(iv) Silence

Aakash drove motorbike speedily, the loud roaring engine hide thumping of his heart.

"Why are you so desperate to save the girl you divorced few hours ago? "Anjali Singh Raizada snapped.

His face half hidden by black scarf as his jacket flutter, he didn't look around deserted road he is taking.

"I have check thrice...that heart belongs to Ratna Malik. "Pathaan told on call.

Aakash knuckle turned white as he saw trail of blood on road, the last place where shootout happen and Payal was last seen.

"There is no clue regarding Ratna Malik body, it was recorded that she burnt to ashes and only bones are left. "Dr Kabir commented confused why he is being asked regarding this matter.

But his gaze have haze of red so murderous as if his craziness can't be hidden by the way he driving like he cutting the air.

"The case was declared suicide years ago and no way to open the case can be open by any law firm. Many big guys are involved in closing the case."Arjun Gadodia remarked as he checked the information in shocked.

His red gaze paused at the group of men with car carrying Ak-47 who surrounded one area two miles away on road from him then Aakash didn't blink as he drove towards them and click the small bomb on bike.

"We met Balram Raj men, he is dead but Payal Gupta is gone with his men. "Aman's men told him.

Aakash jump out of bike and rolled away regardless of firing bullets towards him.


The group of men shouted angrily but then loud of sound can be heard.

there was pin drop of silence ,Aakash eyes blink as blood drip making his vision blurred but he chuckled ,he stood up and stormed towards group who are dead and there is one alive but there torn apart body.

He wiped away blood as he panted,the rage was not going away, all he could feel more anger.

Aakash take out mobile phone and give a call as he stood on destruction he have done in his craziness.

"Who? "

Aakash clenched his fist ,his murderous gaze sharpen" I killed your men, I didn't count but don't worry there is not enough body left for you ."

"Who are you? "

Aakash fingers digged in his bloody palm as he continued "I want to kill you too, where are you Suraj Raj? Or better run.. Run because I will kill every single Raj family. No one will be left alone. "


Aakash whisper "Reaper. "

There was loud breathing sound and silence but this time filled with fear.

He hung up the call.

Aakash wipe away the blood all he an hear his past self screams.

Give him someone else !

He move towards the last car which was not blasted by bomb and move inside. His gaze turned more furious as he drove out and turned towards where his prey is waiting for him.


Aakash hated he couldn't unheard those shouts, those words. He wants knocked himself out to not remember anything but today's the day his past is coming back to burn him alive.


He didn't notice other than blood there water too dripping from his eyes.

You will be alive, bhai.I will never let anyone harm you. I am leaving but please I beg you to take care of her.

"I'm gonna love you till I'm dead."he whisper chuckling,the pain will never go away. Only he became hiding like expert.

It's ironic.


Arnav Singh Raizada turned around to gaze at Khushi stepping inside the palace, the sound of her slipper on this cold stone path made his heart clenched.

The sound of hammer, the numbness of army of Kohinoor and then his hand which is dripping with blood.

Thousands of bloods.

Arnav Singh Raizada stoically stared at his Khushi who will become queen and people who are waiting to kill anyone to get Kohinoor.

"Khushi"He whisper her name watching her intently his heart beating fastly at her closeness.

She look tired, dirt and tears on her face but all he see determination in her gaze. "Arnav ji, I am not ready for -"she waved her hand around large hall with trepidation.

Arnav hummed softly "Don't worry, Khushi. I'll be there for you. Nothing will happen to you. "he took her hand in his and squeezed gently.

Khushi eyes widen, shaken by decision."My Amma... is dead. "she whisper brokenly.

Arnav gaze sharpen Garima Gupta.... He loosen his hold on her and step back from her making Khushi jerked her at him.

"You need rest, Khushi. Go ahead."He wave his hand towards two maids and five guards standing at corner who came forward.

Khushi watch him stunned "Arnav ji, my Amma and Babuji.. "

But Arnav Singh Raizada walked past her without hesitation as if he didn't heard her.

Khushi look on not understanding anything. The she chuckled softly ignoring confused looks of people around her.

Arnavji ignoring truth will not make it go away.

Just like my biological parents, they ignore the truth and died.

Khushi clenched her fist then let herself step on ground of Kohinoor.

Her eyes flashed with unknown emotions as she didn't glance at guards surrounding her or Aman Mathur taking a step behind her.

She could feel sweat on her palm, the feeling of shooting her Amma, the betrayal of not finding her Jiji, the knowledge of Raizada are responsible of killing her Babu ji and her husband Arnav Singh Raizada giving her empire which belonged to him and his sister.

But most of all the truth :Kohinoor is reality.

Her biological parents were telling her truth.


Suraj Raj run and slammed open the door making Payal jumped in fear.

He stormed towards her and grabbed her hair in his fist making her scream.

"Stop it!! Please! "she begged.

But Suraj Raj  snapped "HOW DID YOU KNOW REAPER? "

At his word, there was looks fear passed on his face and his men back off looking scare out of wits.

Payal froze not understanding "Reaper? But I call for him. "

Suraj snapped "who? "he slapped her hard but his hands is trembling.

Payal touch her face and snapped back "AAKASH SINGH RAIZADA. "

Suraj Raj look at her in disbelief. What's going on? He couldn't understand anything.

"I will give you one order my son, this order can never be ignored. If you make enemy against Reaper then run... Because the countdown of your death have started. No one ever escape his hand. "

"who is reaper? "

"Reaper is weapon of -"



One week later

People move out of the way as NK walks. It doesn't matter that everyone in his path is gangsters, that they are all more than used to standing their ground against an enemy. They all know better than halt this particular brisk stride, the one where his shoulders are rigid and his jacket is billowing at his back.

Even if he isn't the boss, he is a Raizada, and that still affords him a level of respect that most of the common don't receive.

He stopped when he faced Arjun Gadodia who is sitting on bar stool drinking whiskey.

"NK! Finally out of Devyani Singh Raizada clutches! "Arjun exclaimed .

NK frown as he feel the bullet wound on his body, it's still pained.

"I am here to ask one thing Arjun. Are Gadodia backing Aakash? "he demanded.

Arjun Gadodia chuckled "May be or may be not, What would I know regarding my dear Dad decisions. I am just lawyer. " he took sipped as he stared at the man who seem funny most of the time but have too many unknown wounds in life.

NK signed "One week and everything is disrupted. Nannav whereabouts is missing so did Khushi ji. That Bastard Aakash have gone underground. Payal can't be found. Finally Manohar Singh Raizada escape the fort. But you know everything and more,isn't Gadodia ?"he look coldly at the man who seem enjoying his whiskey more than news on Raizadas.

Arjun silently stared at his drink and think about Devyani Singh Raizada reaction facing him. She remembers.

NK didn't hesitate to snatch the glass and throw on floor making the sound glass breaking into pieces.

"Answer me, Arjun. "he angrily said.

Arjun shrugged as he took tissue paper from bartender who look calm.

"I just know you need to get to Kohinoor because every single mafia family and political family have been aware of defense map of Kohinoor and going to start war against it. "
