

Such a easy word to throw around but when it happens ,it is hard pill to swallow.Being forced against your will to do what someone else said can impact the mentality of anyone.

Arnav could feel the weight of every stare he is getting from the family.

"Chotey ,You really are legacy of Ajay Malik "Nani words cut him so deeply that he can't help flinching.

Arnav look up to watch Nani giving him stare with same rage she ever had for the man who is called Ajay Malik.

The father or betrayer.just like Shyam.

"Nani,I do not regret."Arnav Singh Raizada utter those damning.

Khushi stumbled back in disbelief."Arnav ji ."the hurt she felt from his words can't help.

Nani glared at him"Chotey , Let me tell you that Ajay Malik told me same thing when he ruined my Ratna life."she snapped.

ASR let his cold face betrayed none of his expression."There was no choice Nani.Either I marry Khushi or let Di suffer just like Maa."his eyes burned with unshed tears.

"But you have to go ahead and ruined Khushi life just like your father did to my daughter,Chotey !Can't you see."Nani shouted angrier then ever."I should have known nothing good can be expected from Ajay Malik and that woman blood."

Arnav look at his grandmother,his Nani in shocked.

"Amma!"Manohar Singh Raizada eyes widen feeling dread at his mother words,he walked ahead and put hand on his mother shoulder "You promised Ratna,Amma."

Nani herself look horrified uttering those words as if she crossed all the lines she never wanted too.

Arnav Singh Raizada never felt scared in regards of his relationship with his Maa because he was Mama's boy, always her favourite and her proud son. For him,Maa is everything to him.

Then Malik family happened.

Arnav was snatched from his Maa-

"Nani,Arnav is my brother and son of Ratna And Ajay Malik.You can't lie to -"Anjali Jha declared looking at her Nani furiously.

"I am sorry,Nani."Arnav cut her off , bowing his head Subhadra Singh Raizada,Nani/Dadi of Raizada family with cold gaze."I will do everything in my power to atone my actions against Khushi."He wants to leave, feeling like he is again small clutching his Maa saree but being told to packed her bags.

Nani shook her head saying angrily "What you can do will be discussed after I called Gupta family this evening,they too need to clear the truth about Shyam."her angry gaze went to kneeling Shyam looking pitiful but all she could hear the echoes of accusations and deemed it suspicious until she get the evidence of who is lying.

Khushi stared at Arnav ji in disbelief,he said he didn't regret punishing her for Anjali ji,then Nani ji words regarding his parents and now he is saying sorry.

Will all hurt and broken trust can be heal because of sorry?

Then Khushi force herself to accept because this is the fate she got for surving when her parents deserve to live.

Anjali stare at her brother who became to blank and cold just like she remembers he was when he first came to Sheeshmahal ,to her , Maa and Baba but then he became happy and cheerful but again tragedy struck and he was there as her support.She desperately wants to trust him,her Chotey.

Then she feel her Shyam ji hand on her and she look away from her Chotey.

Payal felt like slapping these Raizada siblings for making mockery of  Khushi.Do they enjoyed ruining Khushi life?Then she watch her husband stepped away from Khushi and making his way to Arnav Singh Raizada all while looking peaceful as if some dark secrets are not pulled out from Dadi ji mouth .

Arnav Singh Raizada is not Anjali's blood brother.

She is hating even standing in between these people but she needed to.Payal will not let change in personality of Aakash ji make their marriage ruin.

"Oh, Looks like There is too much past to deal right now."Aakash stated putting his on Arnav bhai arm ,making the man turn his head to look at him coldly."But all I was saying that now Khushi,Miss Payal, Mrs Raizada and Mrs Jha can come work in company all things considering they would be alone and thinking too much nonsense, isn't Bhai?"

There was no more protest because by now every single person figure out protest will snatched out another secret Buried in their minds by Aakash Singh Raizada with only few strings of words.

It is terrifying.

Arnav understood the tactic but too late.He signed feeling tired.Arnav gave resigned look at Aakash indifferent gaze "Fine,But they will NK responsibility.NK you are joining office from today and Aakash,we will talk."He grab his brother wrist and dragged him out of Shantivan mansion ignoring everyone.

NK startled decided to do what is told because he doesn't want to draw attention towards himself from Nannav and this terrifying Aakash.

NK look towards the woman of family feeling helpless.

Khushi ji have unshed tears,Payal bhabhi look furious, Manorma Aunty seem nonchalant which is strange and lastly Anjali Di seem to be determined.

Nani signed"Call Hariprakash, Manohar and tell him to bring first aid kit for Shyam."Then she walked inside not willing to make herself talk regarding her disappointments also known as her adult grandchildrens.
