Out of the hospital .

Before Fiona was discharged , at San Pedro Hospital .Miguel had stayed with his wife to look after their elder daughter as Monica . Nina and the baby were left alone at home , while at home waiting for their parents to get back . Nina felt sleepy and decided to go to bed for a nap . Monica used this opportunity to call Ramon , told him that they were alone at home , asked him if he could drop by . Ramon who was recovering immediately from his father's beating left his grandma's house and stopped by at the Bustamantes , inside the house . Nina was woken up by the laughters downstairs in the lounge room , came and asked what was going on , her sister forced her to go back to sleep , told her nothing was going on , it was just her sleep walking , silly she was , went back to her room thinking that she was sleep walking and when she had gone , the two began laughing , could believe she could fool her sister that way, she then began unbuttoning Ramon's shirt as they kissed , he aimed for her dress , before taking it off , a knock was heard on the door .they had to stop whatever they were planning to do.

"Who is it ?" Monica asked .

"Come on you little brat , open the door , it's me grandma Theresa." The old lady kept on knocking like she owns the house. "Why are you taking long to open the door ?"

"I'm coming ." She pulled down her dress as Ramon wore his shirt .

"Can I come in ?" She asked when Monica opened the door. "Or you going to talk to me right behind that door . I know your mother has just given birth , so I've brought for her soup that will make her recuperate ."

"Mom is not at home , she 's at the hospital with my father and I believe they'll take long to come back , my older sister is sick , maybe you can come back later grandma Theresa ." She tried to stop her from getting in, she was to distract them from what they were doing .

"What is your problem young girl ? I can wait for them from inside , will you get out of my way ?" She forced her way in.

"Come in grandma Theresa." She had to step aside .

"I didn't know my grandson is here." Saw Ramon comfortably sited on a couch . "Indeed this is your favorite place child but anyway it's a good thing , we're going to help these girls ." She saw Nina coming down out of the bedroom ."We're going to help them with preparing food . I think we're all to have a dinner here together ."

"Are you really going to do that grandma ?" Ramon asked .

"Yes child , am a good cook , where is the kitchen ?"

Monica pointed to her where the kitchen was , prepared a meal with the girls , organized the table and by the time they were done . Miguel . Meriya and their eldest daughter were back at home . Meriya was surprised to see grandma Theresa already settled in the house like she's a part of the family , she welcomed them back to their house , told them she had prepared a meal for them , asked the sick one how she was doing , the sick girl told her she was getting better, grandma Theresa promised to pray for her till she gets better ,then Meriya asked what she had cooked as Fiona went upstairs .

"We cooked sancocho soup , you all gonna love it ."

"Thank you Ms Theresa , thank you for coming over and look after my children while we were away . I really do appreciate what you're doing for my family ." Meriya appreciated the gesture .

While they were all at the table having her soup , grandma Theresa pulled out her old Nokia phone , it had started vibrating ,then a samba sound came out of it , she pressed the green button and had the phone on to her right ear , everyone kept quiet to let her speak on her phone , as she continued saying 'yes' while talking to the person who had called , a smile came onto her face ,later she hanged up .

"What happened Ms Theresa ? Is it good news ?" Miguel asked .

"It was my lawyer , he had called to give me the news that my son will be out of jail soon , probably by tomorrow , you know I managed to gather the money needed for his bail."

"Grandma Theresa , are they really letting that thief out of jail ?" Nina stood up and asked .

"Sit down ." Her mother raised her voice .

"Let her be Meriya . I know my son has done a lot of bad things to the people in this neighborhood and how a bully he has been to them . I found out myself when I went to pick up the debts among them , so Nina is right but don't worry Nina , I'll tame him when he gets out of jail ." She stood up from her chair . "Ramon , get up , we have to go now and prepare for your Father's homecoming ."

Ramon and his grandma left the house leaving the Bustamantes on the table , when done taking the soup . Meriya went up on the rooftop to check on her other daughter who wasn't with them as they had the sancocho soup from grandma Theresa.

From the hospital . Fiona went straight up on the rooftop to do her laundry, she had promised to have a taste of grandma Theresa's cooking later and she was hanging her clothes up on a line when her mother came up .

"Are you okay Fiona ?" She asked . "I think you shouldn't be doing this , your sisters can help you , you need to fully recover ."

"Mom .I don't want to bother them , besides Monica isn't a type and Nina is too young , it will be like am abusing her and I don't want you to do this . I can't even ask my father because these my clothes."

" I think you should rest child , look at you , your face has turned white again, you all look a zombie , what's happening to you ?"

"Don't worry about it mom . I think it's these iron supplements doctor Sylvia gave me for my anemia deficiency. I'll be okay when I start taking them with food , this is absolutely normal ."

"Alright , when you done there , will you please come down and have a taste of the soup that old lady made ? I mean Chucho's mother ."

