
Payal cough hard from the dry sand she inhale running for her own life.She could hear dangerous footsteps of soldiers who are hunting them like sports.She glance ahead where NK seemed to know this desert and fearlessly taking route of running where else Dr Kabir look scared out of wits.

She could sympathies with Doctor after all not everyone can be unafraid in this hunting game like Raizada!Payal thought sarcastically.

She winsed when she felt her feet is growing blisters in the hot sand .Payal wants to live ,is it too much to ask for?

"We are here ."NK loud shout made Payal startled that she fell on pile of sand .

Dr Kabir quickly caught her wrist and force her to run "Come on Payal ,don't give up!"

NK sent her withering glare"Don't you dare to die on us now ,Gupta."

Payal wanted to snapped at them but all she feel is warmth.Atleast in this world someone still care whether I live.

Her gaze caught the large wall dividing desert then at the pale blue uniform soldiers scouting around.

Behind her the loud curses of black uniform soldiers can be heard.

"What?"Payal mutter in confusion.

NK wave at one soldier to come towards them.

It was Dr Kabir Singh who answered her looking like he finally can live"We are at border of East Kohinoor.Few years ago Kohinoor have been divided in two parts West and East.West Kohinoor come under dictatorship of  Sultan Arnav Singh Raizada and East Kohinoor...."he didn't complete it because a loud roar of engine sound was coming towards them.

NK swear"Shit!"

Kabir turned more paled.

Payal watched with trepidation as roaring bike sped towards them and stopped so suddenly making her jerk back.

A masculine guy in army pants and sweat shirt climb out the bike standing tall ,his eyes are hidden by black aviator but his thin lips are curled into smirk."Clever people, taking route of borders instead of civilian route."

NK stepped forward"Udayveer back off ,We played your fucked up game and we won.Now if you are in mood of breaking truce then let me inform Sultan."

Udayveer tsk shaking his head"Boring.War don't interest me,What I am interested in is talks of Reaper "

Payal froze hearing that name,flashes of brutal killing and a man in shadow who came to rescue her made her take shaky breathe.

Udayveer sharp gaze turned to her "You do know about this upcoming Reaper."

NK came to stand infront of her "She don't know anything,she is part of plan.Don't go too far Udayveer."

Udayveer without hesitation took out gun and put it on NK head making every scouting and patrolling soldiers froze.They focus their weapon on Udayveer.

"Tsk tsk,so much disrespect,I don't care about the so called plans you and your little family is making.What I care about is my prey.My time to your Sultan is going to be end soon,if he doesn't want truce to be break then catch her.Until then go ahead live.And tell him Udayveer is waiting for his darling.Find her soon.Swara Malik head is for him claim."

With that Udayveer left with his bike.

But the soldiers who heard Udayveer and Kabir look scared out of wits.

NK seemed to be trembling too.

Swara Malik?Who is she ? Payal shaken by everything wants to leave this place.What we got ourselves Khushu?




DEVYANI SINGH RAIZADA stood on the mid step of Goddess Durga temple ,her wrinkled eyes stare at the red sky of sunset like blood blooming in the whole world.Around her guards in white holding guns standing alert at every corner of temple.

She wanted to let her restless mind get calm by praying.

Behind her stood Manorma who seem to be in dazed.

Devyani didn't ask,what more she could say to her daughter in law who always lost in her own world.

"Madame!Madame!"manager came running upstairs looking paler.

Suddenly Devyani don't want to hear what he is going to say, some how in her guts she knew she is going to hate herself.

"Speak."it was Manorma who order looking calm now.

"Manohar Sir is dead."

Devyani Singh Raizada close her eyes loosing her hold on thali making it fell on stairs spilling everything.Is the Karma finally coming for me?

Manorama laughed out "He died ! Sasumaa he died !Do you hear ?That monster is dead !"

Devyani saw the madness in her daughter in law eyes when met them.She saw the mobile phone she is clutching from yesterday finally fell on stairs.As if she is finally free..


Akshat was on his knees ,his lips parted in shocked by the brutality of his daughter action.

"I want our daughter to be far away from the blood ,death and Kohinoor.Dont you agree ,Akshat?"

"Totally my darling,Our daughter will have life where she wouldn't ever see any drop of bad blood."

"Who's your darling!"


"Akshat Malik,come back here with our daughter right now!"


Akshat ,no Aakash Singh Raizada shut off his emotions, letting himself turn indifference.We failed,Ridhima.He need to be here ,not in the past.

"This bitch kill our Boss!KILL HER!"the bald man shouted furiously.

Aakash watched dozens of men running towards his daughter.to kill her.

He stood up, running towards his daughter to stop these men from coming close to her.

"Aaahhh"the scream of terror was what greeted him.

He stopped , didn't dare to move , because he didn't needed to.

The blade bloomed like a beautiful red-and-golden flower in the bald man's eye socket. Before he could even start to fall, she spun sideways, crushing the heel of her newly-freed other hand into the closest man’s throat. She let the momentum continue carrying her around, and slammed her foot into a third man with all her might. Into his chest, not his throat. It wouldn't kill him, but she needed to hit the centre of mass to propel him where she wanted him to go. He arced away from her, landing hard and skidding along the concrete floor.

