

It was a name so much different from what he always feel whenever he saw the girl.ASR know that it is irrational to become angry just by uttering her name.

"Chotey,where are you?the marriage ceremony is going to start soon."his Anjali Di,voice full of concern and helpless can be heard in his ear through Bluetooth making his grip on steering wheel tighten.

ASR eyes were still filled with rage but his voice were polite"I'll be there,Di."he hang up the call on her not wanting to think about marriage which is soon going to happen.

Arnav Singh Raizada don't know what to feel at the thought of Khushi Kumari Gupta betraying him,his Di and whole family by having affair with Shyam Manohar Jha.

But it is fine,ASR never worked with emotions but ruthless logical solution.

Aakash Singh Raizada stare at himself in mirror with shocked what the hell?

He is in sherwani looking like groom he only ever saw others becoming when he was supposed to be dead because of bullet in his head.

"Aakash, your head injury can be bandages.dont worry there will be no problem with your wedding night."The doctor who was standing at the door spoke.

But Aakash all could see his forehead bleeding and himself feeling like he is in wrong place and wrong body.

"Wedding night?"Aakash utter in confusion.

Doctor uncle look at him in understanding "It seem to me that you are having concussion.Come here first,you need to lay down and rest for one hour."

Aakash in autopilot mode did what doctor said because yeah he need to understand is he in his imaginary hell or some kind of drugs.But why would a terrorist after putting bullet on his head care about putting him on drugs too?

Khushi felt like her dream cannot be more shattered,the pain on her wrist is becoming too hard to ignore but the pain which Arnav Singh Raizada is giving her too much for her to care about her wrist.


Khushi wanted to scream but all she feel is choked up.Being dragged from temple to back to car after being humiliated and degraded in name of marriage from the man she fallen in love with is something out of worse nightmare for her.

But then Khushi have always known behind the man there is monster.

"Hum taiyaar hai."

Khushi sold her soul in this marriage for her jiji wedding.She always knew that she can never be happy in her life.

And fate again made her see.

Arnav Singh Raizada strode inside the mansion with Khushi as his wife looking indifferent even though all he feel is hurt.Beside him Khushi look frightened but he ignored it.

It is time for Shyam Manohar Jha to understand what happened when he betrayed his Di.




Soft grass was beneath her feet, and damp soil.

    Outside the forest was a tranquil river. She stepped into the water, cupped some cool water to wash her face, and confirmed that she was not reliving memories anymore.

There were never a time when she could forget her past.They always chase her in sleep making it difficult to even close her eyes one second.

Her doe-eyes watch clear water turned red making her froze .There was too much blood on her both hand ,blood of those she killed.

"Hey!"a loud call made her blink making those blood vanished leaving only clear water.

A illusion.



Anjali gasped "Chotey !"she looked shocked at her brother and Khushi ji.The garland on their neck and Khushi maang filled with sindoor then the mangalsutra on her neck made a damning picture.

The whole family looks at them in shocked.

Nani who have enough of her family name being degraded again and again strode towards Arnav and shouted"Arnav what is the meaning of this?"

Arnav Singh Raizada retorted "Why you are all overreacting?Di ,you and Nani wanted me to marry then I did.No more discussion."but the way his eyes averted from his big sister looking anywhere but her was proof enough he know deep down that he is hurting everyone here.

"No Chotey ,the discussion is not over what do you think you will take this -"Nani was cut off abruptly when she saw Aakash coming towards them.

"I need to talk ."Aakash announced loudly as he look at everyone with desperate eyes.He is feel like he is intruding but he need to stop all this marriage nonsense.

"Aakash betwa,your head -"Manorma Mami look at her son in concern.

Aakash looks at the middle age woman who is staring back at him with concern then at the bride who took step towards him.And lastly at the man and woman who are wearing garland looking like runaway couple of some Bollywood movie.

"I am sorry but I don't want this marriage."He utter those damning knowing that what he is doing is more heartbroken thing for the girl who is became his wife today.

"What ?"Anjali Jha shouted looking shocked.

Nani seem to swayed on her feet making Nk to hold her .

Manohar snapped at his son "What are you saying Aakash?"

Even Arnav Singh Raizada seem to be taken aback by his cousin.

Khushi didn't take a second to walk towards her jiji and giving her disappointed look at Aakash Singh Raizada.

But Aakash didn't care about anything,he is not the man they and mostly the bride.And he can't betrayed her.

He kneel down in front of the bride and told her truth"I am sorry.You can punish me for what I am doing with you but I can't be the husband you want.I have injury on my head and I don't remember anything about myself or you.I don't even know your name."

Payal eyes widen she is feeling her heart is breaking every second because of his word "Aakash ji..."she whisper.She could feel Khushi arms around her,Amma hand in hers and Bua ji furious glare .

Aakash continue feeling nothing but helplessness "I am not Aakash ji you remember,I can not be him. Because I don't know him or what he was for you.I am not asking you to leave because you are now my lawfully wif infront of whole society and I know they will destroy you for being left alone on this day."he pause feeling tremble in his head and pain in his head.He died an few minutes ago and now he is kneeling down and begging forgiveness to the woman who he never knew." You can stay as my wife but I can't be the husband you want.I am sorry."

There was silence in the hall.

Payal who felt numb remove hands that are holding her and kneel down herself infront of the man who should be her husband looking at her with love but now looking at her like stranger with regret."Payal.I am Payal, your wife.We love eachother."she told him holding a small hope that he remembered it.

Aakash stare at her with nothing,"Sorry ,Payal."he spoke her name like with unfamiliar way as if speaking she is stranger.

Payal broke down feeling too much,she sobbed knowing her dreams shattered at this moment.
