Zatanna Zatarra

We go back in time to Wayne Manor in 1963 

It was Bruce's sixth birthday and Thomas arranged a magic show for his son 

The magician was another friend of the family someone Thomas knew grade school

The Magician was none other than the Great Zatarra the Master of Magic (Christopher Lee)

Accompanied by his seven year old daughter Zatanna

Who their father's introduced her to Bruce as infants and became playmates

Young Bruce: Zat!

Zat was what Bruce nicknamed his dearest friend 

Young Zatanna: Happy birthday Bruce. Loo

The innocent children hug with Martha smilingly lovingly at them and Thomas shaking Zatarra's hand

Thomas: Thanks for performing for Bruce.

Zatarra: My pleasure.  Zatanna's even taking a liking to him. Besides you can't bail on my show now. 

Thomas: In my defense I was almost murdered by someone I use to trust.

Zatarra: Who WE use to trust.

Thomas: Didn't mean to use the royal *I* just I never thought Johnathan would sink so low.

Zatarra: You heard from him since the incident?

Thomas: No. And I hope I never will. 

Martha: Keep that down from the children. 

Thomas: Sorry darling.

In time after Bruce blew out his candles the magic show was now about to begin with Zatarra standing on stage bowing and taking his hat off giving his intro

Zatarra: Ladies and gentlemen boys and girls of all ages....the magic of all imagination. For I am Zatarra the Master of Magic!

Children cheered

It cuts to the present with a woman's eyes opening with the children cheers echoing in her head

Screen pulls back revealing the woman to be the same one from the poster Lesley showed

Zatanna Zatarra herself grown-up and a magician herself like her father 

She was staring at her mirror then a framed picture of her father

Zatanna: It's been years daddy years since I been here. Since....I hope to make something better for both of us...for Bruce maybe. 

A door opens startling Zatanna 

It was her manager Montague Kane (Billy Zane)

Kane: Zatanna my dear the press just arrived and they wish to get updates on the first performance this weekend. 

Zatanna: I'll be right out.

Kane leaves the room grinning suspicious closing her door

Minutes later Zatanna steps out wearing her father's hat 

Where the press waited to interview all asking many questions at once

Who came in front was Gotham Globes editor and chief Jack Ryder 

Ryder: Ms. Zatarra.  Jack Ryder of the Daily Globe. First can you tell us what brings you to Gotham?

Zatarra: I'm Gotham born and raised actually. It's actually the first time I been back home father's funeral. 

Female reporter: Is the magic show your family legacy?

Zatarra: You could say that. I have taken in after my father.

Questions kept popping everywhere and when Zatanna try to answer many as possible but her thoughts swimmed in memory lane again

She actually was flashing back to Thomas and Martha Wayne's funeral 

She actually was there too attending with her father 

When it was near sunset Zatanna found Bruce sitting out to the pawn 

Young Zatanna: Bruce? 

Young Bruce: Hi Zat....

Young Zatanna: Bruce I'm sorry for your parents. Dad said they were shot?

Young Bruce: Yeah....he just....shot them....asking if I ever danced with the devil by a pale moonlight. 

Young Zatanna: That's awful. 

Young Bruce: I'll get him for this. Some day I'll get him.

Young Zatanna: How?

Young Bruce: I don't know. But I will.

Little Zatanna holds Bruce's hand he looks at her and she gives little Bruce a kiss on the cheek 

Bruce comforted and both he and Zatanna embrace the sunset 

Zatanna comes back to reality and the reporters kept calling for her

Ryder: Ms. Zatarra? Are you with this?

Zatanna: Yes sorry. Could you repeat that?

Ryder: I asked what should the people expect for this weekend's show?

Zatanna: Well this weekend I'll be performing one of my father's old performances. Next week I'll be revealing a new trick of my own.

Zatanna continues the interview as minutes passed she was already back in her dressing room

She sat at her mirror again looking at her father's picture again 

She opens a drawer and pulls out a picture of her and Bruce as kids

Zatanna: Wonder how the years have treated you Bruce.

(Coming soon the next chapter.....)
