The results , the new enemy .

Today is the voting day . Alfonso is to find out whether the students still have trust in him . Santiago is to find out whether he will have his vengeance on Fiona for ignoring his love for her , the ballot papers were taken and distributed amongst the classes , students had to vote from their respective classrooms and the teachers had to take the ballots to the second dean's office for the final counting and that's what exactly was done early that morning .

In Santiago's class , it was quite clear he couldn't count on Victor .Natalia .Huria and Fiona but he was certain with Susana's vote and the rest from other classes , he could win Alfonso , to be certain ,he came and asked Susana who she was voting for .

"Santiago, with that testimony from the soldier . I feel confused . I don't know who to vote for . I want to vote for the guerrillas to leave but when I think about that soldier's testimony and what you told me about Fiona . I think we're not doing the right thing , we should give up on this , am sure we might even lose ."

"Calm down Susana , am happy about from where the votes will be counted , doctor Caroline is new in this university, we can count her on , she will count the votes correctly and from the support I saw among the students from the assemblies we held , we are going to win this ."

"I hope so Santiago but to be honest . I not assure of what we're doing ."

At around midday , all the students from the university were done with the voting , the ballot papers were taken to doctor Caroline's office . Santiago . Alfonso , a few professors and the university chancellor were invited to witness the counting , after counting all the votes , the results showed that 49% of students wanted the former guerrillas to leave the university and 51% of the students wanted the former guerrillas to be given a chance to be a apart of the university and which meant that Alfonso stays as the dean of university till the board decides on who will be the next dean of the university. Santiago claimed that that wasn't convincing enough , maybe another election should take place immediately.

Doctor Caroline didn't listen to him because his claims were absurd , he had totally lost and what he was asking for was time consuming . Another assembly was called for immediately after getting the results from the election , the students came out from where they were to go and find out what came out from the voting . Natalia met Santiago on her way out and mocked him that he must have lost dearly now that he was wearing a sad face . Santiago remained quiet because he knew what the results were .

"I'm glad for your response all of you here ." Caroline who was now well known by couple of students as a second dean took a microphone. "On behalf the dean of this university with whom it would have been inconvenient to come here and announce the results . I would like to let you all know what came out from what has been bothering you for the past few days ,according to all of the students of this university, it clearly shows that 49% of the students would like to have the former guerrilla militants out of the university and 51% think it's not a good idea . I know that results may not be convincing but let's try to respect each others' voice ." She made her announcement as the 51% among the students looked so excited and hugging one another, for Santiago , he immediately took the microphone.

"I would like to congratulate doctor Alfonso on his win but there is one thing I'd like to make clear to him , he won't have a clean conscience . I can not believe it that you're going to allow these monsters to be a part of this university, however for a person like me who sticks to my principles and my morals . I can not be a part of this . I can not be in a university with guerrillas." He threatened to leave and left the microphone.

Natalia who couldn't stop enjoying the moment of Santiago's loss came and approached him again just after he stepped down from the podium , told him that besides bullying Pilla who karma brought to him as his patient for him to change his way ,he went on with his pathetic idea of trying to kick out innocent girls and boys in the university who were trying to have a better future .

He pretended not to have listened  to her ,turned his head and looked at Hurianah the only person who he considered his best friend , went to her and asked her if she also judges him . Huria told him she thought he was a better guy but he turned out to be the most pathetic guy she has ever known .

Before he could leave in defeat , the second Dean approached him and asked him to maintain his principles as he says , now that he was leaving , if he knew any name of the former guerrillas , he should keep it to himself because mentioning out his or her name was to put his or her life in danger . Santiago assured her that he knows what to do , he could never betray his principles, promised to keep the names of those he knows a secret even though he was leaving the university .

"I don't trust that guy Victor , now that he has lost the election and that he's leaving , he's even more angry than my former comrades , he will do anything to destroy me." Fiona watching from above next to Victor looked worried . " He will make sure that everyone knows that am a former guerrilla."

"You need to calm down . Santiago might have lost but he's not stupid , he can not do such a thing even though he's leaving , he can not stand that low ."

"It's absurd why he's doing all this , just because he couldn't get me in his bed ,such a stupid boy ." Her normally calm and pleasant demeanor slowly changed and her face contorted in an all consuming anger.

Going back to class , everyone was surprised to see a dark haired tall handsome smartly dressed professor in his lab coat ,organizing a projector TV next to the white board , by the time when they were all sited and quiet wondering what was going on , the doctor was done and he turned around to talk to them .

"I guess this is the exact number of the students in this class right ?" He asked .

"Yes." A few replied and others nodded there heads .

"Well my name is Anderson Gonzalez . I am the new substitute teacher for doctor Fuentes , we will be continuing from where he left ,but before that . I'd like to know the names of the students am dealing with and I will begin with this curly hair  girl here ."

"My name is Fiona .Fiona Bustamante ."

