Family history

Meanwhile at what was the old Axes Chemicals till it was blown up by Batman in 89 but rebuilt as some electronic factory curtsy of Lex Luther renamed Luther Electronics.....

.... Scarecrow and his men infiltrates the factory with another plan in emotion

Security Guards were taken out and killed one by one

And soon enough staff were killed or dosed by Scarecrow's toxin

He didn't bother taking hostages

But why Scarecrow was here was yet to be revealed

Scarecrow: Gentlemen.... originally this place was called Axes Chemicals now it is an electronic facility funded by Lex Luther of Metropolis. But beneath it hides the chemical implants to create my newest toxin. A gas that many will breath to face their fears. A gas that will be polluted by Thomas Wayne's latest machine. When his son looks his window his terror will consume in failure and guilt.

Scarecrow's men literally ransacked the factory to find any remaining chemicals that turned Jack Nappier into the Joker

At first nothing turned up until one of the goons stumbled upon a safe

Goon: Hey boss! We found something.

Scarecrow accompanied by two of his men approached it took time but eventually they cut it open and to Scarecrow's delite....

....there were remaining chemicals

Scarecrow: Excellent. I hoped for more but they'll do. Start loading them up.

The goons started loading the chemical containers

With his hands on his back Scarecrow examined his operation in progress the madman just loved hearing himself talk

Scarecrow: Once my newest toxin is put into use the first demonstration will take place at the Mayor's press conference tomorrow night. Gotham must see how their fears will come to life and how Bruce Wayne will witness a preview of his coming fate. What pains me more about it he's not only Thomas's son but Martha's as well. Bruce Wayne may not be responsible for Thomas's crimes but hurting him will destroy Thomas more in the after life. You hear me Wayne?! Your son will answer for your crimes! For Martha! For my life's work! Everything! Fear....will crush the Wayne legacy! And a new dawn will rise with everyone hating your family name.... starting with that playboy son of yours.

Scarecrow's men finished loading their trucks and soon drove away from Luther's Electronics

That very morning Bruce was tossing and turning he couldn't sleep well with so much on his mind

And then soon as his eyes popped open

Joker: Boo!

Bruce: Aah!

Startled at the bed Bruce frowns at the hallucination of Joker laughing and dancing around his room

Joker: Wakey guno eggs and bakey Batsy. I was just thinking back to the good old days when you and I thrashed Gotham around after Grisom went out with a bang! Well I banged him down but---

Joker stopped there

Joker: That came out wrong.

As awkward as that was Bruce continued to ignore him with Alfred coming in with his breakfast

Alfred: Sleep well sir?

Bruce: Not too well unfortunately Alfred.

Joker: Oh what what you baked this time Alfred? Ooh is that baken? Mommy Joker always baked me baken smiling at my eggs.

Bruce: Any word from Barbara?

Alfred: Gotham General called. She'll make a recovery but I don't think she'll ever walk again.

Bruce: Dick was right this is my fault.

Joker: Oh Brucie don't be hard on yourself. It could have been worse. What if it was me delivering sweet Bab's Candy gram? Hehehehe!

Alfred: Master Bruce don't let Ms Gordon's incident be on you. She knew the risks and still was willing give anything to make sure keep fighting.

Joker: Yeah what good are you for Gotham in a wheelchair?

Bruce: Maybe.....Crane....

Alfred: Sir?

Joker: What is that what you're gonna name your next boy brain?

Bruce: Alfred did my father knew a man named Johnathan Crane?

Alfred's expression dropped like he seen a ghost

He hoped Bruce would never ask him about him

Alfred: Yes.... but where did you learn about him?

Bruce: Lucius and Lesley told me about him.

Alfred: Oh God.

Bruce: Alfred what haven't you told me?

Joker: I smell family drama!

Alfred looked at Bruce with a sad expression

He later leads Bruce into his father's office where Alfred opens a file shelf and goes through them

He then pulls a file on one Johnathan Crane

And hesitantly hands it to Bruce

Alfred: I should warn you sir....there were things about Mr. Crane your father never wanted you to know. He and I both hoped you never learn about him.

Bruce looked at him seriously

Bruce: Why?

Alfred: I think you'll learn that once you read this.

Alfred hands Bruce the file and once he opens it explains almost everything

Johnathan Crane was not only a colleague of his father's or intern of Arkham Asylum he was also a close personal friend.... Martha Arkham....before she became Martha Wayne

Bruce was spooked he never knew his mother's maiden name he didn't even guess if she was ever related to Arkham

Arkham Asylum was built by Amadeus Arkham Martha's father....

... Bruce's grandfather

Bruce: My mother....her family built Arkham Asylum?

Alfred: Making you an Arkham bloodline as well sir.

Bruce: Amadeus Arkham the head doctor who later became MY grandfather?!

Alfred: Yes.

Bruce: Why did I never know about this?!

Joker: Damn Empire Strikes Back reference! Hoo hoo wish I had popcorn.

Alfred: The night you were born sir..... Mr. Arkham was already at his worse. The poor man was critically mad. Your mother....kept him in the dark cause she wanted to protect you from his influence. You may have Arkham in your blood as well as Wayne but you....are your own man.

Bruce: My fury that drives me to become Batman all this time I thought it was my parents murder....but Arkham? The criminally insane? All the criminals I put there.

Joker: Ppppttt! You didn't put me in there you tied my leg to a gargoyle.

Alfred: That has nothing with Amadeus. He didn't raise you. I did. Your parents did. Your mother couldn't stand the the thought of him corrupting you that's why he never knew about you either. Because that's what drove Mr. Crane to his own undoing. If she never met your father she would have never escaped.

Bruce: He intern for Arkham...then worked for my father.

Alfred: After your grandfather was committed into his own Asylum Crane had nothing and your parents cared deeply enough to bring in the family. Your father did try to save Crane anyway he could. But his obsessions with his dangerous experiments went too far. Your grandfather got to him before he could help....and the next thing that happened....he tried to kill your father.

Bruce was in horror

Joker was intrigued

Joker: Whoo if he had it be just Mommy Bats I gunned down! Haha!

Bruce: How did you stop him?

Alfred: Your mother stopped him. Apparently she only got through to him.... because of his feelings for her.

Bruce: Crane....and my mother??

Bruce was disgusted

Alfred: There were never together. Your mother chose your father. But it sadly drove Crane off....he was never heard from again.

Bruce didn't know how to absorb this but now he knew the truth about Crane and his parents but it made him  wonder what made him connected to the Scarecrow

It had two options.... Bruce thought Crane could be the Scarecrow or someone connected to him given Crane was declared dead

Alfred: Now you know the truth. I'm sorry you had to find out this way. I hope you understand the only reason your parents kept this from you was out of love for you. My reasons are mutual. I hope you can forgive me.

After a short pause Joker expected Bruce to chew him out but....

Bruce: Of course I understand. I could never hold this against you. Besides I just got you back. I couldn't afford to be without you again.

Alfred smiles emotionally

Alfred: Thank you my boy.

Joker: Ugh! So sweet I'm gonna hural.

(Family secrets out possible connections erupt....but a new member joins in the next chapter.......)
