment in an hour.I will talk with both our family."

Khushi did know what is annulment paper but her mask of Khushi Kumari Gupta,who is illiterate can't know."What is annulment paper?"she lied.

Arnav give her sharp look but still explain"Another form of divorce because we didn't completed last step of marriage."

Khushi should agree because this what she wanted yesterday but then she thought about her jiji marriage and Aakash jiju behaviour.She needed to be here for her jiji.

And Khushi also wants to stay marriage because her parents wanted her to be proper wife and she could do this .


Breakfast was silent affair because no one was talking at all.

Until Aakash who was playing with toast give peaceful smile at Arnav.

"Are the woman also added in free mongrel categories ,Bhai~~"Aakash sing song voice made whole family look at him in disbelief.

Arnav Singh Raizada eyes narrow "What do you mean?"he demanded.

Aakash pointed at ladies around them "Gender equality is thing ,I can't help but see these woman doing nothing but staying at mansion.Shouldn't they work too?"

Khushi cough on water.

Manorma eyes widen in shocked.

Nani seemed to blink not at all understanding.

Anjali eyes deepen with unreadable emotions.

And Payal look like she have slapped across her face.

Aakash continue humming"After all, I don't understand why I have to support Miss Payal financially when she should be capable of working."his harsh word made her felt humiliated beyond repair.

Arnav Singh Raizada snapped"Aakash,There is no need for any of woman in our family to work if they don't want to."

Manohar Singh Raizada glare at his son"Stay in your limits Aakash.We are here to support them."

Shyam Manohar Jha snidely commented "Aakash, My Anjali don't need to work.I am capable of taking care of her and so you all saalesahab."

NK quietly watch all this but his eyes went to Aakash who is now chuckling.

"Huh,So these woman wouldn't help in progressing our country, everyone is entitled to do hard work.That's how country is progress.But What I have seen from yesterday is that woman here only know to slapped men,shout at them and make marriage a big deal to cry over it."Aakash coldly stated then he look towards Anjali Singh Raizada whose eyes unreadable eyes made him smirk"I heard your husband is ex fiance of your brother 's wife."

Aakash drop the bomb and watched the chaos erupted.
