
Anjali felt eyes burning hole at her head but she didn't look up from where she sitting.

The Operation Theatre is still closed ,she herself feel scared at idea of losing her husband.Few hours before she almost lost her chotey and now she is going lose her Shyam ji too.

Manorama Mami hand on her shoulder giving her silent support but all Anjali wants to screamed at the world.

"-please I beg you, Khushi didn't do anything!it is trap."Payal voice is begging for her to listen.

But Anjali is all can feel weight of eyes that made her to stop thinking everything.

"This is misunderstanding,please help Khushi ,My Khushi wouldn't hurt anyone especially your brother."Payal look at her desperate pleading her sister case.

Anjali stare at her sister -in -law silently,she finally made her decision "When Shyam ji will be out of danger , Khushi ji can return home."

As if she didn't decided to damned Chotey's wife under police custody.

Payal gasped looking devastated but Anjali all did to turn her head towards the owner of eyes.

Aman Mathur eyes met hers and all she could see the indifference in them for her.

Anjali should think she should not have done enough if this man still not stopped looking at her.

She will destroy herself to make him understand that there is nothing to look for him.


Devyani Singh Raizada felt like her family is slipping like sand as she sat beside her Anjali bitiya infront of door where that Shyam is being operated.

"Manohar ,please ask police to treat Khushi bitiya kindly."She told him.

Her son signed heavily "Amma ,I already did it.But here you can talk to them yourself."He put his phone in her hand and stood up.

Devyani confused look at son "Where are you going?"

Her son shook his head "I need to go court for filing some documents.They are important until then Amma please let NK to look after everyone.Dont worry too much I have faith in doctors."



Khushi screamed "Stop it,please devi mayyiya sake -"

But ice cold water was not stopping by any means.The female constable look at her in disdain as she throw another bucket of water on Khushi face making her scream in cold.

Police officer leaning against wall opposite of where Khushi is being torcher laughed "Madam ji you shouldn't gone and touch Raizadas son and son-in-law .Shut her voice it's annoying."

Khushi couldn't speak anything as rag was pushed inside her mouth making her muffle .

Then another female constable came inside with long stick.

Police officer gave one pity look at Khushi then snorted "You shouldn't have met those rich fuckers ,they are not people like you to mix.The torcher is only starting."He glance at second female constable who walk towards Khushi,"Beat her up enough to remember that Raizadas are not meant to be touch by her filthy hands."

He walked out as sound stick meeting flash can be.

Police officer take out mobile and make call "Khushi Kumari Gupta is in custody and getting the treatment you asked .Is she meant to go court or ..."he reported dutifully.

"Give your treatment by late night.She will be from jail to somewhere else.I will sent my lawyer with court documents."the voice order him then call was hang up .

Police Officer Mantra tsk "Poor girl."then he shouted "You two beat the girl constantly and don't touch her face remember."


There is no star tonight making him feel melancholy lying on hospital bed quietly.

Arnav stare outside in the night trying to feel something other than numb remembering hatred in her eyes.

He wants to know himself why he always hurts her then he wants to burnt himself because this is how he know love works for him.

But not for her.

The door opened making Arnav turned his head to look at the puppet master.

Manohar Singh Raizada gave gentle smile towards him.He stride inside wearing the casual business suit and have folder in his hold.

"Arnav betwa ,you should be more careful ,Here I thought I almost lost my investment."Manohar gently chided.

Arnav face turned blank.He doesn't want to show the terror he felt that is clawed in his bone and fear that is mixed in his blood.He doesn't want to show any weakness.

"I apologise."Arnav calmly utter .He needs to be calm.there is sound of whip he can hear.

Manohar smile widen "Good boy.You were always my favourite one."

Arnav flinched. He grab the bed sheet he wants someone to come to sa-

"Now what I see these annulment papers on your office.We are Raizadas ,Arnav betwa .There is no divorce in our family."Manohar scolded him looking disappointed.

Arnav wants to kill himself for feeling guilty at look.

"Gupta family is becoming more trouble then worth."Arnav utter sounding cold and icy.He can't let his real emotions get out because that is weakness for him.

Khushi needs to be far away from this family.and from him.

"Why married to her ?"Manohar ask with curiousity .

Arnav Singh Raizada sent sharp look "None of your damn business."


Loud backhanded slap on his face was nothing new ,Arnav is used to it.

Manohar wipe his hand clean like he have touch the dirt."Such a rebellion.I will not ask again."

Arnav felt shudder wreck in fear but his face still blank "I heard Khushi telling Shyam to divorce Di for her.Then Di was declared pregnant.It was fragile times.And Raizadas don't divorce by your rule.I married Khushi instead to keep Shyam away from her."

Manohar gave him grim look "Oh betwa what a good brother you are but all this would have been easy by getting rid of Khushi bitiya. A little accident is enough rather then all this."

I know Arnav silently agreed But I wouldn't let you touch the shadow of Khushi he swore on his dying breathe.

"I was not thinking in cool mind.All I can worry about Di conditions."Arnav let himself look apologetic.

Manohar nodded satisfied and then put the folder on his lap."I understand betwa ,You need to sign the document.They are not important enough."

Arnav took the folder and open them to do what is being told to him.

Manohar chuckle holding out pen "I made sure to cancel the annulment being passed by the court .I think you are right.Raizada name can not be ruined by Khushi bitiya and Shyam betwa. It's good I have made good arrangements for Khushi bitiya."

Arnav freezes his eyes reading the document heading.


His face look terrified beyond limits."Why ?"

Manohar laugh like this is nothing."Khushi bitiya tried to kill damad ji and almost kill you ,my investment.She needs help and who better then my long dead brother-in-law and your dear father one of the best establishment.They will take care of our Khushi bitiya."

Arnav wants to beg to let Khushi go .But he can see malicious look instead of kindness in the old eyes of Manohar Singh Raizada.

"Khushi bitiya will be fine.I think Arnav betwa should put more focus on his upcoming reward on the day new heir of Raizada family will be born."Manohar told him gently.

Arnav Singh Raizada all can hear warning of what he will be lost if dare to rebel.He look at man who raised him along with Ajay Malik.

Then at the document that needed his signature.His one sign and Khushi will be lost to him.

But if didn't then that location will be gone forever.
