Joining University .

Fiona's mother found a new apartment which was cheaper around Uzme that they could rent for sometime as they kept on searching for jobs around , the landlady told Ms Meriya that  if she raised a particular amount she would sell the house to her cause she was tired of checking on it , that apartment had been been empty for long , she'd to check on it all the time not to inhabit criminals ,Meriya asked her to take baby steps before selling the apartment to her , the apartment had a lounge room , a bedroom and kitchen on the first floor , it had one room on the second floor and through the second floor ,above was a rooftop from where you can see the whole of Bogota , it was orange in colour outside that made it outstanding from other house in the neighbourhood , and there was stairs from the main road that took you to the house . When Fiona and her father came back from the market as they've been doing for the past weeks , told them about the new apartment , all were excited that they were to be having something that looked like a real house other than a single room apartment they've been sharing since they came to Bogota , the next day they had to pack up to leave their current apartment , Meriya took all her family to the new house .

"Guess we will like it here , it has a nice view ,here you can see half of Bogota ." Miguel loved the place .

"I never cared about the fancies," Meriya contradicted him about the fancies, " the fact that it's cheap ,it's what made me think about having it and by the way we should be careful with our landlady , she's so grumpy ."

"Come on honey , where is your optimism ?"

"Mom , are we going to keep moving places because of this militant ." Monica looked disappointed with the idea of moving places .

"Would you  shut up you , it's your sister you're talking about here ."

"Let her be mom , slowly she will start to accept it ." Fiona sympathized with her sister .


"Mom ." Fiona thought of something . " Can I talk to you in private ?"

"What is it about ?"

"It's about the money for my university ."

"Let's go the rooftop ."

"So what is that you want to tell me about money for your University?" she asked on reaching the rooftop .

"The money we will get from selling the farm , I suggest that that money pays for my tuition at the university."

"Are you crazy girl , we're not going to waste our entire little savings to your stupid education ."

"But mom , this is the only way I can get to the university."

"Okay ,let say you've payed for your interview and your first semester, how about other semesters ?" She asked . " Where will the money come from ?"

"I can get a scholarship."

"Fiona , you can not live your life on chances like those you had throughout high school and elementary school , there is no way am to give you that money if we happen to sell the farm , it will be for renovations to this new house of ours ."

"You know what mother?, you can keep your money," she looked upset . " I will find a way out ."

The next morning, it was a day for Fiona's interview to join university , she had passed her high school exams , an admission form from a medical university was sent to her asking her to  get over there  for an interview.

Fiona's family were on a table having breakfast , Fiona  in her room was  preparing for an interview at the University , her mother asked her what was taking her so long , Fiona told her she was to come downstairs pretty soon and after a minute she was at the table standing there waiting for them to make a comment about how she was dressed up .

"Haven't you ever gone to a party ?" Monica wasn't pleased with the way she dressed up .

"Why , do I look awful ?"

"How can you put on socks inside your shoes, that's style is for boys, Girls don't put socks in their shoes ."

"Forgive her Monica , she's a militant, how could she have known that?" Nina added to mocking her as both laughed .

"Fiona ,just grab a bite and run out , if you keep listening to your sisters , you will go crazy," her mother had to step in.

"All right guys , I will see you later ." Fiona headed for the door .

"I wish luck child ." Mr Miguel could let her leave without saying a word to her .

"Thank you dad."

Fiona ran downstairs and outside at the gate to the main road , Victor was waiting for her , the friendship between Victor and Fiona had grown stronger for the past few weeks because of the similar dream they had of becoming doctors , Victor had also received an admission form and the two had to go to the same university for the interview , because of their strong friendship ,Victor payed Fiona her salary in advance for her to be able to pay for  the interview.

"What took you so long ?" he asked as she got out of the gate .

"Did you wait for that long ?"

"Not really but hey , I like your style ."

"What are you talking about ?"

"Socks in shoes ! , it's rare to find girls dressing up that way ."

"First it was my sisters upstairs and now you , this is too much but anyway I have no time to change ,we have to go now or else we will miss this opportunity ."

"All right ,get in the truck ."

At San Pedro University the University that accepted to have them as their medical students and the best medical school in Bogota , Victor agreed with Fiona to meet outside the main hall where the interview was to take place since Fiona was to take sometime in a line paying for the interview , she hadn't done that earlier because she hadn't got money on time .

