Connie and Rodrigo .

Rodrigo looked for a way of letting Connie know that it was his birthday , he thought it could be a good idea if he celebrated it with her , Huria was the only solution to his problem , Hurianah wasn't already aware of what was going on between Connie her 'step mother' and Rodrigo 'her boyfriend' ,  excitement was all over her face on   receiving a call from Rodrigo , Rodrigo invited her over to his apartment to celebrate with him his birthday , he knew Connie would hear about it from her  and she will try to contact him about it , then probably the two could come up with something .

That evening Huria went to her father and her step-mother who were in the living room watching TV ,told them that she was to go out to celebrate Rodrigo's birthday .

"As long as you don't take too long to get back home ." Alfonso complied with her decision .

"Is it really Rodrigo's birthday ?" Out of curiosity , Connie asked .

"I didn't know about it either", she answered . " He has just called me and asked me if I could join him ."

"I get it", she got off from the couch and went to her bedroom .

Inside the bedroom , Connie got onto her phone and text Rodrigo , asked him why he called Huria instead , about his birthday , Rodrigo texted back and told him that it was the only way to let her know .

"You can not keep using Huria , remember she is my daughter , you have to tell her how exactly you feel about her , i don't want her to get involved in this we're doing", she texted back .

"I will tell her when the right time comes but trust me , it will be soon ."

"Now she's coming over there and I know you wanted me to be there instead , how are you going to do that ?"

"Am going to tell her that I got a little bit of a headache , you make sure you find a way of joining me at night pool club ."

"I'm not leaving unless I see Huria back at home ."

"Okay I expect you in about thirty minutes ."

Within five minutes ,Huria was back home , her father asked her what had happened that she's back home in such a short time , she told him that Rodrigo had got a headache , he told her that he would be going out to a pharmacy for tablets and after that he was to take a  rest .

" I feel sorry for the guy", she continued .

Connie came out of the bedroom and heard everything she told her father , told Alfonso that Sylvia had texted her , she was all by her self at restaurant , she wanted to go and have a dinner with her.

"What's with the women of this house?" Alfonso looked confused . "One leaves and the other comes in ."

"Don't worry dear , immediately after my meal with Sylvia , I will get back home soon ."

"Go and enjoy yourself ."

Later on , Rodrigo and Connie met outside night pool club , Connie asked him why he didn't take her to a restaurant , to her it could have been a suitable place to celebrate a birthday rather than a night club , Rodrigo wanted to dance , drink and listen to some good music with the one he loves .

"I think all the doctors at San Pedro know this club , it could go wrong for the both of us Rodrigo ."

"That depends on what you told your husband ."

"I told him that am going out with Sylvia , I think we should call Sylvia to join us , that would be a perfect alibi ."

"This was supposed to be between the two of us ."

"No, we can tell her to take her time while coming here , by the time she gets here , we'll have already enjoyed ourselves ."

"You're one hell of a smart woman", he smiled as the two entered the club .

"Anyway can we get a table ." Connie looked around inside the club .

Thirty minutes of laughing , drinking and telling each other how much they loved each other , a kiss was necessary between the two and before they could kiss ,Victor and Natalia who were already inside the club enjoying their time off from school , showed up at their table .

"Hello professor Rodrigo and professor Constanza , I didn't know you guys take sometime and come around this place to enjoy yourselves too !" Natalia opened her mouth as Victor tried to stop her from saying anything .

"Everyone knows this place Natalia ." Rodrigo replied .

"So are you guys together ?" She ignored Victor's signs stopping her from saying anything further . "You seem pretty close to each other ", she added .

"Not really , we're here to celebrate Rodrigo's birthday ." Connie immediately sounded defensive .

"What do you mean by 'we'?" , i thought it's just the two of you ."

"Natalia stop", eventually Victor had to speak up . "Excuse us sir , I think she has drunk a lot , i will take her back to our table ."

"Don't worry Victor , since it's my birthday , you can sit with us here, we're also expecting someone else to join us ."

