Mayor Hill's fallowing laws

Zatanna was just amazed at the Batcave Bruce really has been busy while she was away

Bruce stood there with his hands in his pockets nervous and anxious 

Bruce: So....what do you think ?

Zatanna: Bruce this place is amazing.  You really been busy during our time apart. I often wondered why you put on the whole billionaire playboy role. That just wasn't you. And I know the real you.

Bruce: I had to cover my identity somehow. Believe me you were the first person I wanted to call. 

Zatanna: Sorry I wasn't here when  you came back from Japan. Just my dad pulled me away from Gotham after he called off the deal with Dagget.

Bruce: What really happened? 

. paused in her thoughts 

Another flashback accrued Bruce and Alfred were leaving for Japan Zatanna caught up with him before boarding his private jet 

Zatanna: I don't want you to go Bruce.

Bruce: I'll be back. I always will.

Zatanna: When? Six weeks a month? 

Bruce: I wish I knew myself but I'll let you know soon as I can. 

Zatanna: Just do me one favor while you're up there. Don't forget to write. 

Bruce: Never the early 20 aged Bruce and Zat stared each other and kissed passionately 

And soon as it ended they have one more stare in silence 

Bruce walks backwards as he slowly let's go of Zatanna's hand 

She soon  watched his jet take off after watching him get on board a tear escaped her eye 

Later when Zatanna returned home drying her tears she overheard her father in his office talking to other men  and couldn't help but to over hear her father refusing something 

She had to storm in 

Zatarra: Zanna? 

Zatanna: Daddy what's going on?

She was grabbed from behind by Chip Shrek about younger than he was in this flashback 

Zatarra tried to stop him but was held Carl Grisom younger than he was in 89

Rollin Dagget John Dagget's father (Tommy Lee Jones) pointed his gun at him

Rollin: Now I don't want to hurt your kid here but apparently she's the only way to get you to listen. Either you give us the holdings Thomas Wayne left you in his will....otherwise....

Zatarra: I'm not corrupt. So take it out with me and let my daughter go.

Rollin: We did take it up with you then you said no. No one says no to us.

With his daughter's life on the line....Zatarra....was left with one option 

Zatarra: Alright I'll take the deal just give me 24 hours.

Rollin: Convince me first.

Zatarra: I give you my word Dagget. 

The other crime bosses nod to him and the senior Dagget glares at Zatarra in the eyes 

Rollin: Alright 24 hours. Either you accept the deal or your daughter pays for your  mistake. Let's go boys. 

They let Zatarra go before leaving and she went to comfort her father 

Zatanna: Daddy are you alright? 

Zatarra: Pack your bags now. We gotta get out the city.

Zatanna: What?! But you said you'd take the deal. 

Zatarra: The deal is too corrupted. Dagget will say anything to take in terms with it.

Zatanna: But I can't just leave.  I promised Bruce I'd wait for him when he comes back from Japan. 

Zatarra: I'm sorry sweetheart. But if I don't take the deal tomorrow afternoon he'll kill the both of us.

Zatanna: So go to the police.

Zatarra: They own the police. They been accepting bribes from them for years they're just as corruption.

Zatanna: WHAT?! What the hell's wrong with this city?!

Zatarra : I don't know. But I promise I'll get you out of this. No matter what. 

When the Flashback ends Zatanna finished telling Bruce what happened that night 

Zatanna: And jump on the first plain out of Gotham. Dad was determined to keep us off Dagget's radar. But soon as Dagget's passing we felt safe doing our show again. But when his son John Dagget took over his father's criminal empire....he could have been looking for us as for all we know we still had to stay away from Gotham but after Daddys passing....I couldn't stay away anymore.  I had to fight back somehow take back what the Dagget's stole from us. Our home our lives anything you and I could have had together. 

Bruce: I did pretty terrible things since I came back to Gotham. 

Joker: Yeah he killed me.

Zatanna: Well whatever're still the same Bruce to me. In fact if both our dad's were here....they be proud of you. 

Bruce: You too.

Zatanna smiles kisses Bruce on his cheek 

They walk to the Batcomputer turning on a live statement by Mayor Hill and it was looking good of what he was saying 

*This city has tolerated the Batman's disasters long enough. And if our police refuse to bring him in I am putting in a charge and a new fallowing law effective immediately!*

Zatanna: This doesn't look good. 

*Starting today I'm shutting off that light on the roof of the GCPD over federal law! And the Batman will be here by WANTED by state police! And Commissioner Gordon is here by dismissed of his position as police Commissioner!*

Bruce: What?! 


They turned around seeing Barbra stroll up to them outraged 

Barbra: I saw the news my dad was just dismissed! What the hell is Mayor Hill trying to proof?! 

Bruce: He wants to end the Batman's cruisade. He probably got desperate enough to abuse his power. 

Barbra: What'd we gonna do? If he puts you away Gotham will be on fire! The Scarecrow is still, out there! 

Bruce: He won't stop us Barbra we'll find Scarecrow before he gets any chance.  

Barbra: What about my dad?

Bruce: I'll find a way to help him. Our main concern right now is the Scarecrow.

Zatanna: I'll help anyway I can.

(Our heroes are in a pickle now....with Mayor Hill now banning them by law what will be Gotham's future now.......)
