Charity trouble

Ryder: This is Jack Ryder reporting the topest story in the his of Gotham. Mayor Hamilton Hill declared the Batman the most wanted man in Gotham. With former Commissioner Gordon off duty and this masked criminal known to be Scarecrow running loose is there any hope for our fair city? 

A TV turned off from him 

Gordon sat in his desk in his house frustrated after Hill took his badge he smoked a cigar trying to  calm down 

Barbra strolls in with her father's tea

Barbra: Tea's ready dad.

Gordon: Thank you darling. 

Barbra sets his mug on his desk in worry Gordon was still bitter loosing his job 

Barbra: Dad I was thinking......perhaps this is a good idea to reevaluate your retirement. I know the Mayor unfairly took your job but maybe we can start over.

Gordon: Not until I find the bastard that did this to you. 

Gordon still wouldn't rest till he found the thug that crippled his daughter it pains Barbra she can't tell him who it really was without exposing herself and possibly Bruce and Dick 

Barbra: Dad we might never find out. He was wearing a mask. 

Gordon: Oh we will Barbra. I WILL. Cause IDied the bullet after they pulled it out of you. It was a high caliber round. Real sharp shot I know I can find out by the finger prints.

That worried Barbra more than ever if Gordon ID's the the finger prints he's likely to find out the truth Hill firing Gordon may only delayed the inevitable 

Later Barbra came back to Wayne in worry telling him everything 

Barbra: He has the Scarecrow's finger prints Bruce. He's close on finding out the truth.

Bruce: I already took care of it Barbra. Just after they transferred it to evidence lockup. I destroyed the bullet. 

Barbra: It's not gonna stop him from trying to figure it out. Bruce I know my dad. He never let's things go easily. He barely got over mom's death. He's too old but stubborn enough to keep on going. I want to tell him everything.....but I know I can't. 

Bruce: I understand Barbra.  But for the city's sake...even his....he can't know.

Barbra: I know. But what can I do?

Bruce: I wish I knew. 

Sadly it didn't help Barbra's worries Bruce feels bad enough she can't be honest with her dad but it's not just for his cover but Scarecrow could easily kill him.

Bruce patted Barbra in the shoulder comforting her 

Meanwhile Tim came down to a large room to see Alfred hired decorators for a charity event 

Tim: Hey Alfred? What's the accession?

Alfred: Master Wayne's hosting tonight's charity gathering for Wayne Endurstries. A new project is being presented from applied sciences. Perhaps you like to event?

Dick: Really? I don't know much about rich parties but do I need a tux? 

Alfred: Yes but I can help you with that. 

Tim: Barbra will be here won't she?

Alfred grins knowing he would ask that

Later the charity event took place at Wayne Manor 

The place was packed CEOs socialites and pollitics attended 

Even Lucius and Lesley 

Bruce and Tim entered the room together and Tim felt a little silly

Tim: You sure I won't get laughs out of this?

Bruce: You'll be fine. I deal with things like this all the time. 

Tim: I'm still 20 years old so I'm still under age. Do you got any water?

Bruce: The bars will still water. You're good to go.

Tim: Question for you Bruce....does all the charity go everywhere in need?

Bruce: Yeah. Why?

Tim: Cause the soup kitchen at the homeless shelter I did part time at never received that.

Bruce: That's odd. It was supposed to go in every shelter. I'll have to complain to the Mayor about that.

Tim: Well here's your chance.

Bruce looks back and Mayor Hill was in the crowd sipping his whine

Bruce remembered the chase and him firing Gordon now cutting charity fundings was too far

He approached Hill who soon noticed him

Hill: Mr. Wayne. At last we meet.

Bruce: Mayor Hill. 

Hill: I must say you really put in a lot of work to this. 

Bruce: Yeah for the good people of Gotham.  And I hear you been cutting it from homeless shelters. 

Hill: I figured catch on Bruce our police started getting stretched thin since the terrorist attack by Bane. They needed money to stay well armed to protect our city. I'll  make it up to you. 

Bruce: Will you? Then hire Gordon back.

Hill: Bruce Gordon's a senior. He won't be able to withstand the job in his condition.

Bruce: Even so....he was a good cop. He solved my parents murder. 

Hill: I understand Bruce. But Gordon has to understand he might not be as strong as he use to be.

Bruce: Maybe. But at least give Gordon another job if not as police Commissioner. 

Mayor: I'll see what I can do. 

Hill walks away and when Bruce turns around

Zatanna had just arrived to donate her own charity 

Bruce froze in shock and Zatanna soon spots him and smiles and approaches him

Bruce: Hi.

Zatanna: Hi.

Bruce: I wasn't sure you were coming.

Zatanna: Why wouldn't I? It is a charity event. 

Bruce: You got good heart Zat.

Zatanna: Our fathers gave us that.

*Least you had fathers.*

Bruce and Zatanna looked back to that voice and to his surprise 

It was Selina

The Hellucination of Joker appears by Bruce 

Joker: Well this is awkward both of your ex's here at the same party. Who you gonna choose Brucie?

Zatanna: Hello. 

Selina: How do you do?

Bruce cleared his throat trying to act natural 

Zatanna: This someone you know Bruce?

Selina: I was about to ask him the same about you. 

Zatanna: I'm Zatanna. 

Selina: The magician?

Zatanna: Guilty as charged. And you are.

Selina: Martha Reynolds. 

Bruce felt insulted Selina was using his mother's name

Zatanna: Martha huh? I knew a kind woman named Martha.

Bruce: Yeah she was....Zat will you excuse us?

Bruce pulled Selina away from Zatanna making her suspicious but worried

(I smell another love triangle after Crane Thomas and Martha coming find out what burns next in the next chapter......)
