Back to Bogota

For Natalia ,on getting back home , she was surprised to find the house looking different , the couch pillows were arranged, the house was well swept , going to the bedroom , it was totally tidy , the beds well made ,laundry made and the clothes folded then put in one corner , in the kitchen ,the counter was absolutely clean too, the dishwasher was empty and in the bathroom , it was all wiped .

"Oh Natalia you're back ." Her mother came back from outside . "Sorry I wasn't around ,i had gone to a market for some groceries , how was it Choco ?"

"What's going on here mom?" She asked looking around the house . "What did you do to our house ?"

"The house . I clean it , you know having sister Lucracia around here has really made me change and I promise to change from now onward for better , and I know that am the reason why you decided to let Luciana start living with her father in Spain , but please . I really miss my granddaughter . I hope someday you will bring her back and trust me if she's to come back, she will find this house spectacular."

"So that means you had help from sister Lucracia in cleaning up this house , it's good you know and am glad you've decided to change ,never to have that trash again inside this house , about my daughter . I don't know mom. I just have to convince her father to allow her stay with us for a while ."

"But at least you will try to get her back right ?"

"Sure mom." She hugged her , finally her mother was falling into having a tidy house .

For Hurianah , when she got back home , her father wasn't back yet from the university , fortunately just like Natalia she had a spare key , opened the door for herself , had her handbag on a couch and went to the bathroom for a bath , getting out of the bathroom , her father was at door trying to fix in the key in the door locker , she came and opened it for him .

"I didn't know you are already back , have you just got in ? How was it in Choco ?"

"Dad , a lot happened , but before I can tell you anything about what happened in Choco , please try to call Victor and convince him to continue with his studies , he doesn't want to continue with medicine anymore , he feels like the death of his friend's parents and him getting paralyzed it's upon him , he feels like he couldn't do anything for them, please call him and try to convince him not to drop out."

"I can not believe that Victor is taking that step , but don't worry child . I'll try to convince him however am really glad you're back and you were of help out there ." He took off his jacket .

"I'm happy about it too but anyway." She continued brushing her blonde hair . "Tell me about what has been going on at the university ."

"Did you know that Connie is now taking me as her consultant in her studies ?"

"Seriously !!?? She smiled .

Connie spent had two days trying to reach out to Alfonso for help with her essay before the deadline . Alfonso had been busy with Carol that he couldn't have time for her but after listening to a voicemail from her a day before Huria came back , a voicemail asking him if he could help her with her homework , he called back and made an appointment with her , the two met outside in the university compound for a talk .

"So tell me now Connie , what's all about this essay you're talking about ?"

"Caroline gave us an essay , asked us to research about human anatomy , we have to write a full essay about it's definition , in that essay , we have to add the difference between physiology and anatomy , have to add the different branches of anatomy , add in why it's important to learn about anatomy and physiology, it's been a while since I last wrote an essay. I don't know where to start and little can I get into details about this anatomy and physiology ."

"What can I tell you Connie? All I know is that when starting an essay , you need to choose a topic ,good enough this time around you will be talking about anatomy and physiology, you need to prepare to outline your ideas well, write the main points and the sub-points , give an introduction ,a conclusion and add finishing touches, with all these in place , you will have a wonderful essay ."

"That wouldn't look that hard but how to break down my points about physiology."

"With physiology . I think you should create examples in your head , let's take an example of an ex-wife sleeping with a young friend of her husband , when you look at this it's like a system and a system is a regularly interacting or interdependent group of items forming a unified whole , that's physiology which is a study of functions of body parts and a body as a whole ."

"Did you really have to use that example of an ex-wife sleeping with young friend of her husband ?"

"I had to use that example because am very sure it's the best way you can remember whatever you will be writing in your essay ."

"I think the best way I can remember about it is to look at as an ex-wife looking up to someone her ex-husband is sleeping with ." She laughed as he laughed too about her joke . "I wonder if you've already forgiven me Alfonso." Suddenly both stopped laughing . "I made a mistake by starting a relationship with Rodrigo but I know there is no turning back , he's the man I chose and I love him ."

"I know ,just do well in your class ,i know you can ."

"Thank you."

While having this conversation . Carol was upstairs on a balcony watching them , she wondered what the two were talking about that made them laugh and look like they were back together .

That day Connie went back home and wrote the essay basing on the conversation she'd had with Alfonso , the next day, she presented her essay to Caroline , when Caroline began marking everyone's essay , she was impressed with Connie's and gave her an A+ , when Connie received her results from the essay , her face lit up , decided to share her joy with the person who helped her pass the essay , also used this opportunity to see his new house , that evening when Hurianah had just come back from Choco and her father already in the study room, a knock was heard on the door .Huria on a couch going through her books asked her father whether he was expecting someone . Alfonso wasn't expecting anyone but decided to go and open the door to find out who was at the door .

"Oh Connie , come on in."

