Alfred returns

Bruce: Alfred....

Barbra: Alfred?

Joker: Alfred! Sweet loyal Alfred! The butler daddy finally returns. This calls for a family picture. 

Alfred: I leave for three years and I find you still under much rubbish. All though I see you....

Bruce surprisingly embraces Alfred in a tight hug unable to hold back tears as he usually does

Bruce: Alfred....I been longing to see you....after.....

Alfred: Oh Master Bruce I'm so sorry I been in the dark from you. I let my emotions play me for the the last three years. But...after hearing of Ms. Gordon's injury.....I felt I been away long enough. 

Bruce: Why? I thought you said---

Alfred: Believe me I still stand by what I said.  I don't tolerate with Batman anymore after Bane......but....when I saw the news of Ms Gordon's injury I......I'm sorry I wasn't here. 

Barbra: You don't have to be sorry Alfred.  Neither one of. 

Alfred: That's awfully kind of you young miss. I did see Master Dick storm out. Is he alright. 

Joker: Oh this I gotta see.

Bruce: Dick just quit Alfred. He's upset with me cause I let Selina out. And he blames me for Barbra. 

Barbra: Which isn't his fault.  I took that bullet for Bruce. But because I defended him.....Dick and I broke up. 

Alfred: I'm so sorry. 

The door opens again and it was Gordon rushing in at panic 

Gordon: BARBRA!

Barbara: Dad? 

Gordon runs pass Bruce and Alfred to his crippled daughter and embraces her 

Joker: Jimbo. I haven't seen you since the festival. 

Gordon: Sweetheart thank God you're alive. Who did this to you?

Joker: Uh oh. Should I tell him it was Scarecrow Bruce? Oh that's right no one can see me but you. But could they feel me?

Barbra: It's a a long story dad. Br----Mr. Wayne can I get a minute? 

Bruce: Course. Commissioner. 

Gordon: Gentlemen. 

Bruce and Alfred leave the room as Barbra had to make something up to cover her secret

Outside in the hall Bruce tells Alfred everything that's happened. 

 Bruce: So Zat is back in town and after Dick chased Selina off this Scarecrow guy appears and one of his men tells me he's having dealings with John Dagget.....and he has it out....for my father. 

As Alfred absorbs the information Joker comes from behind Bruce 

Joker: You didn't him about me Brucie. Then again he not believing you.

Alfred: Then I must been gone longer than I thought. I never should have left.

Bruce: had a right to leave. Seeing Bane break me killed you.

Alfred: Yes but it wasn't about me. I never should have walked out. I leave just for Master Dick to leave and Ms Barbra loosing her will to walk. I hope you can forgive me.

Bruce: I already have. 

Alfred smiles 

Alfred: Thank you Master Bruce I promise I won't let you down. 

Joker: Well isn't that sweet. The kid bails but the fathers return. Guess today wasn't a total loss. If only I Bob's camera. 

Alfred: So.....about Scarecrow?

Bruce: I don't know much. All I know he's hitting Bruce Wayne for personal reasons. And John Dagget knows why. 

Alfred: And I trust Batman owes him a visit?

Bruce: Bingo.

Alfred: Meaning I must add after Dagget I trust you'll be seeing her? 

Bruce: Selina?

Alfred: I was talking about Ms. Zatarra. 

Bruce: Oh.

Bruce went on his thoughts 

We have another flashback where Bruce and Zatanna were still teenagers and having dinner with Alfred and it's like in 89 with Vicki 

Alfred: So on our first camping trip young Master Bruce was rolling down the hill covered in leaves yet bruising his head. He was just lucky he didn't have a concussion. 

Zatanna smiles laughing 

Bruce was embarrassed 

Alfred: His father had to take him for an x-ray to be sure. Like his son always staying certain on things. 

Zatanna giggles again 

Alfred: Well I think I embarrassed the young Master long enough.  

He gets up 

Alfred: I'm turning in for the night. But please leave the dishes I'll tend to them in the morning. 

Bruce: Thanks Alfred.  Night. 

Zatanna: Night Alfred.

Alfred leaves the room as Bruce and Zatanna talk

Zatanna: Alfred's wonderful. You really mean a lot to him.

Bruce: Yeah after my parents....he has been like a father to me. 

Zatanna: Speaking of Fathers mine was really impressed with you the other day. How you pulled that vanishing act was incredible. 

Bruce: I even amazed myself. 

Zatanna: If you don't mind me asking....what really made you wanna learn that? It wasn't really a school project was it?

Bruce wasn't sure what to say from that given his intentions to train to fight in Justice as he sips his whine 

Bruce: Let's just's a promise I made to my parents. 

Zatanna: I see you're keeping your parents promise well.

Zatanna holds Bruce's hand as they smile at each other 

The Flashback ends with Bruce nodding to Alfred and Joker on the wall and arms folded 

Joker: Who's Zatanna Brucie? You been holding out on me. 

(Joker seems amuse but with Bruce hallucinating him how long will the effects last......?)
