Fiona admitted again .

With the cold she had , lack of strength in her body, a headache , abnormal sensation and a decrease in cognitive functions . Fiona couldn't join the rest to the reception after the mass , she was left alone in church with Manuel trying to help her , asked her if he could take to the hospital because she looked getting worse .

"I think this is more than anemia Manuel . I can not feel my body anymore ." Fiona pleaded. "I think am going to die soon , right now I can not be with my family at the reception at the church garden , you're going to help me get to San Pedro hospital now , please take care of my family if anything goes wrong , protect them with your life , promise me that please ." She lost balance as she tried to get off from a church pew and fell down.

"Don't be like that." Manuel held her to pick her up. "You're going to be fine and am not going to leave you ,sorry that I left you before , it's not going to happen again , am going to be with till you get better ."

"I have to ask you for another favor ." Began coughing blood . " After taking me to the hospital , please alert my mother about my situation but please do it privately . I don't want to ruin this day for doctor Tatiana and colonel Alzate and also when I was in Choco . I met a journalist called John ." She got her hand bag and handed it to him. "Look through it , you'll find his number."

Manuel lifted her from the ground , held her in his strong arms , took her outside from the entrance door of the church since others used the back door to the church's garden for the wedding reception . Manuel got a taxi and took her to the hospital and at the hospital , he shouted for help , immediately a nurse brought a wheel chair , throughout the hallway , they ran into Rodrigo . Rodrigo received her and told Manuel he was to take care of her , as he lifted her from the wheel chair , she fell down again , both got her up , a stretcher bed was brought and she was put on then to a room from where she was to be treated. Manuel was left outside waiting and also trying to get in touch with Ms Meriya .

"What's wrong with me Rodrigo ?" She kept asking, trying to get off from the stretcher.

"Calm down Fiona , you need to calm down , am going to do the best I can to find out what exactly you're suffering , just lay down ."

"I feel like am closer to my death Rodrigo , my body can not hold it anymore , i've never felt this bad before ."

As he kept on requesting her to calm down . Fiona suddenly got an abrupt onset intense of fear in a minute , a pounding heart , began sweating , trembling or shaking and a shortness in breathing. Rodrigo remained calm , encouraged her to keep breathing slowly through her nose , told her to copy her slow breathing pattern , later Sylvia rushed in and asked him what was happening , told her he thinks she has got a panic attack , she's finding it difficult to breath and it was getting worse for her .

In about two minutes she started getting better as they watched her , when she was calm . Sylvia asked her whether she had been taking her meals well , asked her whether she had been taking any other medicine apart from what she gave her .

"Have you painted your house recently ?" She continued asking .

"Nothing of any sort has happened to me yet doctor Sylvia . I've been taking my meals well, the prescriptions you gave , it's the medicine I've been taking , and we haven't painted our house yet but please tell me that someone from my family is waiting outside in the waiting room ."

"Rodrigo and I will go and find out but please try to have some rest ."

Manuel had gone back at the wedding reception after leaving Fiona in the hands of Rodrigo ,none of anyone from Fiona's family was waiting outside in the waiting room and at the wedding reception , Ms Meriya who knew nothing about what was going on with her daughter had asked the priest if she could have a dance with her as a way of thanking him for whatever he had done for her daughter Fiona , talking about her daughter as the two the danced. Meriya asked him whether he had seen her around , she hadn't seen her since they came for a reception , father Rivas didn't know about her whereabouts either .

Manuel quietly came and tapped Ms Meriya , whispered to her that Fiona was in the hospital ,she was coughing blood , told her not to panic , might alert others and ruin the day for Colonel Alzate and doctor Tatiana . Meriya remained calm , excused herself from the priest , when stepped away from the priest . Manuel explained further about how she ended up in the hospital again . Meriya went and told her husband about it , told Monica to take her sister back home when the party is done .

Waiting outside in the waiting room for the doctors to come out and tell them how Fiona was doing. Manuel separated himself from Miguel and Meriya , made a call to Victor who was trying to off load tomatoes and other fruits from a truck . Victor had to leave everything and the rest of the work to others when he heard news about his best-friend's situation , rushed to the hospital to find out what exactly had happened to his friend, on his way , he made a call to Hurianah . Huria was having a class and professor Ignasia was the one teaching , she answered the vibrating phone immediately when saw Victor calling . Ignasia saw her and asked her whether the fact that she's the Dean's daughter gives her privileges to answer her phone call inside the class .

"Professor it's about my friend Fiona, it's an emergency . I've heard she has just got worse . I need to go and see her right away ." She pleaded after the call.

"It's Fiona who needs the emergency attention not you ,unless you're telling me you're sick too , stay right where you're , you're not going anywhere and if you disobey me , you will get a zero." Huria sat back in her seat to wait till the end of the class.

For those who were waiting in the waiting room , eventually saw Sylvia coming out , asked her how Fiona was doing . Sylvia told them her situation was worsening, if they don't find out what she was suffering from , there was no treatment for her and it might not end well .

