(ii) Hunt

"Run fast!"Khasim Kaka shouted as they run deep in secret tunnel ,She feel afraid because it's too much,the running away,the conrnotion and the throne.

All Khushi wanted justice ,not this!.She could see the blood is not stopping from Khasim right arm,it could make him die by blood loss but the way he is making her follow him and fulfilled the order of Arnav Singh Raizada. She didn't dare to stop,this is too big.

She have to trust them to keep her safe.

"Ah!" She was thrown on the wall harshly by Khasim Kaka,she look up dizzily at the sound sword being drawn.

There are men wearing military color clothes ,their face is hidden by some type steel mask holding what she can see steel sword.

Khasim Kaka  gotten one of the sword and holding sword with left hand killing men in mask coming towards them .

"They are hunting us!"

Khushi don't understand how these killers would have sneak inside palace which is being guarded by so tightly.She have seen security and especially Aman Mathur making rounds around for the security guards and soldiers.

Somehow they got out with Khasim cutting down enemies and Khushi shuddered by watching more coming towards them.

"Close the door! "Khasim shouted at her as he look inside with alert gaze.

She did close large doors and locked them with sweating hands.

I can't take it anymore. Khushi stopped running, she stood in the great hall where tens of windows are slamming and opening.She breathed fast from running as she moved towards walls opposite of glass windows where  rays of moonlight was enough to make for her too see in this darkness, her hand clutched at red color long curtain she leaned against it and that's when she realized it was not curtain but covering a portrait.

Khushi stood shocked beyond belief.

Khasim turned looking at her in anger "Why are you stopping? We have to run! "He hurriedly came towards the would -be queen of Kohinoor.

The loud banging sound from the close door is echoed throughout hall. The mens are banging the door so desperately like any moment it could be break open.

"Khushi Come we have to run! "Khasim shouted.

But Khushi wasn't listening to anything.

Her hazel eyes locked on the large portrait on wall. "Why is her photo here? "She asked stunned by what she seeing.

Khasim frown at Khushi then turned to look at portrait for whose frame made her to stop running. They need to reach throne room soon. He open his mouth to tell her the identity of portrait only to froze.

Khushi step forward jerking the hand of Khasim away from her and walked close to portrait shuddering in fear.

"Tell me... W-Why is her portrait here? "Khushi begged, her eyes unblinkingly locked at portrait, she didn't seem to have any fear for the hundreds of men outside of door banging and wanting to kill her.

Khasim swallowed his own heart thuddering, flashed of past coming infront of him.

"Death. Nothing can stop war in Kohinoor unless her death. "

"My whole world Khasim, she is my whole world please save her. "

"Reaper is dead. She is responsible for his death! Kill her! "

"Khasim Kaka! "Khushi voice snapped him out of the past, out of the nightmare where a life debt is paid in lies and death.

Khasim harshly speaks "The legacy of Kohinoor, the mercy of Kohinoor people, the hand which made this empire something to fear in whole world, the heir who should have been sitting on throne of Kohinoor, the granddaughter of Omkar Malik, the niece of Ajay Malik, and the daughter of Akshat Malik. "

At his every word Khushi turned paled. Her hand shaking. Her eyes turning red.

"She is the one who was decided by Ajay Malik to sit on throne, not Arnav and  not even Anjali! "Khasim let himself fell on kneel in front of portrait. "She was the True Queen of Kohinoor! "

Khushi whisper in deathly silent where splintering of splintering of door from men's didn't faze her "Her name? "as if her last hope was struck on that.

Khasim look down ashamed not even having ability to look at the portrait anymore.

"SWARA MALIK.she is dead. "

Khushi stood in disbelief her own reality is rewritten by last words. She gazed at portrait of her in dazed. Her blood turning cold at this very moment. "N-No. No No No No No!. She is not dead! "

Khasim stood up stumbling towards her with raw fear "What? "

Khushi was shaken and snapped feeling overwhelmed by every truth is finally making her see in the lies which woven right in front of her eyes. "Tell me everything! I want to know the truth of Her! "

The flashes of that night is too much.