"Nice to meet you Ms Bustamante ,and you next to her ?" Pointed at Victor .

"My name is Victor Herrera ."

"Good to have you Victor and the lady next to you ?"

"My name is Hurianah Montealegre ."

"Oh just like doctor Alfonso Montealegre ?"

"He's my father ."

"I see and how about the lady behind you ,the one disliking the fact that you 're a Montealegre ."

"My name is Natalia . Natalia Villa at your service ."

"Quite cheeky there Natalia and the gentleman behind you ?"

"My name is Santiago Diaz and I don't think my name is relevant now because I am not going to be a part of this community anymore ."

"Oh you're leaving us , am wishing you the best wherever you will go and lastly the lady next to you ."

"My name is Susana Lopez and am staying ."

"That's quite interesting Susana ." He laughed with the rest of the class .

"Anyway class ,now that we know one another , for those who haven't finished professor Fuentes reports , please do as soon as possible because I want us to look at something else, if you can all turn your eyes to the screen ,(he turned on the projector television ) , you can see these are images of a massive landslide in Choco, that happened as a result of illegal gold mining , the people in this area can not help themselves ,a good number of doctors and rescue teams are needed in this area , we will be having a tour to this places soon ,i will let you know when but all I want is for you to sort yourselves out whether you're willing to go ."

"Excuse me doctor , when you say a number of doctors are needed in this place . I don't understand , doctors have different specialties , so I'd like to know what kind of doctors are really needed at the scene ?" Susana asked .

"I think in moments like these , all sorts of doctors are needed ,let it be psychiatrists."

Later he dismissed the class , everyone left the class. Santiago stayed organizing and packing all his books ,when he was done , he held out of one the files he had among his books . On top of it had a name 'Fiona' , asked himself why the file did let him down , then he got his bag full of his books on to his shoulder ,held the file in his right hand and left the classroom .

On the last staircase to the door that lead him out of the building , he ran into doctor Ignasia . Ignasia ran to him giggling and chanting 'tick tock tic tock tick tock' .

"Now how can I help you doctor Ignasia ?" He noticed him from his chants

"Are you really leaving Santiago ? I will be sad if you leave , you know down there at the assembly . I was one of your biggest fans , you were fighting for the safety of us all but unfortunately the people around here couldn't see your efforts , you know I would like to keep your legacy . I'd love to continue what you started , why don't we do this , you give me the names of those former guerrillas you know and leave the rest up to me ." Ignasia pulled a face and laughed .

"I don't think that's a good idea doctor and if you would excuse me. I have to go right now ." He forced his way out as Ignasia tried to block him ,in that three seconds struggle to get out ,accidentally Santiago dropped a file he held in his right hand .

He tried to pick up the photos and the information related to the photos before the professor could see them but it was too late , the doctor had already seen the photos of Fiona photographed at different places , something which meant that Santiago had hired someone to stalk Fiona .Ignasia raised his eyebrows higher in disbelief as Santiago gathered everything back in the file . Ignasia didn't say a word further as Santiago continued walking out , he couldn't believe it that the girl he was trying to hide was his classmate and a girl he knew very well . Santiago reached to a dustbin next to the door way and turned around ,looked at professor Ignasia ,told him that he's not responsible for what happens next ,all he will say is that he threw everything in the dustbin , he then threw the file in the dustbin as Ignasia looked on . Santiago left the building .Doctor Ignasia went and picked the file out from the dustbin , looked through it to confirm what he saw earlier, there were several pictures of Fiona and a few from a guy named Manuel Figueroa .

"This is gold ." It's all he said on getting hold of the file .

Though professor Ignasia was a guy who lived and worked alone ,a guy who didn't know on how to fit in among the staff members of both the university and the hospital , he had a friend who worked in hospital De San Jose ,a private hospital on the outskirts of Bogota ,he usually called him doctor Petrolina whenever they met for a drink , he didn't know his other name but the two were getting along very well because Ignasia usually sent him patients from San Pedro Hospital for surgeries , and the two earned extra money from this . Ignasia made a call to him and asked him if they could meet , there was something important he wanted to share with him.

Later in the evening the two met in a restaurant nearby the university for a cup of evening tea , he presented him a file on a table .

"What you see in that file are pictures of a medical student at San Pedro university, her name is Fiona Bustamante ,she's a former guerrilla militant and the other guy is Manuel . I think the two are a couple but that's not important , in the file shows that she was the commander's favorite but she ran away , am sure those survivors from the militants are still looking for her , but what took my attention from that file is the doctor mentioned there who used to carry out an FGM (Female genital mutilation) on them , help me find this doctor ."

"Why finding this doctor Ignasia ?" Petrolina asked .

"Come on , go do a more research about this doctor and the relationship she had with Fiona , this doctor must be living in disguise in fear of her background , take this as an extra job for you , if we can fix this puzzle , we will earn some really good money out of this ."
