
Arnav Singh Raizada walked alone on the darken corridors of palace,he seem to not see the blood trailing on marble floor ,the time dawn which is start of another day inside the Kohinoor where any single mistake meant death.

His gaze finally caught the massacre of soldiers infront of large door of ballroom where every Sultan portrait is kept when they die.

Her portrait is there too.

Arnav eyes flashed with fury when he think of how she fooled everyone in regards of her death.

He will make sure she will die under his hand.

"Sultan."Khasim voice broke his dark thoughts .

Arnav gaze widen slightly at Khasim condition.He didn't hesitate to make quick call.

"Sent team of medics,Now."his orders don't need to be said for it to be obeyed.

Even though millions died today's and more than enough injured ,Khasim can't die.

Arnav Singh Raizada can't let him die.

Khasim shook his head clutching his amputed hand where blood is still dripping,"Sultan,She is alive !"he look at him with dread.

Arnav taken aback How did Khasim know- cut off his thoughts when his gaze met broken hazel eyes .

Arnav Singh Raizada stood still realisation dawning on him when Khushi,his pawn...his wife,have broken look on her face.

Khushi know.

Arnav can't think of anything else.His heart is beating loudly.

The loud footsteps of soldiers and medics arrived .

Khasim seem to sense some amiss between Sultan and his wife.He quietly give orders to Soldiers clear the body of traitors who were hiding in plain site and waiting for opportunity to strike.He quietly made his way towards doctors.

Khushi stood there watching the man whom she couldn't understand, waiting for him to give another half-truth to make fool out of her .

"Why?"She begged to him.

But this time Arnav Singh Raizada was silent.He didn't say a word .

Khushi couldn't stop her tears at the pain she is feeling,she doesn't understand him.Was she ever in his eyes a person for him who have her own feelings and emotions?

Arnav Singh Raizada clenched his fist staying still,he didn't defend himself.What is there to say when he knows he is wrong .He have been hiding truth and betraying her from the day they met.

Khushi let out shaky breathe she stood there clutching large door ,she is shattered by him.

"You were right Arnav Singh Raizada, I was wrong. "

Arnav look at her afraid of what she meant."Khushi.."he wanted to stop her ,he could feel in his guts that he is going to lose her forever.

"Arnav Singh Raizada Meeting you was the biggest mistake of my life too."

Arnav never know heart can bleeding too ,now he knows.

Khushi could feel her tears spilling so freely,the grief of losing her family over again and betrayals from the man in front of her is too much."I was never Khushi for you, Arnav Singh Raizada.Always a bait ,A bait to be kept alive and use for your own big game you are playing."

Arnav wanted to deny ,she became more than bait,more than pawn for him,She is Khushi,A butterfly of his dark heart.She is his desire,his faith and his life.But could he say it when he saw the beginning of hate in her for him.

The hall have become so silent,whether living or dead no one move.The confrontation between Sultan and would be Sultana is somehow going to decide the future of Kohinoor.

Khushi nodded to her trying but failing to wipe away her tears .Her eyes have burning desire to destroy everything around her , especially this man.She declared a war she is going to wage against him and his game." I lost my Amma over you by choosing,I lost my jiji trust over you by standing by you and I lost my Babuji because of your family.A history repeating itself Arnav Singh Raizada.When I was your fiance years ago I lost my Mom ,my dad and my brother to that murderer ."

Arnav felt despair realising for her ,he was becoming a man who snatch everything from her.He took step forward to stop her,to make her listen but her last word froze him.murderer.

She is talking about HER.

Khushi gaze at him with hate ,she could easily see how he stop at the mentioned of her . Her fury over everything done to her is becoming too much."A murderer who is your previous SULTANA."

Suddenly more fifty weapon is pointed on her,There was raw fear in every single soldiers and doctors face who are present here by the mentioned of HER.

Khushi taken aback by as she saw weapons and trembling fingers as if she was summoning a demon rather mentioning her.

"Stand down."Arnav Singh Raizada demanded furiously.

The soldiers did but not before throwing her fearful looks .Then the doctors who move away from her but weapons were not kept,still loaded,still in the trembling fingers.

Khasim shook his head shivering at the very thought of HER being alive.

Khushi watch in disbelief at thier action towards her.I mentioned her and they didn't hesitate to almost killing me.

"You all are insane.I WANT TO GET OUT OF HERE ."Khushi screamed,she is feeling fear all over again.The same feeling she felt when she was fifteen,when lost her family to a -

Arnav walked past dead bodies ,soldiers and doctors to get his wife in his arms.But she is shaking looking at him with hatred.


He could easily see that she will not listen to overwhelm by every revelation.But she don't have time.

He did what he knew will be final nail in their coffin.in their love.in their marriage.

"Shut up Khushi!No one is leaving you ,if you don't want your sister,Payal to be dead then shut up and listen dammit."

Khushi froze there was terror on her face "No..not my jiji.."