When she was done , asked the registrar who other students referred to as Stacy where she could find the place where the interviews were taking place ,Stacy directed her to where the main hall was ,getting there Victor waved to her showing her where he was exactly since the university was so crowded .

"What took you so long ?" Victor asked .

"Oh gosh , it's quite a mess around here ."

"What do you mean ?"

"Everyone here is different , they dress up differently , I think am the most shabby girl around ."

"Come on  , if am to choose, I would pick you , you're the prettiest among them ."

"But look over there," she showed him a blonde girl , the girl looked elegant like she was from a wealthy  family or a model . " That girl can not stop staring at me, that means am shabby ."

"To me, from the way she looks at you , she's a show off , don't mind her ." Victor had been staring at the girl before even Fiona showed her to him , Victor seemed to be attracted to her , she was also at the university for an interview with another guy who was with her

The girl Fiona was talking about was the dean's daughter , she was so full of herself that the dean of the university was her dad , so she thought she knew it all and among the students who had come for the interview , she couldn't stop staring at Fiona ,Fiona was the oddman out , the girl had never seen a girl who wears socks in her shoes before , her  friend on contrarily, thought among the girls who were  freshers at the university , Fiona was the prettiest and the dean's daughter never liked that compliment when it came out of him.

A group of five students was interviewed by the dean of the university and the other group of five which consisted of the Dean's daughter was interviewed by other doctors in the other hall of the university, the dean's daughter never wanted to be interviewed by his father because she was in school illegally , she never passed the qualities necessary to join San Pedro University , though she had begged her father to let her join the university , her father refused , for Fiona and Victor went in and sat down for their interview with the Dean and the doctors he was with .

"Your name is Victor Herrera right ?" the Dean asked him after other doctors have finished questioning him .

"Yes sir ," he answered .

"So tell us Victor , why do you want to join San Pedro university?"

"Aye ,why I want to join San Pedro university?"

"That's my question Mr Herrera ."

"Well sir , I've been working down in the market to get a chance to study medicine in this university for quite sometime , it has always been my dream and besides I've heard great things about this university, this is the best university in all of Colombia, it's where I would like to achieve my dream ."

"Is that so Mr Herrera ?" he looked pretty unconvinced.

"Yes sir ."

"Fiona Bustamante, " he had to move to the next student.

When he called out for Fiona's name , she didn't reply ,again the Dean called out her name but she again didn't reply till he looked at her closely , asked her if she's not Fiona.

"If you knew that I was next on list why you had to waste time calling out my name ?"   Fiona replied  , the Dean seemed not pleased with her attitude .

"All right Ms Bustamante , I won't take that too personal ," the dean composed his temper . " Now tell me ,why would like to study from this university?"

"I think the people who have been behind my education ,that is Doctor Tatiana and father Rivas are the ones responsible for my being here , and since I trust them , they must have made a good choice ."

The Dean didn't ask her any further questions , the girls answers were annoying , asked for other students , Fiona was passed on to other doctors , Victor was also disturbed with the way she answered the questions the Dean asked , after the other three doctors were done with her again , it was the dean's turn with her again

"So here we go again Ms  Fiona Bustamante, from you papers I have here , it shows that you weren't in school in 2001,2002 up to 2014 , would you mind telling us why you were not in school all these years ?" the Dean asked .

When the Dean asked her this question, Fiona's mind lingered through her memories again when they used to move from one place to another , stealing from villagers, kidnapping children, and the fact that she never saw a teacher in her entire life , all she knew was the mist that hung thick and low in the jungle that reduced the visibility a few yards away ,sounds of birds twittering timidly in their nests its all she knew.

"Ms Bustamante , do you think we will have a whole day waiting for you to give a reply to such an easy question ?"

Fiona stared at the Dean with an angry face ,then eventually stood up fully fed up to give what she thought could be her answer to the annoying Dean .

"Look here sir ,I don't know why you keep on picking on me by asking me absurd questions , you may think I wont pass but trust me the way I passed my authentication , it's the same way I'll pass this interview and to tell you something , I've never been to a school throughout those years , I spent the rest of life traveling , moving from one place to another ,you don't even have any idea what it is for children at my age by then to only go out there look for what to eat , going to school not something that could ever come cross those children's minds ."

The Dean and other doctors were touched by her short story and her attitude ,the Dean thought he was a little harsh on her , never asked any further questions and told the students to go out and wait for further notice about their performance from the day's interview .