"You mean the old woman I met down stairs is Chucho's mother ? When did she get here ?"

"Oh girl , if you're moving here and there ,how will you know what is going on here in this neighborhood? It happens that Chucho that beast has a mother and she's here to stay in this neighborhood, to make it worse , she has just bailed out her son from jail ."

"I know we'll be safe from that family even though she's bailing him out , anyway mom, just go , i'll join you downstairs soon ."

Next morning at school , the three girls met and sat down at the cafeteria to discuss about how they could convince Victor to get back to the university , but still Natalia couldn't believe all that had happened to Fiona as Hurianah explained it all to her , for Fiona she couldn't remember how she was taken away from the cafeteria and what they were talking about with Huria when she fainted .

"I think it would have been cool if you were pregnant Fiona." Her absence away from the university when this all happened didn't even affect her being sarcastic. "It would be fun seeing you coming to class with a swelling stomach ." She laughed .

"Enough of that Natalia." Huria had to remind her what brought them at the cafeteria. "We need to focus cause we don't know where Victor is . I've been stopping by at his store but they tell me that he's rarely around , I really miss him."

"What I think Huria is that this was better excuse Victor came up with to ditch you . I mean for him to leave his studies , he's avoiding you."

"Don't listen to her Huria." Fiona couldn't let her absurd thinking to it's effect. "She's trying to get inside your head . I also miss Victor , sometimes it feels hard here to do anything without him , all we have to do is to look for him and convince him to join the university again before the semester starts ."

As they were talking . Ignasia came and reciprocated to Fiona that he wanted talk to her , she excused herself from Huria and Natalia , went and met Ignasia in the hallway , he never wanted anyone to know about the meetings he was having with her though Fiona was talking about these meetings with a few doctors who asked her about her medication . Ignasia had bought the medicine that was prescribed for her, when he got home last night after buy some of the medicine , he mixed the medicine with different tablets and left very few iron supplements that were prescribed by Sylvia , meeting with Fiona , he told her that he bought all the medicine she needed . Fiona was happy that he managed to make it , asked him how much he owed her .Ignasia told her he owed her nothing , was doing that because he felt sorry for her , she was just a smart girl struggling to make her future brighter and he had to do anything to make easier for her . Ignasia asked her to take it immediately , she asked if she could do it later but Ignasia insisted she takes at least a pill right away before him , to prove to him that she was to do what her doctors say unlike other patients who're prescribed medicine but don't take it , she took a pill right before him . Ignasia gained a smile on his face immediately, this was to speed up his plans .

For Victor whom the girls were looking for was at his mother's store in the market , his parents were also back in Bogota to support him and continue their businesses , he was trying to convince them to get him an apartment which he was to share with Devon and also set up a business for both of them , his parents tried to convince that there wasn't enough money for him to start a life outside their house , asked him to have Devon living with them in the same house and the two could work at the same store he was working in , still discussing about this outside the fruit store . Devon showed up from the hospital , he was discharged . Victor asked him whether he was okay or he simply escaped from the hospital .

"You would have called me to come and pick you up." He added .

"Relax Victor am fine , the doctors told me am doing well ,all I have to do is to involve myself a lot in physical therapy and with that I'll be able to gain my legs again , however am here in the market to let you all know that I bought a ticket for myself . I'll be leaving the country , wanna continue my treatment outside Colombia ."

"You can not do that Champ ." Victor couldn't support the idea .

"Look here Victor . I maybe disappointed with my life , but I don't want you to ruin yours as well , i'm going to go to Argentina and I'll continue my therapy from there then join the competitions like I always dreamed of , remember what I promised you when we were still teenagers . I want to become a great cyclist someday ."

"I think he's right Victor . I support him , he'll be well in Argentina , you too will go back to school and continue with your dream of being a great doctor ." Glades was pleased with his idea . "And another thing Devon . I promise to prepare everything you need for your flight to Argentina ."

"Thank you Ms Glades . I really needed that ."

"I hope you're leaving for a few errands cause that's what we're up to right now with my husband here and I don't want my son to think you're running away from him ." She left with her husband to leave the two to talk more about his decision.

"I hope you're not mad at me Victor for this sudden decision of mine , am sorry for ruining your plans of starting up a business with me . I thought it was better if I did this alone . I promise you we will always be in touch . I'll be sending you photos of my progress every time and promise to send me photos of your graduation day . I need to see those pictures when you get to your dream ."

"Well .I promise and don't worry about me , am okay with your decision though I also don't know how I can tell my parents that I really want to go back to the university for the next semester . I haven't made a decision yet before them but deep inside my heart , this is what I want ."

"Talk to  them . I believe they'll understand you , they wont judge you for being indecisive , they've always supported you ."

"Thank you Devon , really thanks . I feel like it's been me on that hospital bed ." He chuckled .