Arnav Singh Raizada wanted to stop ,he can't her hurt more ,he couldn't lose last thing connecting him to happiness he couldn't lose after Kohinoor snatch everything from him.

Khushi was supposed to be pawn ,a unnecessary bait to get him his revenge.

But why did she have to become his life ?

He did what he always do ,he hurt her again "Your conrnotion will be going to happen in an hour where you will quietly take the role of Queen.You will forget what you learned about HER.Dont do anything stupid otherwise Payal will die."

Khushi look at him in disbelief.Then she shook her head denying to be caught again,in the same situation where her freedom being traded for her jiji.

"Jiji ,he wanted divorce from you,How could you still think of him as great man instead of scumbag he is?"Khushi whisper confused over Jiji choice.

Her jiji being intimate with a man she just divorce is not like her jiji nature at all.

They were on waiting for Aman Mathur who is checking over securities car under the hospital parking lot.

Jiji smile sadly at her "Khushi,I can't tell you why I kiss him.But I could say he is someone who fulfilled his promise.He told me he would save you against jail charges and media false accusations.He did and all he asked in exchange is divorce.Aakash Singh Raizada saved you Khushi again and again even though he hated being tied to me."

Khushi wanted to deny ,her jiji is more important than that Aakash Singh Raizada but she couldn't lie.He did save her.

"I think Khushi,if tomorrow I am somewhere in trouble or you caught in storm name ASR then take my advice.And make a call for Aakash Singh Raizada .He will save and asked for most ridiculous things in exchange."Jiji have small smile all the while talking about him.

Khushi feel upset because she could see Jiji started liking this memory loss Aakash Singh Raizada too.

Khushi refused "No.Nothing will happen to my Jiji."she glared at him back finally realising she have someone who would stand by her and her jiji."And I will not let you make me your bait.I wouldn't become queen.and I wouldn't let you bring HER back."

Arnav grab her both wrist and twisted it behind her back making her too close him .His hold tighten on her hands and she hiss in pain.His eyes hold coldness"They were this close to killing you even knowing you are going to become Queen of KOHINOOR.This is HER power ,she ruled on every single soul of this country without being here ,her shadow haunted of everyone of them.Her mere mentioned is death sentence to anyone.Do you know what it meant ? It is fear.And I want to remove this fear by killing her by my hand.or die trying."

Khushi felt her blood turning cold at his declaration.She look at him so far gone in his madness.

"Tell me Khushi have you never thought of taking revenge for your own family?Don't you love your own family?When you can break every limit for Payal happiness then don't you want to take justice for your own parents and brother murder."His eyes have fire in them waiting to burn everything in ashes.

She gasped terrified ,a sob choked down "My family will not come back by revenge.I couldn't let myself throw into the very same abyss where nothing but destruction is waiting os me happen.You have already thrown yourself in the abyss."

Arnav throw her away looking at her furiously"This country have always gave birth to Monsters.But what you call someone who kill monsters? Letting her live when everyone inside KOHINOOR is living in fear of her is not revenge. "He took step back away from her ,he suddenly feel resented by her easy gesture of forgetting everything what to happen to her,like it means nothing."You don't understand Khushi,you will never understand me or any of soul living inside these walls.You say I have thrown myself in abyss,But do you know I have spread rumours of HER DEATH Even then everyone still live in fear of her very mention.I live to kill her.I will do anything to make it happen."

Khushi gaze at him terrified by his madness,by his intensity of killing himself if she didn't listen.

What did that murderer do to him ?is what Khushi could think.This shell of a man who seem to be insane ,who talking about killing her as easily breathing is not the man she knew. She saw another part of him,hidden deep inside and never to be out.This madness to get his revenge,to sacrifice their love,their hate, himself for the revenge .

Khushi stared at Arnav Singh Raizada and all she feel is pity.


He is dead.Manorma Singh Raizada became widow,and all she feel is anguish.

He is dead.She need to tell Sasu maa about her son death.

He is dead. Manorma have to discuss with their PR management about how to make it look like accident.

He is dead. She should get up and move ,there is too much to do.

Why can't I move? Shouldn't I feel with joy that he finally died? But she only feel burning anger .

"He dared to died where I am still alive."Manorama whisper with hatred.





Gujarat Airport

Aakash made his way out of airport, few hours flight later. He is in Gujarat. His sharp eyes hidden by black aviators he wore, his step are sure and light full sleeves blue t-shirt and black jeans making him look handsome and charming not at all bloodied reaper .

He paused for a second when he saw special welcome comitee across the road of airport. The too many black scarpio cars with black tinted windows and tracking eyes on airport is clear indicator about his welcome.

Aakash grinned but didn't stop moving out .who is showering me in so much love? 

He cross the road and the sling behind him immediately made lean away right side and the long steel rod grazed by his life side. 

Reaper turn around gazing at the welcome comitee with smirk, "Why so uncivilized, brothers ?Can't we take it as gentlemen way? "

The six feet muscular leader in brown kurta and bloodshot eyes gazed at him furiously and didn't waste time to launch himself on him. 