The slice of sword on her Mom throat.

The piercing of sword on her father heart.

The drowning in water what felt like hours to her brother.

And all while Khushi being made to watched in a cage.

Khushi Kumari Gupta can never forget .She felt like Khushi Singhania being kept in cage and made to watch everything.



Arnav Singh Raizada stare at the army who are running towards the gate of Kohinoor .He wanted to grab the weapon and do what he must but he can't.

He can't touch the weapon. He swore on oath and his first kill be her.

"I will take care of everything. "Aman declared. Like a wolf standing in command for his very order.

Arnav Singh Raizada ruthlessly order"No one should be left alive. "

He wants war and he will get one.

Six years, Arnav Singh Raizada recall years he is breathing only to kill one person. For that he did everything he could.

Everyone think their plans are overcoming and keeping ASR blind to their revenge.

But he is not pawn.He never become pawn again. This time he is playing a big game against her.



It was a name so much different from what he always feel whenever he saw the girl.ASR know that it is irrational to become angry just by uttering her name.

"Chotey,where are you?the marriage ceremony is going to start soon."his Anjali Di,voice full of concern and helpless can be heard in his ear through Bluetooth making his grip on steering wheel tighten.

ASR eyes were still filled with rage but his voice were polite"I'll be there,Di."he hang up the call on her not wanting to think about marriage which is soon going to happen.

Arnav Singh Raizada don't know what to feel at the thought of Khushi Kumari Gupta betraying him,his Di and whole family by having affair with Shyam Manohar Jha.

But it is fine,ASR never worked with emotions but ruthless logical solution.

ASR fallen in love with his pawn. Khushi Kumari Gupta or better Khushi Singhania.But everything was ruined when she was never supposed to get caught up with Shyam that fucker,how that Bastard Shyam Jha knew Khushi?

He doesn't know if all this is plan of Jha family.

He doesn't know who else know Khushi is Singhania.

Arnav always felt conflicted when it comes to Khushi. Sometimes he wanted to protect her so no one could hurt her but then he know he is the monster that would hurt her.

Because she is Singhania.

He hated that she is not innocent as he like to think. This was last thing stopping him from hurting because she didn't know.

Lies. Arnav bitterly thought.

Khushi is so cunning for being in cahoot with Shyam Jha .

Then she knows about Kohinoor, her parents and even truth of  Garima Sinha.

Arnav Singh Raizada angrily bang his hand on car window feeling like trapped beast. He is hurt for letting himself trust again.

On the terrace there was CCTV cameras. Di knew,Manohar Singh Raizada knew and so did those who have access to CCTV cameras. Arnav thought furiously.

Anjali Di planned announcements regarding her pregnancy was made to stop him doing anything drastic.

And now Di knows that He knows about Khushi and Shyam matter.

So did Manohar Singh Raizada.

They both are like hound smelling blood and they would either kill Khushi for making Arnav Singh Raizada broken beyond repair and not fit for their plans or know something is wrong with Khushi if he didn't react like he always did with rage.

If he didn't show himself, a heartbroken or betrayed by the girl he fallen for and planned revenge against her, they will know something is not right.

ASR coldly thought Khushi Singhania can't die otherwise he wouldn't find her.

She is his one last clue to find her.

He clenched his fist all his plan is crumbling by this one accident. He ignored pricking tears he felt in his eyes.

He was this close to making Gupta family trapped in marriage with Raizada family and letting her know he have Khushi.

Arnav Singh Raizada have last Singhania .

His bloodshot eyes stare at dark sky filled with anguish.


Arnav let himself step back and have Aman Mathur take command. He have to be there for occasion where war and blood again make a new Sultan or rather Sultana.

Six years and he is waiting for her to come back and watch throne being given to her biggest enemy.

A Singhania.
