(i) Silence


There was silence in the vast forest surrounding Fort of Raizada family and in this silence he feel more than ever to forget himself and be done.

Aakash never got what he wanted ,he always been cruel to other and more than ever cruel to himself.He will never be free because his past always binds him in shackles to keep going.

He never learnt to stop,no one taught him to.

"Give him someone else!"

Aakash did not—

He swallows hard, fighting back—fighting back so many different emotions.

Aakash stumbled and got thrown down the horse because of his thoughts.But he didn't scream in pain ,all he could want to hear that voice again screaming at him, demanding him and making him always leave.

He watch horse didn't run away just turned and came closer to him and started nudging with his nose.

Aakash chuckle "Are you trying to make me love you,blackie ?I am going to call you blackie because I think we both are so going to be bestest friend."

Surrounded by large trees,grass and a war horse is not bad way to live a moment and yearn for freedom.



The luxurious room of hotel suite have been filled with smell of medicine and flow of doctors.

Devyani Singh Raizada faintly sat on the comfortable bedside as she watch NK being operated by doctors.Her gaze didn't averted from the bullet being taken out from his body,blood being wipe out, and his unconscious.

She couldn't let mistake of carelessness or schemes make her lose NK betwa.

It feel like hours have passed ,doctors leaving,nurses going out and in.

But all Devyani Singh Raizada feel is terror even for a second her guards didn't find out the fight between Aakash and NK then she could have lose anyone.

Dr Kabir have let her know that Aakash is safe.

Now ,NK too is safe.

NK who groaned in pain open his eyes at midnight.He look around and found himself in unfamiliar room then his eyes met old concern eyes.

"Dadi"NK greeted with grim face.

Devyani Singh Raizada narrowed her eyes"Blood loss would have  killed you,NK betwa.What conflict between you cousins made so much bloodier?"

NK averted his eyes.

Devyani Singh Raizada signed and pick the plate of pastry she ordered from hotel staff.

"Hey brat."Devyani Singh Raizada called him out.

NK taken aback couldn't stop amuse smile at Dadi action.

"It's your birthday."She told him with firmly"We will talk about your fight,be sure I will not be lenient but tonight we have to celebrate your birthday."

NK shook his head laid helplessly on bed with bandages and hooked glucose bottle"Dadi, you know I don't celebrate my birthday."

Devyani Singh Raizada could almost hear multiple voices repeating same thing to her.

"Nani , birthday is not for me.Its boring.We could go temple and attend Puja beside I don't celebrate my birthday."

"Nani,I am busy with work.Birthday comes every year there is nothing new.I don't celebrate my birthday, please."

"Dadi ,no way birthdays are not fun . I'll be going for business trip.I don't celebrate my birthday anymore."

Her every grandchildren have same treatment towards their birthday.Anjali,Arnav, Aakash and NK.

She is not fooled by nonchalant behaviour towards their own birthday.There is so much hurt hidden behind their gazes.As if shielding from their birthday will make it go away.

Devyani Singh Raizada shook her head and put down the plate letting the wish of NK quietly decided.

"Sleep betwa.And Happy Birthday."She whisper ,she patted his head.

NK felt shaken inside but let the rotten memories put him to sleep.


Aakash laid there peacefully which was disrupted by the vibration of his smartphone.He took it out and saw the unfortunate soul who is destroying his Time.

Ex-wife : help me.Amma is in comma and..Babuji is dead by your family hand.

Aakash squinted at the message feeling sympathy for himself.Am I some problem solver to this girl?

Aakash: send me location,Miss Payal.

He got the location quickly and decided to go for the walk.Aakash needed to which bastard is hell bent on getting thrown from cliff by him.

Why Raizadas can't take break? Aakash thought as take started walking back with blackie.



Anjali Singh Raizada stare at the cloudy dark night hiding the moon from the window,it's been hours she have been locked inside the room with only meals coming on right time and guards asking in every half an hour regarding her health.

She touched her stomach where it was slightly swollen,"kid,I trust you do not born in choatic times.My brother is not himself being delusion by a chit of girl and giving her what is meant to be ours."she signed talking to her fetus"Not that it matter,In this empire nothing is free, you have to earn what is yours or snatched it.My brother have done it before and now given the empire away to another but we will see what your decision would be kid."

The knock on the door finally break silence of her room,she turned to stare at close door "Come in."she gave her permission and immediately hated it.

Aakash Singh Raizada lazily prawled inside her territory like it's his own.

"Get Out!"Anjali snapped irritated by this man mere presence.

Aakash chuckle as he laid on the queen size bed without care"Look like you have Arnav bhai temper somewhere inside of you,Anjali Di."

Anjali annoyed clutch her stomach protectively "Leave ,Aakash.I am in no mood passing my time with your backstabbing presence."

"Backstabbing,huh!please explain,how?"He desperately asked but his face have mischief.

Anjali glared taking seat on sofa ,a chess board was open on coffee table beside her.

Aakash roll on bed to go near coffee without shame of trumpling Anjali bed.

"Hey !Why are you being so defensive?I was just being good-citizen."He chuckle his eyes taking the pawn ,king and queen position.

Anjali look down at chess board she was playing with herself, snorted angrily"Aakash,I don't understand from where you are getting arrogance to make me villain.I am bad women and I have no moral value when it comes my brother but What are you?"

He paused for a second but his gaze didn't move from board.

She leaned forward whisper coldly"You are enemy of Arnav and your very existence is needle to him.He hates you and every second you breathe the same air as him ,Arnav heart get more wounded.But Chotey hid so very well."

Aakash eyes which were struck on board didn't move but his hand tremble hearing her every words.He his it.

"How about a game between us? We can treat it as giving each other chances to get out of this cage."Aakash nonclantly told her as if he didn't hear her words.

He really don't remember anything of past. Anjali dumbfounded by his reaction,she thought Aakash was playing long game to get Arnav and her in false sense of security even moved to marry Payal to make himself look decent but everything was expected Chotey and her.

Then he lost memory.

Anjali realised everything is changing from the moment this man in front of her change.

"You can leave this place,there is nothing for you to win from me."She told him irritating and didn't show her true thoughts.

Aakash shook his head "Don't be spoilsport , Anjali Di. You win and I let you get out of our family beautiful golden cage "he put his elbow under chin smiling lightly making Anjali stare at him strangely he continue"but If I win ,you will help me get Miss Payal out of whatever cage she is struck."

Anjali couldn't help laughing "Payal !Did you fallen in love with her ?What those Gupta sisters have to make you and Chotey cross every boundary.Even going as far to make deal with me."Then she gave him murderous look"Do you think only you know to watch the footage ?"

"Then sacrifice your sister legacy."

"I don't care.Khushi seems to far more worth then that woman who will pretend to be fragile one minute then another minute a cold blooded murderer."

"Anjali Jha is nothing but pathetic woman who needs a jail and noose.I will make sure of it."

"I like challenges ,you alot not giving me hard game.Make it more harder and I will let you and your dear niece live long enough to keep me entertained."

Anjali repeated everything he said word to word during his encounter with Manohar Singh Raizada,her eyes are cold as she stare at him.

Aakash didn't say a word against to defend himself.

"Let me ask you why play a game when all you want to destroy me."Anjali curiously ask her gaze turned colder .