"See Victor." Natalia smiled . " I told you , our professors are warm welcoming , they 're willing to socialize with their students , let's sit down ,by the way who else are we expecting ?" She asked .

"It's Sylvia ." Connie stood up and went out to call Sylvia .

On phone , she asked Sylvia to hurry up and get to pool night club before the students they were with could start suspecting something between her and Rodrigo , Sylvia told her she was to be there in a few minutes and within those few minutes , Sylvia managed to join Connie outside the club , both entered the club together , they joined the rest to celebrate Rodrigo 's birthday , drinks and eats were brought on a table at Rodrigo's treat , a conversation broke up amongst them , they told one another a few things about what was going on in their lives , Natalia started talking about a classmate she was suing for assault , Victor was shocked to find out that Natalia haven't dropped the charges though she did , she was lying that she didn't ,Victor whispered to her, asked her whether she was serious that she hadn't dropped the charges yet , Natalia whispered to him that 'not yet' .

"Talking about our classmates , professor Sylvia , Constanza , and professor Rodrigo , did you know that in our class , our very class , there is a student who is good at switching pins when having exams , don't you think such a student deserves to be expelled from the university?" He began picking on her .

"That's a great joke Victor , we can not have such a misbehaving classmate ." Natalia wore a sheepish smile .

"What are you talking about Victor ?" Rodrigo asked

"It's nothing doctor." Natalia was quick to intervene . "That's one of Victor's boring conversations ."

"I think guys we should go back home , am already sleepy ." Sylvia stood up to leave .

"Can you take us home Rodrigo ?" Connie stood up too .

"See you guys at the university tomorrow." Rodrigo stood up too to join the ladies .

Connie thanked Sylvia for showing up , for saving her again , she didn't know what Victor and Natalia would think if they didn't come up with that excuse that they're celebrating Rodrigo's birthday together , Sylvia urged her to formalize their relationship as soon as possible because a secret relationship they were having , would create more trouble for the two of them .

The next morning when heading for a boards meeting , in a hallway , Rodrigo asked Connie why when she got home , she didn't send her a goodnight emoji ,Connie told him she got home really tired and fell asleep but if he didn't mind , he could think of her the whole day .

Getting inside the board room , they were the last to come in , everyone was already there to listen to the verdict of Fiona's case , it was the day for them to decide on Fiona's future at San Pedro university.

"I still think the girl should be kicked out of the university, we can not have such a violent student in the university ,the next victims of her will be us the teachers ." Professor Ignasia insisted on his view about what was going on .

"I still don't think we need to go all the way to that , I saw it all , Natalia Villa provoked the girl ." Fuentes gave his opinion .

"I have good news to the majority of you all , here is a file from the chancellor, in this file," Alfonso presented the file before them on a table . " Natalia is withdrawing her accusations towards Fiona , so we still have the girl with us here , sorry Ignasia , we should always look at both sides before coming to a conclusion", he pushed the file towards Ignasia .

"That's great", the rest kept on saying that as they applauded .

After the meeting , Connie went to get a cup of coffee for herself , Alfonso felt like having one too, went to the table where the flasks were kept and found Connie already there , Connie was surprised to see him .

"Why looking so surprised ?"  he asked . "It's like you were expecting someone else ."

"Not all , I wasn't expecting anyone , after all , we all get our coffee from here , don't we ?

"You're right ,we do , by the way , how was the birthday ?" he asked , Connie got dumb struck . " Sylvia told me after having dinner with her , you went for a birthday party , whose was it ?"

"It was Rodrigo's ." She thought she could tell half of the truth .

"But I thought he had a headache ."

"He got better and proceeded with the celebrations ."

"He didn't invite his girlfriend and asked Sylvia and you alone to join him !" Alfonso wondered .

"He never wanted to bother her again , but we were there with her other classmates, that is Natalia and Victor, hope you know them ?"

" I know them though I wonder how close they're to Rodrigo !"

"Neither do I know ", she walked out of the room .
