A surprise

"I've done some research Marcus , it shows that Tabna's family sold their farm here in Medellin and moved to Bogota ."

"Looks like you haven't been sleeping for the past few days Patrick ."

"The commander wants the girl back and if we don't bring her back ,you know we will be in trouble ."

"You're forgetting one thing , Bogota it's a big city , where exactly are we going to start from ?"

"I asked a man in that neighborhood whom we payed to give us information about them , he told me that the buyers of the farm had deposited a certain amount of money on a certain account whose owner is in Bogota , so we have to find out the owners of that account and their contacts ."

" To my understanding , there is no way they could have got an immediate buyer without the help of the people from the orphanage ." Marcus suggested .

"Are you thinking what am thinking ?"

"Sure , lets pay a visit to the doctor's office again ."

Patrick and Marcus knew when Doctor Tatiana wasn't in her office ,they've done enough research about her schedule that when she and others  were back to Bogota , it was easy for them to get inside her office , unfortunately this time around they found her assistant already there organizing papers , it was something  unexpected , the two didn't even know that Tatiana had an assistant .

They had no choice but to wear face masks ,got inside and attacked her ,had her at gun point ,asked her not to make a sound , she agreed in fear for her life , Marcus gathered a few papers from different files that he thought would help them find Tabna and her family , the two believed that doctor Tatiana must have  kept records concerning Tabna and her whereabouts and after getting a few papers from different files , Patrick pushed away the assistant and they ran out ,doctor Tatiana was coming to her office when she saw two guys running out of the building, noticed one of them, the two got onto a motorbike and ran away ,  tried to ask the soldiers to ran after them but they were gone , went inside her office, only to find   her assistant getting up from the floor to reorganize the office .

"I think they're not only after Tabna , they're also after me," she small talked .

"What are you talking about doctor Tatiana ?"

"Never mind , just organize everything to where it has been ."

At San Pedro university, a board meeting among the doctors at the university was organized by doctor Alfonso the dean of the university , they were to talk about their new entries , to find out who  passed and who  they  were to drop ,when everyone was in the room to tally it to eight doctors , the Dean started the meeting by asking about how each and everyone of the new entries performed , began by asking about students like Natalia Villa , then when doctors were done giving their opinions about Natalia Villa , discussed Santiago Diaz and then Victor Herrera , the other professors who are also doctors gave wonderful comments about them,  they'd to them  a chance at the University but when it came to discussing Fiona Bustamante ,the Dean kept silent for a while .

"Fiona Bustamant," eventually words came out of his mouth.

The other professors kept quiet when he asked about their opinion regarding Fiona Bustamante because they knew that earlier there was  tension between him and Ms Bustamante , no one wanted to intervene or give a comment because they knew what happened between the two was serious , it seemed like the Dean's intention was to fail Fiona by asking her questions that looked too obvious , questions that affected the girl emotionally .

"Guys ,what do you think about Fiona Bustamante?" he couldn't stand their silence .

"Don't you think you know what to do ? " A professor whose name tag read Rodrigo replied first . " We saw earlier what happened between you and Ms Bustamante , now you know she never attended school for about thirteen years ,  and if I remember very well , a friend of hers was the one who told her the meaning of a certain word we asked ,to me she seems unqualified but she was quite a character towards your attitude . "

"I agree I was quite arrogant towards the girl, however ,I also liked her character , she's something we are looking for in a doctor despite having not attended school for about thirteen years , when she got a chance to have education , she passed with good grades , to me she's less theoretical, she seems to have faced reality and she can be a good doctor ." Alfonso  seemed  to come  a conclusion about what exactly he thought about Fiona

Other professors also agreed with him, decided to add her on the list of those who have passed and the next morning when Fiona came to the notice board to find out whether she'd passed or not , she breathed in and out before looking at the board , said a little prayer on  opening her eyes and going through the names of those who passed .

"Fiona, Fiona, Fiona, Fiona," had her index finger scrolling down through the names.

Finally she saw her name and as she was about to jump up with joy , heard a voice behind her saying "Congratulations ," turning around to see who it was , it was Manuel.

Before Manuel could come at the university, he'd begged doctor Tatiana and the priest to tell him where he could find Tabna , knew Tabna had started applying for university and that she was living in the southeastern part of Bogota though he didn't know where exactly and when the priest and the doctor  saw how much he was suffering over Fiona , decided to break their promise to Fiona not to tell him where she was, and it was also becoming unsafe for Manuel to stay at the youth center too .

"What are you doing here?" Fiona asked when she saw him right before her .

"Don't you like my surprise?"

"You've really surprised me , I didn't expect you here , are you also here to see whether you passed ?"

"No I came here to see you ."

"What for ?"

"Tabna , I missed you ,you never wrote back to me ."

"I thought you were having a good time with Adriana , why should I have to intervene ?" Redness began developing on her face . " And by the way , I don't want you to call me Tabna anymore , it reminds me of my past , here am known as Fiona Bustamante ."

"It's alright , father Rivas and doctor Tatiana told me about your new name but I don't understand your accusations regarding Adriana ."

"So you don't even remember what's going on between you and your lover Adriana ?"

