At the baptism party

Outside the house , the party had already began . Fiona . Nina . Ramon and Monica were helping in serving the guests , when Nina went to a tent on a table where Glades ,her husband .Victor and Huria were sited to service them their drinks . Glades thanked her for being such a wonderful singer .

"You really sang very well inside the church Nina ." She added. "Why don't you join the teens competition , you can even become famous if you happen to win the competitions, you won't be like this girlfriend of my son , all she's good at is drinking and drinking ,she can't even work ."

"Mom!" Victor couldn't let her start again her attacks on Huria .

"Thank you Ms Glades ." Nina grinned . " I will ask my mother to allow me join the teens competition , now if you don't mind I'll go and serve the next table ." She gave them their drinks and left .

"Don't you think she's such a sweet girl Alejandro ?" Glades smiled as Huria glared at her without saying a word .

Under the tent where Alzate .Tatiana and Miguel were sited . Monica came and served them their drinks , when she came back from serving another table . Alzate stopped her and whispered to her whether she could get them a bottle opener . Monica asked her father whether he knew where the other bottle opener was ,only one was moving around , her father didn't know where the other opener was ,she went and asked Ramon whether he could get her a bottle opener from his house .

"Monica , there is no way am going back to my father's house unless this party is over ."

"Why ? What are you afraid of ? am sure your father isn't even there , just go and get us a bottle opener, we really need it badly here ."

"You don't get it , my father stopped me from coming to this party . I sneaked out of the house , now am sure he might be home and if he catches me sneaking out of the house with a bottle opener ,he will kill me ."

"So you've decided to let me down ?"

"Oh jeez , you're such a pain ,okay I'll go home and find one ."

He went to his father's house , jumped inside through a window at the back of the house next to his room , looked around inside the house for his father's presence , but he was no where to be seen , took this opportunity and went to the kitchen ,searched through the cupboard for the bottle opener , eventually found it , just as he turned around to leave , his father was right there standing behind him .

"What do you think you're doing ?" Chucho asked .

"Ah , nothing dad." He tried to hide the opener .

"And where are you taking that bottle opener ? To the Bustamantes right ? so the Bustamantes can't even afford a bottle opener and they think they can get one from my house ."

"Dad . I wasn't taking it to the Bustamantes , am going to use for my own good ."

"You think am a fool boy , you haven't been in the house for hours now , you come back from the back of the house through a window, get in the kitchen ,take my bottle opener and tell me you're going to use it for your own good , you think I don't know that you've been with the Bustamantes and am quite sure it's you who went and told them that I brought a counselor to remove their tents from the street , tell you what , you are not going anywhere , you're staying in this house right at this moment ." He grabbed him by his collar ,annoyed as he was , pulled him to the living room ,began punching and slapping him all over his body , he fell down , grabbed him again and continued hitting him .

"Dad stop , stop . I wasn't taking the opener to the Bustamantes ." Ramon kept on screaming as he was hit .

"You need to show some respect young man , my enemies are my enemies and they're supposed to be your enemies too , who will pay for your needs if you keep on defending them ." Continued hitting him and when he realized that he had gone unconscious , he stopped hitting him , panicked to grab his keys from the couch ,ran outside the house and locked the door , he went and slung near the Bustamantes' house , saw that everything was going on well for them and they had invited many people including soldiers , many were drinking and dancing ,enjoying themselves to the fullest .

Tatiana was dancing with Alzate , later she began getting tired of being up for too long . Alzate told her if she was tired she could sit down and that he would switch a partner , he went and asked for a dance with the baby's godmother . Meriya came back from the house ,found Alzate dancing with her daughter ,went and sat next to Tatiana , took the opportunity to thank her for everything because if it weren't for her , her family wouldn't be together again.

"You don't have to thank me Ms Meriya . I've only been doing my job , helping out those young girls and boys who were abducted by the guerrillas it's my passion . I think am also lucky to have met Fiona in particular , if it weren't for her . I think I wouldn't have got all these many friends I have now . I feel like I have a family now despite having lived alone for sometime ."

Dancing with the baby's godmother . Alzate asked her if she could help him with the surprise he had for Tatiana , she asked what surprise , told her about it and the two stopped dancing to go and proceed on how to work on the surprise .

Among those who had to switch partners was Victor and Huria . Huria joined Nina as Victor began dancing with his mother , it's his mother who asked him to dance with her though he knew dancing with her was to drown himself in questions about his relationship with Huria .

"So son . I don't understand ." She began her taunting . "Why did you choose that girl to be the mother of your future children ? She's too skinny and she can not even work ,all she does is to depend on her father . I know she's beautiful , innocent and well behaved but that's not enough son , you deserve something better , something that won't be a burden to you , you know what I mean!"

"Mom stop , you shouldn't judge Hurianah , you haven't even got to know her very well . Huria is a beautiful girl , loves her studies , when she loves she loves right from the heart , she also has her own problems, can you imagine her previous boyfriend happened to be dating her step mother ? she's the one who has to be there for her father throughout his depression , it's not that I feel sorry for her but I find it cool that I am a guy whom she can rely on ,so please stop telling me about who I should date ."

"Come on son , talking about beautiful girls around here ,look at Fiona . Fiona is also Beautiful ,she's hard working unlike your Huria , you say she's the smartest in your class and she has a wonderful loving family here ,at some point I thought you'll end up with her the way you cared for her when they had just got in town ."

