Tim Drake

Coming to Gotham University ever since Mr. Freeze attacked it three years ago Dick Grayson and Barbra Gordon had been dating since then as well as helping Bruce protecting Gotham 

Graduation was now near and Dick was ready to leave the nest 

He and Barbra were packing up the dorm after picking up their gowns and hats 

Dick: Three years and finally able to fly. I can't even believe you decided to come with me to Bludhavion.

Barbra: With dad finally retiring I now feel safe about it. The only thing worrying me....is Bruce.

Dick: Why? He can take care of himself. 

Barbra: I know I'm just worried without Alfred....he might be lonely. 

Dick: He's always been a loner. Even while he and I were kicking ass. It was always his way or the highway. 

Barbra: All I'm saying is...let's just keep in touch with him. Besides next time Godzilla could attack Gotham. 

Dick: Godzilla is Japanese. Besides that recent movie just showed a big dumb lizard attacking New Work he wasn't the real Godzilla. 

Barbra: My point is there could be bigger monsters than Bane.

Dick: Bruce will be fine. I mean the night the Joker died he took out giant balloons with laughing gas.

Barbra: I know I saw it on TV.

Dick: My point is....Bruce will be fine. 

Barbra: I guess you're right. I'm gonna stop by my dorm I promise Kathy I help do her hair.

Dick: I'll see you at the cafeteria.

Barbra kissed Dick on the cheek and walked out the dorm

When Barbra came down stairs she heard commotion 

She came over and saw a frat boy beating on a younger boy (Mike Vitar)

Frat boy: You got nerve coming on our turf!

Boy: Look I don't want any trouble. 

Frat boy: Oh you got trouble now.

He was about to strike with his right hook till he felt a grab on his wrist

It was Barbara 

Barbra: Brad leave him alone!

Brad: What do you care ? He's just a freshman. 

He was about to resume his punch but he ended up getting the right hook by the freshman boy

The crowd gasped as did Barbra

The young man was out of breath he even made eye contact with Barbra

Before turning away storming off

Barbra worried for the boy and went after him

Outside he was sitting frustrated with the world till Barbra came behind him 

Barbra: Hey.

He turns around 

Barbra: I don't mean bother you but I want to make sure you were OK.

Boy: I'm fine. I get pushed all the time.

Barbra: All the time?

Barbra sits next to the boy as he nods to himself 

Boy: You don't want to waste your time with me.

Barbra: Try me.

Boy: Don't say I didn't warn ya. I'm in a predicament with my old man. I have to pay the bills he spends for alcohol. I live in the worst gidow in Gotham....and I'm not fully funded here....I won't last half the first semester. 

Barbra: That sucks. You know.....it may not be none of my business but I have a friend who could help fund your way in here.

Boy: Seriously? 

Barbra: Yeah. I'm Barbra by the way. 

Boy: Timothy Drake.

Barbra: You go by Tim? 

Tim: My mom called me Tim.

Barbra: I think it's nice.

Tim: Heh....Barbra? You got a last name?

Barbra was a little shy from that

Barbra: Yeah.....uh....Gor.....Don?

Tim frowns knowing that name

Tim: Gordon?

Barbra: Yeah......

Tim: Are you related to the Police Commissioner?

Barbra: He's my dad.

Tim: Whoa....you don't meet a celebrity's daughter every day.

Barbra laughs 

From the building entrance above them Dick walks out seeing his girlfriend talking to another guy which drew him curious 

He came down stairs calling out to her

Dick: Barbra! 

Barbra looks up and waves and Tim looks up 

Dick: Thought you were with your friends. 

Barbra: I was heading to see them. But...I was helping another friend who's trying to get in.

Dick: I see...

Tim holds out his hand 

Tim: Tim Drake. 

Dick shakes his hand 

Dick: Richard Grayson. My friends call me Dick. 

Tim tried to hold in a laugh hearing that 

Tim: Really...

Dick: I know. I get it all the time. Sometimes I wonder if I should even give out my own nickname. 

Tim: Probably should think about that. 

Dick: Well anyway it was nice making your acquaintance Tim.

Tim: Likewise.

They shook hands again and Dick and Barbra walked off wrapping their arms around each other

Tim realized they were seeing each other he was a little down given he just meant Barbra he started like her for the way she stood up for him

(Coming soon the next chapter......) 
