Nina's new business .

Two days after lending the Bustamantes money for their washing machine , Chucho realized that it was about time go and ask for the money he owed them , getting to the orange house's door , he knocked, Miguel who was reading a newspaper went to the door to see who was at the door .

"Oh how are you Mr Chucho?" Miguel wondered whether he's paying for a visit or he's lending them more money . "What are you doing here early this morning ?"

"Have you already forgotten Mr Miguel , it's been two days and your mind has gone somewhere else , well I will remind you , you came to my house and asked for some money to buy a washing machine and now am here for my money ." Chucho looked pretty comfortable with his demand .

"Like you've said , it's been two days , I can not have gathered all that money within two days , I haven't even got a job , it's not possible to raise all that money within the two days you're talking about , so give me more days , I will get you your money ."

"Look here Mr Miguel, I gave you my money in good faith , so I want my money in a similar way , don't complicate the matter , all I want is my money ," he insisted .

"I understand but what am trying to say is that , give me more days , I will get you your money without any complications you're talking about ."

"Okay, here is the deal , this weekend am coming back , make sure you get me something , I wouldn't like to leave without anything just like how am going to do right now ," he turned around to leave after realizing he won't get a thing from the man .

Mr Miguel went back inside the house and explained to the rest who was at the door , and what he wanted , Ms Meriya told him that it was a bad idea for him to borrow the money from the man , she warned them when Nina brought up the idea, the man seemed to be an extortionist , it wasn't making any sense that he was asking for his money just after two days , it was pretty ridiculous for Ms Meriya .

When Fiona got to know that her father borrowed money from a man who seemed to be an extortionist in order to buy for her mother a washing machine , it reminded her the day when the commander sent her with her comrades to pick money from a shop attendant in Ciudad bolivar , a slum in Bogota where she parted from her comrades Patrick and Marcus , she remembered how tough she was on the man and from that man who she last extorted , her life turned around when she was arrested by the military police.

"Father , don't let that man mistreat you next time , pay that money when you really have it , you are not going to rob a bank or something just to pay him , he has to give you enough time, next time he comes back , you let me know , I will tell him what he wants to hear ." Fiona was sure she should have done something if she'd known what had brought the man to their house, she knows how to put people like Chucho in their places .

"No violence Fiona ," her mother urged .

"No mom, I just know how to deal with people like this ."

"Okay, okay guys." Monica thought of adding something to the conversation . "I don't see the importance of this machine , we use it for a few hours and leave it , why would Ramon's father become a bother to us, we can simply give him the machine ."

"That's not how it works Monica ," her father objected .

"Have you just said for a few hours ?" Something came up in Nina's mind .

"Yes, so what ?" Monica replied .

"What do you have in mind Nina?" Fiona noticed her thoughtful younger sister was up to something.

"If you notice , few or almost none of the people in this neighborhood have a washing machine, " she began narrating what she had in mind . "Monica says that we use our machine for a few hours , if we can ask the people in this neighborhood to use our machine for the rest of the hours or one hour for every neighbor , we can earn a lot of money to pay Mr Chucho the thief ."

"That's brilliant Nina." Fiona appreciated her sister's idea . "But you're forgetting something , we don't have a way of transporting that machine from one neighborhood to another ."

"That's right Fiona , the smart girl never noticed that , it's quite costly to move around that washing machine ." Monica strongly disagreed with her sister's idea .

Mr Miguel and Ms Meriya didn't have anything to say to what Nina was saying , simply went to their bedroom to continue talking from there , didn't even think that Nina's idea was worthy paying attention to , to them , she's just a young girl with many dreams , Fiona suggested to her that in order for her plan to work , she should at least bring the clothes of people from the neighborhood at house , the clothes weren't as heavy as a washing machine , maybe she could earn the money she's talking about that way .

Nina did exactly that , later in the day she went around in the neighborhood , telling everyone about her new business , she called it 'Nina laundry services' , all what her customers had to do was to give her their clothes , she takes them to her house , washes them in her new washing machine , iron them as a bonus for trusting her with their clothes and later in the day or the next day , she brings them back to their respective owners , all they had to do was to pay her when she brings the clothes , a payment which was enough to fit the detergent she used and for the movements to and fro their houses to hers .

Some people didn't like the idea of leaving their clothes with her , they ignored her , however others did and from a few who found doing laundry themselves a problem , she started doing her new business .