"Mom things don't end the way we think they should . I am in love with Huria and that's it ."

"Think about it , dump her and pursue Fiona ."

The girl Ms Glades wished for her son was planning a surprise for Tatiana with Alzate , on agreeing on how they were to do it , the two went and joined Meriya and Tatiana on the table . Alzate asked if he could hold his godson for a while , because of the loud music . Meriya didn't get Alzate's request .Fiona who heard him asked her mother where the baby was , wanted to go and get the baby for Alzate . Meriya told her daughter to go inside the house , it's where the baby was .

"Mom , it's the boy's party and you're keeping him inside the house , is that fair enough ?"

"Oh girl , with all this noise outside here . I can't leave the baby here , let him be inside and rest , it's been a long day for him but right now since his godfather wants to hold him , go and get him ."

Right after Fiona had gone inside the house .Monica came all nervous and unbalanced , her mother asked her what the problem was , she told him it was about Ramon

"He went to look for a bottle opener from his father's house but he hasn't come back ." She added . "I don't know whether something bad has happened to him ."

"Come on , it's his father's house , nothing bad would happen to him ,besides we don't need an opener anymore . Miguel bought one more , let's go and see what the guests have for the baby as gifts ."

Before they could leave .Glades came to the table where they were with her husband , thanked them for inviting them , told them how wonderful the organizers of the party had been.

"I have something for the baby though ." She continued . "I hope you like it . I'll be giving it to Nina and Monica because they will be the ones who are really supposed to keep a close eye on their brother ." She got out a package from her handbag and handed it to Nina .

"What is this ?" Nina asked .

"It's a baby monitor , don't you see? this will help you guys to know when the baby is asleep and when he's awake , it even has a bluetooth , you can connect it to your phones , there you'll monitor your brother from your phones ." Glades explained .

"This is awesome Ms Glades ." She loved it . "Guess what? I know what a bluetooth is but you'll have to explain it to Monica here , she doesn't know what a bluetooth is ."

"Oh is that you think Nina ?" Her sister waved in . "I thought it's you who thinks bluetooth is some kind of a monster with blue teeth , remember when you were so little you asked me about it ." She laughed .

Attention on gifts was divert by the arrival of many other important people from the army , colonel Alzate had invited them to join him on an important day for him . Chucho was watching everything that was going on from a hideout , when he saw the expensive cars arriving , the General ,colonels and other soldiers coming out , he felt uncomfortable in his hideout and decided to distance himself far away from the area .

Fiona welcomed them into her house with colonel Alzate . Alzate had talked a lot about her among the soldiers , so for some they were glad to meet the famous Fiona Bustamante .

The party continued and later it was getting late , some of the guests from the neighbouhood started leaving and before everyone could leave . Victor's mother went on stage next to the disc jockey , she took a microphone and asked the disc jockey to stop the music for a minute ,called on everyone to pay attention to her because something urgent had come up. Victor realized that she was drunk and she was about to say nonsense , tried to get her off stage but she pushed him away .

"Good evening everyone ." She started in her fuzzy voice . "First I'd like to thank Ms Meriya and Mr Miguel for inviting us all here to their son's baptism party ,it been fun guys though too bad we'll be leaving earlier because something urgent has come up .My husband and I have to be somewhere as soon as possible , all I can say is that we've enjoyed ourselves . I must say that Ms Meriya , thank you so much , but before I leave , something is bothering me , it's about my son , why has my son picked the most lazy girl for a girlfriend , she may be beautiful but I think my son deserves something better."

"You have no right to say that me Ms , it's your son's decision here ." Huria was upset , raised her voice at her to defend herself as Victor went back on stage to pull his mother out .

He managed to get the microphone from her before a battle of words could continue between her and her future daughter in law . Victor helped his drunk mother get inside the car , asked his father who was sober to drive safely , his father told him that they were going to see Devon's parents in Choco , they had called and told them it rained heavily in that area and they were a bit trapped , so they had to go and see how they can help . Victor wished them well and asked them to drive safely , his mother asked again him to think about getting Fiona instead of Huria .

Having got Glades off from the stage . Alzate used this opportunity and took the microphone, begged for everyone's attention , when everyone was ready to listen to him ,he welcomed the General and the rest of his work mates for agreeing to be with him on the occasion , thanked Ms Meriya for making him the godfather of her son , thanked Fiona for letting him be a part of her life , asked doctor Tatiana to join him on stage , when Tatiana got on stage , she asked him what was going on , why he had asked her to get on stage . Alzate took his hand inside his trousers pockets , got a ring box out , opened it and got a ring out of it , asked for Tatiana's hand , as she stretched out her hand to him , he got on his knee and asked her if she could marry him .

"What are you doing Alzate ?" She asked .

"I'm proposing . I think this is the right time Tatiana , will you marry me ?" He asked her again .

"Say yes , say yes , say yes ." The rest among the guests chanted .

Tatiana asked him to get up from his knee , asked him if they could talk in private , everyone wondered what was going on , the General couldn't believe it either , he had come to witness this but seems it wasn't going on as expected .

Tatiana and Alzate went on the rooftop of the house to talk about it , told him she was happy to have him around , that he's such a nice man , they had developed a wonderful love story and she was willing to continue loving him but she could not get married to him .

"But why ?" Alzate asked .

"Because I'm still married to someone else Alzate ."

"What ?" A sudden chill swept through him and stared in disbelief .