Right into a fourth man. The only one on the other side of Reaper. They tumbled down together, tangled and dazed, giving her all the time in the world to mop them up later.

There. Four down, two dead, and  Good enough.

Reaper eyes take the brutal one-sided massacre from the hand of his daughter ,Swara Malik.She is strong,too strong.

We failed ,Ridhima.Reaper repeated to himself again.

Two more blades appeared in her hands, and she smiled at the six men left to face her, finally letting all her killing intent show. Guns were rising to meet her, but already there was a shake in every hand that held a weapon.

They were afraid. Reaper thought,and he saw the smile,the abyss in his daughter eyes,Do I even know her?Is this what Pathaan didn't tell me about?Reaper in despair realised.

They would be worse than that very soon.

"I am Swara Malik,"she said softly. Like she didn't see the reason to hide her identity anymore.

Dead men tell no tales . Akshat, Aakash Singh Raizada understand.

Screams and gunshots sounded. Boots pounding away, running in blind terror. And a monstrous, silent death sweeping inexorably after them.

It was over in … barely seconds. An eternity, and absolutely no time at all. A few seconds, and there were half a dozen bodies abruptly cooling on the floor. Someone ran, some survivor, a clatter of footsteps and terror, and his daughter, the Swara Malik, followed.

And Aakash, in her wake, barely processing,stayed where he was.He didn't move.He think he understood the terror his former dead best friend,jigar felt when facing his daughter even with gun.

But what he more understood is ,he needs to torn every body part of motherfucker who dare to hurt his daughter and made her choose violence,blood and everything He never wanted for her.

Reaper blood boiled in rage,only to met the eyes of molten fury in the doe eyes of Swara Malik.

It's deathly silent, as if the walls have released the breath they were holding. The only sound that penetrates the quiet is the click of her heels against the floor.

No one between them made one move.

"Did you know you kill like Reaper,the butcher of Kohinoor?"He inquired,his gaze not once leaving his daughter.

Swara Malik doe eyes narrowed "I don't care for dead.Their usefulness ends when they die."

Aakash didn't dare flinch even if it hurts,he smile instead,a bitter full heartache "Reaper was Akshat Malik.Your father,do you still think of him useless."he come closer to her , wanting to desperately tell her ,she is his daughter.His princess.

There was silver flash then he was stabbed on stomach without hesitation.He felt his breathe knocked out of him.

Swara Malik deadly doe eyes flashed ,her words were like echo of sharp storm "I kill a Reaper before,I wouldn't hesitate to kill his die hard fans too."

Then she kicked him off and walked away not giving a backward glance.

Aakash was caught off-guard,he could have stopped her attack but when can a father expect his own daughter attacking him.

He was on ground letting out shaky breathe,his eyes are still sharp and alert as he watch his daughter walked away .

His eyes blurred by her leaving figure.



The sound of pitter patter of rain drops on window glass making the outside world blurred,inside the room where a woman in her forties sat in dark purple saree sat behind large desk where paperwork full of administration put on.

Her doe eyes gaze darken when she caught the file with red mark indicating it's importance.

Her face still look beautiful even though her gaze tell tragedies of decades.she open the file and read it making her face turned more stern .

She called out her secretary "Aasma."

Her secretary Aasma came inside looking alert "Madam,is there any thing missing?"

The doe eyes sharp gaze made Aasma startled as she bowed afraid .

"Where is Udayveer ?"Madame demanded.

Aasma felt her words struck in her throat knowing that telling whereabouts of Sir to Madame is clear disaster on her life.

"I don't -"Aasma was cut off by Madame look.

"You will be transfer to factory management."Madame ordered.

Aasma turned paled "Madame please,Madame.."

What greeted her is call of guards.Four guards entered inside study room.

"Take her away.I don't like liars."Madame ordered dismissing Aasma like it's nothing.

Aasma eyes welled up knowing her hard work of five years turned into ashes by her one mistake.She don't dare to think what her life would be in factory where every method is used to get on top ."Madame please give me one chance,Ridhima Madam...."

Aasma screamed echoed inside study room but guards grabbed her arms and dragged her out.

Ridhima Malik sat quietly behind her desk ,her doe eyes glance at the document stating Udayveer is in desert hunting down men and killing them.

"Swara!" Ridhima  heard Arnav,the boy ,the son of Ajay Malik , roar, his voice high and shrill, making the hairs on her body stand on end, "Even if I become a ghost, I will not let you go--"

  "I will kill you, I will tear you into pieces , you kinslayer—"

Ridhima blink her eyes as she make a call .

"Mrs Malik."the cold voice greeted her.

"Sultan ,Three of your people are being hunted by Udayveer.Sent them to be save."Ridhima Malik reported honestly.

"I see."the cold tone was still there ,then the man ,the Sultan,Arnav Singh Raizada continue "I am going to get her whereabouts, prepare for her funeral,Madame.I will leave something of her for you to burn."

The call was hung up leaving her in heavy silence.

Ridhima once again focus on paperwork,the only thing could be seen she is affected is her trembling hand.
