Battle of worst fears

Robin and Nightwing kept the goons busy as Zatanna turned to Dagget it was time for payback 

She swings a kick at him knocking him to the ground Dagget looked up at to the Misstress of Magic helplessly 

Dagget: You better kill me now bitch. Cause I have the best lawyers. I will get out scot free.

Zatanna: After your part with Scarecrow's threat to Gotham you won't get off that easy this time.

Zatanna knocks him out with another kick and ties his arms and legs together 

Dick and Tim finished the goons off and they turned the Fogburst it was now 18 minutes before it sets off and Gotham would be covered in fear toxin 

Robin turns to Zatanna 

Robin: Go help Batman! We got this! 

Zatanna nods putting her hat back on

Disappearing again in smoke again 

Nightwing and Robin turns back to the Fogburst the timer was running down fast

Nightwing: You still have Bruce's disarm codes?

Robin: Yeah. But I need Barbra to download them. Oracle. I need those codes now.

At the Batcave Oracle types in the the download to send him the 


Barbra froze in silence recognizing Dick's voice in her communication 

Barbra: Dick?

They'll need to catch up soon

Back in the office Scarecrow continues taunting Batman persisting he bring him Bruce Wayne 

Scarecrow: I won't ask you again. Bring Bruce Wayne to me....or should I inject Fox full of toxin. 

Batman: Leave Wayne alone. This obsession you have for him has gone too far. The past is the past Crane. 

Scarecrow: Hehehe....says a man dressed like a bat! Something must've made you put on your mask. Thomas Wayne drove me to wear my mask cause a Scarecrow always frightened me as a boy. Were bats your fear? Someone had to driven you Batman.  Who was it? A man who wronged you the way Thomas Wayne wronged me? Was your self-righteous motivated by the corruption of Gotham?! Tell me Batman.....why do  you wear your mask?

Batman: The mask is a symbol Scarecrow.  A symbol that strikes fear in the hearts of criminal scum like you. for innocent people it brings hope.

Scarecrow: And that's what we have in common Batman.  We both use fear against our enemies.  

Batman: But unlike you I don't harm people. 

Scarecrow: You say that? After the Joker Penguin and Riddler? Clean their blood off your hands much as you'll never wash off. Just like Thomas Wayne's crimes will never go unpunished. Which is why his son will answer for them.

Batman: Over my dead body.

Batman grabs Scarecrow by the neck and holds him in the air

But Crane injects his needles on his arm to infect Batman with the toxin but the cure in his veins protects him from the effects.....for now

Scarecrow: WHAT?! 

Batman: You think I wouldn't be prepared for your toxin Crane?

Bruce headbutts Crane and he lands hard on the floor 

Just then Scarecrow draws a sythe like the Grim Reapers weapon

Batman raises his gauntlets and clashes on the the Scarecrow's scythe 

They throughout the office the clashing makes it sound like a sword fight 

Back on the roof the Fogburst was now down to 10 minutes Barbra downloading the codes took awhile than they thought 

Robin: Barbra....we're running out of time.  We're is that code? 

*Almost there Tim.*

Nightwing: Let's just kick this thing in the water or something. 

Robin: It won't even budge if we do. If it did we wouldn't be able to chuck it in the river.

 Nightwing: Dammit. 

On the Batcomputer the download took a moment till it finally reached 100% 

Barbra smiles and shouts at the screen

The codes were sent and Robin received it on the screen on his gauntlet 

Robin: "Martha".

Nightwing: That makes sense. 

Robin puts in the code and just when the code hit 8 minutes the Fogburst was finally disarmed.....perminately 

Robin: There. That's it for that sucker.

 Nightwing: Barbra teach you how to disarm a bomb?

Tim: Bruce says I need more training but I'm a fast learner. 

Nightwing: You'll need to be in this job.  Trust me. 

Robin: Barbra said the same thing.  Now let's go kick Scarecrow's straw ass.

Then on Tim and Dick head for the roof door to find Batman and Scarecrow 

Back in the office Scarecrow continues clashing on Batman's gauntlets with his sythe

The fight seemed endless until Scarecrow lunges in the face with the handle of the sythe Batman falls back

Scarecrow turns to Lucius grabs him holds him in a hostage grip and holds the sythe to his neck

As Batman stands back up his eyes widen seeing Scarecrow holding his friend hostage

Scarecrow: Last chance Batman....bring Wayne to me....or Foxy here will be living in a never ending nightmare and I'll make sure he never survives for your antidote. 

(How will The Dark Knight save Lucius now? The final battle finally ends in the next chapter.....)