"Hey Alfonso ." She got her coat off from her back . "I've decided to drop by to bring you these chocolates for you and Huria . I heard from Rodrigo that she's also back ." Pulled out a box from her long black coat . "I wanted to thank you for helping me out with my essay , do you know that I got an A+?" A smile was all over her face .

"Congratulations and I hope Huria likes them ." He held the box from her . "Huria , come and have these ." He opened it . "Connie . I didn't do much with your essay , it was just a little push I gave you and it's all you needed , you've always had the ability to do well ."

"Thank you , it's a nice house by the way , small , simple and well organized ."

"Thank you for the chocolates Connie ." Huria seemed to like them .

"For the house , you know we couldn't handle that big house , it was too expensive to maintain it yet we were few unlike when you were around , for this one , in organizing it to look the way it is ,thanks to Huria and Caroline."

"I see ." She looked like she was beginning to sway away in thoughts , missing having a family .

Still talking ,another knock was heard on the door . Alfonso asked her if she had come along with Rodrigo . Connie told him she left Rodrigo at his apartment having a rest from a trip he had when she stopped by . Hurianah wondered who it could be .

"Caroline !" Alfonso was surprised to see her around on opening the door .

"Yeah it's me Carol , were you expecting someone else ?" She asked as she looked inside the house . "I had brought you a gift ." Still looking inside the house . "Is Huria back ?" She heard her voice inside talking to someone .

"Yeah she has just come back this evening and we're here with Connie , please come in ."

"With Connie? Hmm .. I think I can come back later ." Tried to walk away .

"It's okay Caroline , come in." Connie came out from Alfonso's back . "Huria has invited me for a dinner and am also inviting you." She smiled . "If Alfonso is okay with it ."

"Of course am okay with it , please come in Caroline ." Alfonso insisted .

"I don't want to be a bother , you all look a perfect family , I mean a family you were ."

"Just join us ." Connie insisted on having her inside the house .

While the four of them were having their dinner . Huria received a call from her would be mother in law , she rushed to answer the call . Ms Glades asked her for a favour . Huria asked what it's all about , she told her to enroll Victor for the next semester , with the help of her husband they were going to convince Victor to continue with his studies , they wanted it to be a surprise to him . Ms Glades also requested a her not to tell anyone about their plan except those who were to help her in enrolling her son for the next semester . Huria was excited about the idea and agreed to help .

"I think we shouldn't be doing this ." Alejandro back in Choco felt like it wasn't a good idea. "Victor is going through a crisis , we need to let him be ."

"I can not let my son ruin his life for something that was out of his control , he has to go back to school whether he likes it or not and you have to help Alejandro, thanks to Huria ,she's on my side ."

"I'll help you convince him but I can not be sure about all this ."

Victor was in his room taking care of Devon, as he gave him his medicine , he realized he was getting dizzier , another headache , he was having an abnormal speech when talking to him , his arms and legs were getting weaker.

"I think you're getting worse Devon just like when you were first taken to the hospital . I need to call Christian now ." He got his phone to make a call .

Christian came right away in his car to see what had happened to Devon , checking on him he found out that there was a certain illness that he couldn't figure out what it is , asked Victor to if they could take him to the hospital where there was better facilities that could help him figure out what illness he was having . Glades and Alejandro agreed that he should be taken to the hospital . Victor looked confused and disappointed in Christian , he thought he was so sure of what he was doing .

At Hospital Eduardo Santos , after carrying out a diagnosis , Chris came back from the room to talk to Victor , told him that he couldn't find the illness .Victor asked him about what he was talking about ,why he couldn't find what he was suffering from . Chris told him that they should take him to Bogota where there were better facilities ,maybe from there they could find his illness .

"You know what ? You're incompetent ." Victor argued . "I wonder how you even got your degree in medicine , you can not come out from there and just tell me that you can not find what he's suffering from , you should have given him the antibiotics right away when the accident happened ,maybe these symptoms shouldn't have shown up again ."

"You shouldn't raise your voice around me Victor . I know Devon is like a brother to you but what could I have done back then ? I had many patients who were in a more critical condition than Devon . I think you should just shut up , you're studying medicine too , you should have known that and taken care of him right away."

When he talked about studying medicine , it's like he unplugged a wire from Victor's nerves , he had began hating the idea of studying medicine , he shouted to him asking him whether it's his fault , tried to grab his lab coat but Devon inside the room heard about their argument , shouted for help , both forgot about the fight they were about to have , ran inside to check on Devon and asked him what was wrong .

"You two should stop fighting and try to help me recover so that I can get back to riding my bike."

"I'm sorry Devon ." Chris apologized . "What am going to do is to call Anderson ,ask him to organize your transfer to Bogota , it's just that we don't have the materials that can help us find the bacteria that is causing the infection you're having ."

"At least you can do that ." Victor continued with his provocation.

Anderson who was at Sylvia 's house talking about how he could be a father to Sylvia's unborn child received the call and agreed to organize Devon's transfer .
