Wayne Tower Invasion

Scarecrow and his men came down to Arkham Garage

Where more costumed goons were loading the Fogburst into one of the semi trucks

Dagget and Kane waited for him impatiently

Dagget: About time. Thought you chickened out.

Scarecrow: And miss the fall of the Wayne Bloodline? Not by a long shot.

Kane: Remember our deal. We take a bach of Wayne's money and the rest is yours.

Scarecrow: And I'm only burning my half. Revenge is never into money.

Dagget: Why do you even believe Wayne is still alive?

Scarecrow: They never found his body.

Kane: Both Wayne and Zatanna were left in Wayne Manor to burn. You saw to it yourself.

Scarecrow: And if I'm wrong then so be it but the Wayne legacy shall tare itself apart through fear.

The two crime bosses were hesitant around him

But then soon as they were ready to go.....

..... Batman Robin and Nightwing appear out of the shadows starling the goons even Kane and Dagget

Scarecrow had driven off as Dagget hops in a moving truck driving after him

Batman kicks a goon forcing him to fall back

Nightwing bashes two goons with his batons

Robin performed his marshal arts on the goons surrounding him

Kane was hiding eyeing at the exit but Batman was right near it

The trio thwarts off the goons delivering final blows one after the other

Kane made a ran for the exit but Batman pulls him back

The Dark Knight holds Kane off the floor gripping his collar

Batman: The Scarecrow! Where's he going?!

Kane: Do your worst! You'll get nothing from me Batman!

Batman: If you insist.

Batman lunges at Kane with his cape blinding him

Kane's vision blurs and soon as he regained focus he saw himself hung upside down in a ventilation shaft over a large running fan

Kane panics and The Dark Knight pulls his head closer to him


Batman: No just in a bad mood. Now talk!

Kane: I can't! He'll kill me!

Batman: You think I won't?

He lowers him to the fan cutting a lock of his hair off

Kane: DAAH!

Batman pulls him back up

Batman: WHERE IS HE?!


Batman: Over my dead body.

Batman knocks him out and later leaves Kane tied up for the police

At Wayne Tower

Lucius finishes securing the building sipping a glass of whiskey to calm himself

Lucius then looked at a family portrait in Bruce's office of his child self and his parents

Lucius: We sure could use your guidance Tom. I know your son could.

On the first floor turned out....the front desk man....was bought off cause he deactivated the secured protocol

And Scarecrow's men waltzed in

Next thing Lucius got an alarm the security was shut down

Lucius: How the--

Lucius heard a woman screaming outside the office

Suddenly Scarecrow burst in with goons behind him

Scarecrow: Ahh Mr. Fox. It's been too long.

Lucius: Crane?

Scarecrow: Oh no Scarecrow. Soon Gotham will know the nature of fear and the Wayne legacy burns down with this tower.

Lucius: You won't succeed.

Scarecrow: And who's gonna stop me? You? Batman? By now he's under 50% of my fear toxin. A dose he'll never recover from.

Lucius: I wouldn't be so confident. Many tried to put him down. All failed.

Scarecrow: Joker Penguin Two-Face Riddler Freeze and Bane.....all of them had one thing in common. They never knew....fear is the greatest weapon of all.

Lucius: Don't get cocky Crane. The Wayne's are stronger than you think. 

Scarecrow: Really? You know Fox I don't know how you remained loyal to Bruce Wayne this long. He has to have you in his shadow like Thomas Wayne had me in his.

Lucius: I knew Thomas Wayne long enough to know he'd never keep anyone in line.

Scarecrow: You are a fool Lucius. It would be your down fall.

A goon grabs Lucius from behind and then Crane talks on his walkie talkie 

Scarecrow: Is the machine in place?

Up on the roof a helicopter landed and the Fogburst was placed by Scarecrow's men 

A goon replies to Scarecrow 

Goon: We're almost ready boss. We just need your arming code.


Goon: Yes sir. 

*After you punch in the code. Set the timer for 30 minutes. It'll be midnight by then.* 

Goon: You got it Doc.

Scarecrow's men type in the code and set the timer for 30 minutes as their boss ordered

(Time was not on Gotham's side for long......)