"And in order to find out what exactly she's suffering from."She added. "I need one of you to go back home , especially in her room , look for anything that could be toxic , bring me her tablets bottle , just find anything you're suspicious of . I believe that will help us find out the exact cause of her illness which isn't going away . "

"I'll be the one going doctor Sylvia ." Manuel volunteered. "I don't think it's right for her parents to leave her alone here , they're supposed to be on her side ."

"That's right , she really needs their support ." She agreed with him . "And if you would excuse me Ms Meriya and Mr Miguel . I need to take these samples to the nurse to find out this time the possible cause of her latest attack."

Ignasia's class finally came to an end . Ignasia had heard about Fiona's situation through Huria when she had that phone call in class, he also became curious about what was going on , he knew another blood sample was to be taken from her to Chapita for a test , went to the laboratory room , when he knocked on the lab door . Chapita asked him if he had lost his test tube again .

"Or maybe you need another favor this time around ." She joked as her friend she was working with laughed .

"Come on Chapita , it's not that I always look for favors , lose test tubes or something . I heard that there is a doctor in ward five who needed your help , he has samples for you to test ." He grinned like a Cheshire cat .

Since it was their job and had to answer to the their doctors who happened to be were their bosses , the two nurses left the room and left Ignasia alone in the laboratory. Sylvia had already left the samples with them , she had asked them to test them first before any other samples , they were done with the work and indicated what the patient was suffering from . Ignasia look through the serum and found Fiona's , plucked off what it said and tagged on what he had in his lab coat which read 'none'.

Chapita and her fellow nurse eventually came back to tell him that there was no doctor asking for their help in ward five , to their surprise , he wasn't around in the room , they wondered where he had gone , dropped the subject and continued with their work wondering what a strange man he is.

In a few seconds . Sylvia and Connie came in , asked Chapita whether she was already done , told them she was done and showed them where the tests were , reading on the tests , it should that this time around , the girl suffered from absolutely nothing .

"Are you sure this is what you tested for Chapita ?" Sylvia asked .

"Fiona Bustamante right ?" She asked. "That's what you gave me ." She was certain that was the sample given to her .

Rodrigo came in , they showed him the results , the three doctors were not convinced at all with what came from the results . Rodrigo asked her if she could do more test of the samples they were about to bring her . Chapita found no problem in that , she agreed to do so as soon as they were ready .

"The fact that there isn't even anemia which was there earlier , this must be a laboratory failure , more tests should be carried out ." Connie agreed with Rodrigo for more tests .

"The girl is so unlucky , how can it be possible that there is nothing in her blood !" Sylvia nodded her head .

By the time Victor got to the hospital . Huria was getting out of the class , the two met in the hallway on their way to see Fiona, bumped into Ms Meriya who was from buying a bottle of water from the hospital canteen , asked her where Fiona was confined , she showed them the room and inside the room , they found her tranquilized so that she could calm down and have a sleep . Victor sat down on her bed and told her how much he doesn't want her to leave them .

"I don't want to lose a friend whom I promised to graduate with." He continued as Huria looked at him , she realized that he had changed his mind , he was to continue his studies with them from his statement . "You're the one who had always encouraged me to work hard in class Fiona, you need to wake up so that we can continue helping each other in our course works , you have to wake up and see Huria becomes a mother of my children ." He held Huria close by his shoulder . "It's not time to forget about the promises we made to each other when we had just started working together back then in the market ."

Ignasia after switching the blood samples , he came around asking different nurses about a patient called Fiona Bustamante , claimed she's a medical student of his and wanted to know how she was doing , finally he found a nurse who knew were she was confined , he pushed the door open when got to the room , saw Victor and Huria already in and both looking way too sad .

"Tick tock , tick tock , tick tock , how is she's doing ?" He asked as he got out his stethoscope.

"Doctor examine her please." Victor pleaded. "We don't know what exactly she's suffering from ."

When Ignasia got his stethoscope from around his neck , on trying to put the tunable diaphragm on her chest . Fiona's situation worsened , the monitor heart line flattened , everyone in the room began panicking . Huria ran out asked Meriya to call doctor Sylvia as other nurses came in to do something about it , when the nurses .Sylvia .Connie .Rodrigo and Alfonso came , they sent Ignasia and Victor out , told them to give the patient some space , a resuscitation had to be carried on her to bring her back to life ,as they kicked him out . Ignasia tried to explain to them that he's also a doctor , he deserved to be inside the room . Alfonso explained to him that the patient went worse because of his presence so he had to do them a favor and leave , for Victor he received a call as he stepped out , his mother told him about Devon's departure to Argentina . Victor felt sorry for not saying goodbye to him , his mother told him about Devon's last message to him .

"He said that he's happy about the idea that you're going back to school and he was sorry about failing you on the idea of a fruit store with him ." She explained .
