(v) Silence


There are regrets and what if in a life that can always comes in our mind for fleeting moment but slip away like sand from fist because regrets can never go away ,we start to avoid thinking about them. Arnav always know his regrets but confronting those regrets was not something he was ready.

But life was never fair for him.

He watch Khushi coming from east side of tour around Kohinoor  with guards from the distance.

She will be head of Kohinoor, soon. Her eyes have sadness and she look so beautiful even then.

Will Khushi ever demand answer from him ?

Arnav feel regret for snatching her family twice. All because he fallen in love with her, hurting her feels like he stabbing himself. If there was someone else in her place

He regretted never meeting her five years ago. Sending Bilu in his place to meet her but he was not ready to have engagement with fifteen years old girl. That was his bottom line he wouldn't Cross.

But that same girl who turned nineteen few months ago and becoming his wife is like fate playing a long game with him and telling him that he can never run away from the decision of fate.

A cruel game.

Khushi feeling his gaze turned to meet his eyes like always.

How could they feel each other is something he never understood but Arnav Singh Raizada will never let this feeling dictate what is necessary for Kohinoor.

Khushi left the guards and walked towards him .

Like always leaving everything to walked towards him.

Arnav Singh Raizada ached to meet her halfway. To leave everything behind and walk away from this empire to have small world with her.

"Arnav ji "Khushi eyes brighten up meeting his, as if all grief in her eyes fell away when being with him.

But Arnav can't let history repeats itself.

Ajay Malik choose Meera Goenka over his duty and everything was ruined.

Their son can't do same.

"Khushi,You need to meet Aman in an hour, he will tell you about history of Kohinoor and then you will meet Khasim for military disscusson. "Arnav Singh Raizada coldly told her.

Khushi eyes sadden, she nodded helplessly "I know. "she wants to get away from all this responsibility which making her feel more distant from him then their arguments, fights and hatred ever did.

She couldn't forget for what is forced upon her by his choice but she forgives him because this man, this monster is the who have gamble away everything to protect her.

"Understand everything Khushi, you have to rule this kingdom better then past kings. "Arnav told her. He wanted to leave but his arm was caught by hand.

"You will be there for me, Arnav ji. Right? "She look desperate like he would disappear if she look away.

Arnav fascade fell away and he move closer to her, his thumb caress her cheek, he whisper "Until my last breath. I will be with you,Khushi."

He walked away leaving Khushi stunned by his oath,by his softness and making her heart flutter all over again. He made her hate him then next second make her fall in love with him with one simple gesture.

Arnav Singh Raizada who fell shaken by being so close to her, would never let anything happen to Khushi, he wouldn't let her become another Ratna Malik .



The ocean made her feel nausea, she hated ocean, hated water because it washed away everything leaving behind destruction in their wake.

Khushi always love ocean. Payal mused feeling seasick as her hand in handcuff kneeling in middle of cabin. She couldn't feel floating of ship but just the knowledge is enough for to feel more disgusted with being here.

"-Last safehouse was blown away, no one was left. "

"Sri Lanka government is demanding us to leave,Sir.Our spy found that he sent message to government. "

"Sir, Our Every single men are being killed on the spot in India. "

"Shut up! "Suraj Raj growled banging the desk where India map was laid in detail. His eyes snap to the woman on her knees. "All my men are being killed because of this bitch, what is it about you that Reaper is hunting my men like sport."

Payal froze hearing him but stayed silent. She doesn't know herself. Why that imposter is so desperately trying to save her?

"I don't care how we reached Sri Lanka, bribe the government in any way but I want to get away ."Suraj Raj declared, his hand shaking .

Suddenly cabin door was open with bang. Staff members looking paler as if he have seen ghost stammered "R-Reaper... Submarine.. "

All Payal could feel odd trepidation, like stories her Babuji used to tell her,Never wished to meet a man who can be inhuman as Ravana and personality as righteous Lord Ram, that man is not only bring harbinger of death but always surrounded by death.

Because a man with this two personalities cannot be called just a man but a judge of Death.

His judgement is absolute in death.

When Payal look towards her torments faces choking from fear all she could remember her babuji words.

Who are you imposter?

Suraj Raj sent her look of pure loathing and spat command at one of his guard "If anything happens to me then kill her. "

And he run out of cabin with his men.

The screams was making her blood turn cold. It never stopped. Loud gun shots, shouts, stop,nothing is stopping the Reaper.

It felt like days, hours or minutes she don't know, Payal finally heard the silence .