On that very day before anyone could leave the house , Adriana arrived , she wanted the Bustamantes to keep an eye on her daughter , she was to visit Manuel in prison , never wanted the baby to step in such a place and she couldn't leave her alone inside the house , the only option was to leave her with the Bustamantes , Fiona asked her if she could come along before going to the call center , Adriana told her only one visitor was allowed per prisoner so she had wait for the next time , Fiona had no problem with that , agreed to visit when she gets a chance but asked her to say hello for her to Manuel.

At La Modelo , outside lining up to get inside , a girl just before Adriana tapped her , and when she turned around , she realized she was one of the girls she was with at the youth center at St Mary's Orphanage , Adriana was excited to see her again , asked her how she was doing , the brunette girl with fat cheeks told her that she was doing fine and better now that she got out of St Mary's Orphanage , she joined a beauty Salon and it's now where she was working from .

"So whom are you meeting here ?" Adriana continued getting to know more about her long lost friend. "Am not meeting anyone in particular , am here with a friend who is visiting a relative ,so how about you ?" She asked .

"I'm here to visit a father of my child ."

"Oh you're already a mother now , that's cute ."

"I know , but you should know that life is short , you should have a child too someday ."

"Well that's something I'd love but as you know , money first , that child must have a better future, it makes no sense in raising a child in poverty ."

"All right it's my turn." Adriana became uncomfortable when she started talking about poverty . " I will talk to you later when I get back ." She left her outside and went inside for a check up before seeing the prisoner .

The girl she left outside , immediately got her cellphone from her handbag and called Marcus and Patrick , asked the two whether they were still interested in finding 'Alias Tabna' , Marcus who answered the phone asked her where exactly she was , the girl told him she'd met someone , the only Alias Tabna's rival , who was to lead them to her .

"I've just seen her around here," the girl continued . " Am sure she's visiting Manuel , I only noticed her when I saw her with father Rivas in the line getting inside prison , am sure the two are together , so now that I have given this information , please send me my share as soon as possible ."

Marcus told her to follow Adriana when she gets out of the prison , and find out where exactly she lives , she was the only last hope to where Tabna lived .

The two had given this girl their mobile number when she was still at the youth center on the day they came looking for Fiona , she'd promised to help if she found out anything about her .

Inside La Modelo , Manuel was informed that he had a visitor, asked who but the guard didn't tell him who it was and only to find that it was the mother of his daughter and father Rivas , both sat down to talk to him

"How are you doing Manuel? , are you coping up here ?" Adriana went and gave him a hug .

"I'm fine Adriana , you don't have to worry about me , am doing my best to get used to this place but how is my daughter ?" He got her two hands off from his shoulder , showed her the seat , a sign for her not to raise her hopes .

"I will do anything to get you out of here Manuel , you don't have to worry , it's all going to be find ." Father Rivas who helped Adriana to find her way inside the prison gave some hope to Manuel .

" I know father ."

"However , you should do something in here to destruct you , you're a good baker , you can bake cakes , am sure fellow inmates can like them , they can be your friends probably this can take you further and am not talking like this because I think you're to stay here for a long time , i just don't want you to feel bored and you as know , an idle mind is a devil's workshop ."

"I understand father , I promise to find something to keep busy and thank you for paying a visit , i wonder how Fiona is ?"

"I'm sure she's also doing her best to get you out of here though I don't know where exactly she lives now , it's been a while since I last saw Fiona, " the priest calmly replied, Tatiana never took time to show him where Fiona lived except for the two communicating through a phone.

"Fiona is fine." Adriana couldn't stand them talking about her before her . "She doing well if you wanted to know and besides I left the girl with her , so are you happy now ." She slightly raised her voice and father Rivas got a little disturbed .

Later the priest and Adriana had to leave , outside father Rivas asked her about her tone when they talked about Fiona with Manuel , Adriana apologized , the priest told her that he would take his way back to the youth center after all he was done with helping her visit Manuel , also asked her to change her attitude next towards Manuel whenever he mentions Fiona 's name , advised her it would affect her relationship with Manuel and if Manuel was only having his eyes on Fiona , she'd to let it go , Adriana agreed to think about her behavior and waved goodbye to him.

Right from the moment she got out of prison with the priest , the girl who she was with at St Mary's was hiding herself behind a utility pole, when she she saw she was alone walking back to her home , she followed her without her noticing and later saw her entering an apartment in Uzme .

She got her phone from her hand bag , smiled and text Marcus and Patrick the address where Adriana lives .

"Adriana , Adriana , you have no idea what's coming for you," she said to herself .