"Fiona there is nothing going on between me Adriana," tried to explain himself .

"Congratulations Fiona , we both passed ." Victor showed up all the sudden from no where , this  gave Fiona an escape goat .

"Am happy for you too Victor," she had to ignore Manuel, smiled back  at Victor .

"You know what ?, I'm taking you for a lunch to celebrate our passing ."

"Great idea, I'm also starving here ."

"How are you man , did you also pass ?" Victor asked thinking  Manuel was on of the new students joining the university , had no idea who he was .

"No , am not a student here , I'm I'm Fiona's .........." Manuel seemed confused of all what was going on.

"He's my cousin," Fiona finally helped him find an answer .

"Yeah am her cousin ." Manuel couldn't believe what was coming out of Fiona's mouths , had to cooperate.

"Can we go for lunch Victor , my cousin is going back home , isn't that right cousin ?"

"That's right you can go have your lunch, I have to get home on time ."

"Nice to meet you man , hope we become great friends ." Victor had a hand shake with him , held Fiona by her right hand and left for lunch .

From what had happened to Manuel , he'd to go back to the youth center , talked the priest about what had happened ,told father Rivas about how much Fiona had changed just as she decided to change her name.

"She doesn't like it when called 'Tabna ' , Fiona had turned too proud of herself now that she's joining university," he told the priest.

"That's not the Tabna we know Manuel , the Tabna you're talking about doesn't exist ,the Tabna we all know here is a nice girl ."

"Father am telling you the truth , she walked away on me with some guy called Victor ,i guess he's to be her classmate ."

"In school that happens ,we all need classmates and we have to respect their friendship ."

"Can you imagine I wanted to celebrate with her on passing her exams but she got away with that guy ,i don't even know what Adriana told her , she thinks I'm having a relationship with her , she even left without saying goodbye the day she came back to pick up her things after finding an apartment in southeastern Bogota . "

"But she did."

"She did ?" Manuel looked surprised . " How come that I never saw her ."

"You mean you were not the kitchen baking your cakes when she came , I remember very well that day after they've found an apartment in southeastern Bogota , she asked me if she could talk to you and finally say goodbye to you , though what I didn't understand was within a minute ,she was   back and asked me to drive her back right away ." Father Rivas added . " She looked pretty upset . "

"Now I get it ."

"What are you talking about ?"

"Forget it father , I think I know why Fiona is acting this way ."

"Manuel ?"

"Father I will take leave , we will talk later ."

On that day when father Rivas brought Fiona to say goodbye to Manuel , Fiona found Manuel kissing Adriana , the two were starting to undress themselves in the kitchen , she never bothered to see what happens next , simply ran away back in the priest's old Cadillac ,asked the priset to take her back , Manuel realized that this was what was bothering Fiona to extent of calling him her cousin .

He went back to Uzme , waited from the other side of the streets close to Fiona's Orange house , the priest had already given him her address , for Fiona ,after a lunch with Victor , she spent the whole day looking for opportunities to get money in order to pay for her tuition and approached the gate to her house , Manuel showed up .

"Fiona, " called out her name .

"How did you find my house , are you stalking me ?"

"Don't worry ,all I want is us to talk ."

"Manuel am frazzled right now , if you want us to talk ,we will talk tomorrow ."

Fiona had spent the whole day looking for jobs and any possible chances of getting money that was to  help her enrollment in the university for her first semester , also tried out buying rotary tickets but when the lady selling these rotary tickets explained to her the ticket's price and how much she could earn if she  were to win and how much she could lose , she gave up that idea, went to a friend from the market where she worked with Victor ,asked him if he could lend her a good amount of money to pay for her first semester , her friend told her that there was no way she could pay the money if she's a student unless she tries stealing from rich kids or kidnapping them for ransom , this was something Fiona was running away from , what this friend of hers didn't know about were the provocations he was making , Fiona had even asked her mother again that if the farm were to be  sold , the money should be for her first semester but again her mother refused , told  her to simply give up her stupid studies .

"Okay you may seem tired , but at least you can have this ." Manuel gave her a carrier bag .

"What is this ?" she held the bag .

"Lets go somewhere and you will open it from there as we talk ."

"You're tricky ,all right , let's go over there," to him to a place nearby where you can see the whole Bogota .

"Fiona I've just learnt that you saw me with Adriana that day , I wanted to tell you that am really sorry," he explained . " I thought you had given up on me when you didn't write back and Adriana was so all over me ."

"Oh you brought me a lab coat ?" She got out a gift Manuel had brought for her in the carrier bag, pretended not to have heard what he has just said .

"You never even called Fiona ."

"What ?" Fiona couldn't believe his accusations . " Are you crazy , I called and a woman answered , she told me that you were transferred to another youth center ."

"Now I remember a wrong call Adriana was talking about , She'd answered the call, pretended that it was a wrong number ."

"First solve your problems with Adriana, then we can talk ,she will do what ever it talks to have you and besides we are done talking here , I need to go back to my house ."

"Fiona ?' He pleaded .

"Take good care of yourself Manuel ." she left him there lonely and confused .
