(iii) Nostalgia

Anjali felt ache on her limping leg she hurried on the stone pathway stretching from mansion entrance to large black door.Calling mansion is more like joke when it is fortress that was made by her other side of family in year 1942.The guards in black suit carrying heavy guns are behind her with space of two meter as if she will disappear any more space .

She saw none of maids who were assigned by that family and only more black suit guards wearing badge of Raizada staff .

Anjali guessed this time chotey is not taking any risk for his wife.she snapped feeling fury over that thought "Leave!"

"ASR orders Ma'am,we are not allowed."the chief guard ,her chotey's faithful dog told her.

Anjali Singh Raizada hated being confined and this time both her Nani and Chotey know this.She let herself sat on comfortable large sofa the anger inside her is not going away.

I failed and that Khushi won.Anjali thought grimly.What Anjali wanted was cheerful puppet became stone struck on her path.Everything was snatched away from her and given to that Khushi.

But hurts more is indifference in her Chotey look towards her.

Anjali was helpless pregnant widow which she made herself into.Then she suddenly paused and demanded"In America there is election going on financial minister ,who won?"

The chief guard was told to not provide any information from outside ,he remain silent.

Anjali didn't ask again because she got the confirmation she needed.Chotey wouldn't let her get any information related to their connection.

Now all Anjali needed to wait,it's good to be helpless pregnant widow.

"Shyam ji ,you died giving great gift to me.Thank you."She murmur in the silence hall.


As Sushant Jha stares into the night, propped up in bed, he solemnly watches the city lights outside his opulent hotel suite. New York has always looked peaceful from above—despite the fact that the  hitman has been intimately acquainted with the wars brewing in its underbelly for some time.

Still, from this height and framed by the Kohinoor's floor to ceiling windows, the glittering metropolis is beautiful.  

Sushant's gaze shifts over to the table that is covered with various medical supplies. Among the mess of bloodied gauze and alcohol wipes is a half-empty bottle of bourbon. Beside those, a standard hotel ice bucket.

All in all, a tried and true first-aid kit.

The Kohinoor's surgeon has come and gone mere hours ago, ensuring that Sushant will survive his wounds(some nasty torso contusions, a few scrapes, and a deep shoulder laceration from a well-aimed Bowie knife). In a corner of the suite bedroom, fatty rests on a provided dog bed. The beagle's side is taped up and her ribs are properly set despite her heavy breathing. She has made it through the worst, proving that she is just as resilient as her master. Yet, seeing the injured pup still sets the assassin's teeth on edge. Suhsant's dark need for vengeance stirs low in his belly as a low, pained whine escapes fatty.

He needed to kill Shyam who is hidden behind his in-laws and chop his hand after daring to sending his men to kill him and mainly his fatty for wanting to be Dad's only heir.

The tranquil silence of the suite is interrupted by the shrill ringtone of a nearby iphone. 

Recognizing the name on the caller ID, he accepts the call. Sushant puts the phone to his ear and says nothing.

He just listens.

Silence is heard for a few moments.

Then, a weary sigh.

"Shyam is dead."

The hitman answers the all-too familiar voice with more silence.

"He was murdered and I couldn't get him for you.The suspects are three woman all related to Raizadas.Khushi Singh Raizada who stabbed him on throat with fork, Manorma Singh Raizada who was found with his corpse next morning and lastly Anjali Singh Raizada,his own wife ,who have been the one to see him in ICU after operation."

Sushant's expression only hardens. 

"I was kick out of India by ASR.All my FBI team too and by the way congratulations to your dad for winning election again."Maya voice sounded tired.

Sushant politely reply"Your brother is dead,My debt to you is fulfilled."he hung up the call not wanting listen anything else.

He felt his fury slow down after knowing that bastard is dead but then he also know that bastard was living on the whim of Anjali Singh Raizada.

Killing him is all that means that She want Sushant to take his dad's seat of Kohinoor association.

That was her debt to him.

Sushant jha hated debts , especially to dangerous woman.



Raizadas horses were huge, barrel-chested animals with dark colouring. Some were lither, meant for fleetness and maneuvering tight paths, but each was indisputably a warhorse. The companions of conquering kings.

Of the twenty horses stabled that night, Aakash had been drawn to a tall, snorting stallion with a totally black coat. The stumbling stablemaster had tried to foist a tired-looking gelding on him, warning that Aakash's horse was, "Stubborn, prideful, and wont to disobedience."

Aakash had reached out a hand to the beautiful creature, quietly marvelling as he was warily sniffed and deemed acceptable by a soft snort. "You promise?" he'd asked.

Aakash wanted to relax and after getting almost murder again and again from every type of poison in his meal last two days to having Hitman come after him is becoming boring then he knew who wanted to kill him and he understands everything after NK monologue his life history to him.

Dr Kabir wanted to actually kill him for interrupting him in his reading novel time.Aakash boot out the office after getting treatment and now he is here in fortress where three criminal,he mean his parents and his big sister is grounded

Aakash was bored and decided horses stable are more important than being murdered by their eyes.

He wants to have fun and Stop thinking about that damn kiss!

Manohar Singh Raizada watch from large window in disbelief,his bloody son is riding horse.

"That bastard ,he dare to touch my 15 million dollar horse!"He shouted furious.

Manorma ignored him, gazing at her reflection and brushing her hair with hair brush.She needed to see if guards will be merciful by giving her separate from this barking dog.

Aakash sneeze then continue riding and ignoring all the world problems.He deserve some peace.


Khushi was watching the death trying to get her and it never happen before.

He told her about death and how her justice will make go close to it.

Is this what he mean?

The fifty trucks are holding men with arms and pointed at them.There was bloodthirst on their face as if she is nothing but dying flower they came to fulfill the part of dying.

"Oh ! We are surrounded."Aman Mathur deadpanned voice made her break away from dark thoughts.

Jiji have been holding her hand and witnessing everything with her.

Khushi wonder if they escaped from today's death then will jiji even want to close to her.

But jiji surprise her by coming to stand infront her looking furious and protective "How are we going to escape because bullets don't have eyes."

Khushi squeeze her jiji hand ,her brave sister."Aman ji ,we are surrounded.Please do anything!"

Aman Mathur who was loading the gun look towards both Gupta sisters,his eyes indifferent "They are here to take hostage and that's you Ma'am.I will require you to stay inside and keep the gun."he gave gun he loaded to her.

Khushi felt the weight on her hand,this is second time she is feeling it .

"Hostage situations are tricky which I hate to deal with and my suggestion will be please don't interfere."Aman Mathur told her before got out of car without weapon looking unfazed as he strode towards the trucks infront of them leaving Khushi stunned.

Khushi jump towards the door panic but was stopped by jiji.

"What are you doing, Khushi?"Jiji snapped holding her hand tightly.

Khushi shake her head "We only have Aman ji who can deal with this situation and we can't lose him!"

Jiji pull her in her arms and whisper "But Amma wants him dead."

Khushi froze in disbelief she doesn't understand what she heard."W-What?"

Then Khushi saw her Amma coming out of truck with white kurta dhoti wearing men looking in his forties stern and malicious,the AK-47 on every single men made her shudder.

Jiji give her shaky smile filled with anger and pained"Baba is murdered by men sent by Raizadas , Khushi.I got call from Amma an hour ago.She told me that she is going to ruin these Raizadas.When I told her you have their empire then Amma said 'Better ,I can talk with my old friend who will help me more than ever to deliver me dead Raizadas.' All this is Amma plan .And Aman Mathur is her first prey."

Khushi flinched.