He was about to pack the punch when he sirenge on his arms from behind. Damn this body do not have built up immune from knockout drugs! 

But now he know is behind this welcome comitee. 

His blurry watch them drag him towards car, tying his hand and putting red tape on his mouth. 

What a welcome to Gujarat! Reaper thought humorlessly. 

It was min or may be hours when he felt himself wake up. Aakash look around dark warehouse. His hand tied to the pillar behind him. His mouth is not glue from tape. Small mercies. 

He narrowed his eyes when he heard loud breathing few steps away from him. Someone else is here too, huh.

"Hello? Sir? Are you kidnapped too? "a girl voice can be heard making him scoff. 

"No I am taking vacation in this dirty warehouse. "He sarcastically retorted. 

"Well that make us two of us. "the retorting high pitch voice made him inwardly laugh. oh the girl have fire alright.

He was about to say something as he tried to loosen the rope when he heard loud gunshots noise from out. 


"ACP!  You have one last chance, send our bhai  back otherwise no one will be alive!. "

Aakash hum situation got more clear to him. But then sound small sobbing made him froze. 

The girl is sobbing. Reaper should ignore. But the problem is somehow it makes his blood boiled. 

"I don't want to die!.. Dida told me to not go outside until she is back. But I was excited to go and tour Gujarat. My bad luck I got myself stuck in this situation. "her voice is hiccuping inbetween. 

Aakash is sure she is hyperventilating, so he did what he shouldn't. He talk "Oh, what happened?"

"They tookover the public bus, Sir! Stop it in the middle of nowhere. "She complained more like whined. 

Aakash lips curled up ,he made loud signed "Was I in the bus too? "did those welcome comitee put me in the public bus? 

"I don't know Sir, I was sitting at front seat and listening iPod. "She reply sounding guilty. 

Aakash scoff distracted youth these days. He asked "Now what will you do? "

"I think it's alright Sir, at least before dying I can talk my heart out. Even though you are stranger but what's wrong with it? We will die in an hour. "the girl tune changed to enthusiasm making Aakash eyes twitched. 

I thought I was the only annoying person but she is making me look like a good man. Talking about death like its nothing. He shook his head. Weird girl. 

"Sir where are you from? "She asked. 

Reaper lied "Delhi. "Kohinoor

"I'm from Istanbul. But what matters we are going to die here."she said in afterthought. 

Reaper really don't like being annoyed back. "Istanbul? What are you doing all way to India? "

"My Dida. She have some business in India with some old friends. And I always wanted to come India for tour. "she replied in excitement. She continued "Do you know sir I love tracking in jungle, I have traveled to every jungle I could in past five years in very famous places. I always think there is some connections with jungle and me! "

Aakash retorted "May be you found some common ground between you and animals? "what a chatter box! 

"Please sir! ..sir are we really going to die? In just an hour.. How could life can be so short? I have so much to do. Sir?"she now started panicking again. 

He dryly told her"Half an hour gone in your chattering. "

She gasped loudly. "What? "then she stuttered "Why are you silent? By the way what's your age? "

Aakash have finally made himself relax on pillar as he could feel the rope loosen. "Hmm, My age 26"if Ignore adding my previous age. 

"Oh 26!Then you have seen everything in your life. Huh?"she exclaimed. 

Aakash jaw dropped. Why the hell she sounded like I am some ancient antique! 

"But I didn't see anything, I am just a seventeen you know. I have dream of tracking mountain of every famous countries. Traveling every jungle. I will eat many famous food of India, even take my Dida to tour England! So much dreams and everything gone up in ashes! "She is now definitely whinning .

He wanted to ignore her but this loud speaker is definitely can't be ignored.

"Oi sir ,Only I am talking for some time, tell me about your dreams too. Before dying we should talk out our heart. Turn around, Turn around towards me, I am turning too. "She complained to him then started demanding. 

Aakash did turn around otherwise loud speaker will torn down his ears."Why in the world turning around and dream taking is connected?! "

They are still in dark .He can't see the face of annoyance.Just dark figure. 

And she chattering again "Because face to face feeling is totally different! "she then demanded "Dream, Sir? "

Reaper leaned back on pillar watching dark figure, he should lie or make her angry to get her distracted but he let himself finally says "My dream, God will not let me fulfill it but there is a dream of mine,... someone on my shoulder leaning on me and laughing near my ear and make me their donkey and directing me towards where they want to go then after I am too tired...those hand will be on my head patting me .. Haha.. Funny right  ....."

The weird girl didn't make a sound, suddenly he felt her moving forward then he froze. 

She put her forehead on his shoulder and did it twice. 

Like trying to pat him. 

Bang! Slash! 

The loud wind made the windows of warehouse slammed open loudly and light finally on them. 

Reaper eyes widened in shocked when he finally saw her. 

"I can't reach on your back so you can give me ride and fulfilled your dream but I can give you pat however indirectly!Sir."

Swara Malik is looking at him with her doe-eyes and small smile on small face. 