A silence which was more scary then she ever believed.

The door quietly open and Payal wanted to forget what she saw.

But reality is cruel.

Aakash Singh Raizada stare at with eyes so very cold like a Rakhshas.

The guard didn't get chance before he was killed by the sword, beheading him.

Payal look at him in fear because when your Savior is nothing but Rakhasha, this is not saving but leaving den of loin and stepping close to wolves.

"Who are you? "Payal demanded she wanted answers. She wanted to know why her life have been fallen apart. From the day this imposter enter her life. Her gaze didn't look but she know trails of blood meant. No one is alive.

She felt like someone have put sacrifices for her safety which make her want to vomit.

This is insane.

The Reaper stepback, he didn't come close to her as he stared at intently "You are safe,"he said more to himself then to her, he continued numbly "in fifteen minutes Kohinoor navy will be here to secure the ship and save you."

She doesn't understand anything but she wants him gone.

He did leave not before throwing his bloodied coat on her.

Who are you?

The moment where he knows that she knows his truth is what made shattered look he give her more painful.

He is not Aakash Singh Raizada.

Payal sat on floor throwing away the cloat colored in more red then green.

She is fool to hope otherwise.



Lavanya sat breathing heavily by many twist and turns of alley of old Delhi until she reached the antique store .

Her eyes fell on her stomach with softness then she look away waiting for her lover.

The store owner, a bald ordinary middle age man gave her suspicious look then sternly speak"Wait there."

Lavanya nodded her heart drumming loudly sitting on wooden chair looking towards entrance.

Bilu stiffen watching Lavanya entering antique store as he hid far away but kept her in line of his sight.

He quickly message his men"Get information on store, and sent her photo in every goons mobile of old Delhi with price."he can't have her slipping away if they lost her.

He couldn't understand who was behind Lavanya Kashyap honey trap, he was given her file by King who ordered to always keep eye on her and analyzed every action.

The file given Bilu information which would have made him never suspicious of Lavanya but the problem is that it's too perfect ,too much coincidence with her frequents meeting Anjali Singh Raizada, odd extra marital affair with Manohar Singh Raizada, and so easily breaking up engagement with their King but still being in his presence like her heart was not broken.

And the way she got too close to Khushi Kumari Gupta or Khushi Singhania.

Bilu snorted as he sharply watched antique shop .Kohinoor soldiers waiting for his command.

Lavanya eyes widen when she met brown eyes of her lover who enter the store looking paler and worried.

"Lavanya "his voice made her feel finally relax.

Bilu stood from his hidden place with shocked look."Fuck! Fuck! Move out! Leave quickly! "he escaped before he made some inter-clan incident.

Kohinoor soldiers got his signal and walked out, everyone slip away from alley.

Bilu quickly made call.

"Bilu? "Aman Mathur voice sounded on there side with confusion.

"Sir, that chit of woman -Lavanya -she is lover of Sushant Jha. " he informed shivering he come so close to killing that Jha, and signing his own death warrant.

"Leave,And get to Nepal there is payment is ready for consignment. "Bilu heard order loud and clear.

He signed "Yes Sir. "

When he was in car  ,his close men look at him in confusion.

"Bilu bhai why we left? "

Bilu stiffen "Because that Bastard you saw is Jha Clan only son,Sushant Jha. And who will take Jha seat soon. "

Then it was his soldiers turn to pale.

Jha Clan, one of notable part of clans in Kohinoor .

But what Bilu couldn't understand is why Sushant Jha sent his own lover Lavanya Kashyap as honey trap in Raizada family ?



Aman Mathur remain silent standing near cold basement of warehouse where new arms are being made. His mobile phone remain tightly in his fist.

His nonchalant eyes are different in that moment looking furious.

"Anjali"her name was curse for him as he spoke looking at newly made weapons .

Sushant Jha, the newly head of Jha clan,is in alliance with her.

Sushant Jha hated many things and his Bastard brother Shyam Jha come first.

Anjali married Shyam Jha, making her enemy of Jha clan which everyone thought.

But the reality she is merely waiting for perfect time to get rid of Shyam Jha and put Jha clan in her debt.

You always let yourself have a way out, getting Jha Clan under you.Brilliant move. Aman thought feeling angrier more he thought.

That marriage with Shyam Jha was sham. A lie.

This realization made him want to destroy everything. She never loved Shyam Jha. It was Her  way of getting Jha clan.

Aman Mathur stilled every puzzle is clicking in place.

"I wished I stopped loving you. "Aman Mathur whisper to no one.
